加州大学旧金山分校生理系Dr. Wendy Yue实验室诚招博士后

文摘   2024-08-21 10:24   美国  




美国加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco, UCSF)是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山的公立研究型大学。它隶属加州大学系统,是世界知名的医学及生命科学中心。UCSF拥有自由的跨学科合作环境、一流的导资团队及丰富的技术资源和核心设施,并向博士后提供专门的培训计划和奖学金机会,确保博士后能获得专业的学术指导和广阔的就业机会。同时,UCSF提供住房支持政策,社区环境友好,适合家庭居住。我校国际化的博士后社区中有超过60%的海外成员,且多数人在结束博士后经历后顺利任职于全球顶尖的学术机构和生物科技公司。此外,UCSF还与旧金山湾区的其他顶尖学府如加州大学伯克利分校 (UC Berkeley) 和斯坦福大学 (Stanford U) 保持密切合作。


The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is a cornerstone of medical and biological research, renowned for its commitment to health sciences. At UCSF, postdoctoral researchers access state-of-the-art facilities, receive mentorship from world-class scholars, and thrive in a collaborative environment intertwined with the vibrant biomedical community of the San Francisco Bay Area, including UC Berkeley and Stanford University. This setting not only fosters innovative research but also offers extensive professional development opportunities in academia and industry. With approximately 60% of its postdoc population being international, UCSF is dedicated to supporting its diverse community by providing substantial assistance with housing and visa services. Living in San Francisco, postdocs enjoy a culturally diverse, family-friendly city with a robust tech scene and stunning natural beauty, ensuring a rich and balanced life beyond work.



Dr. Wendy Yue实验室隶属于加州大学旧金山分校生理学系,兼属神经科学研究生项目。 我们的研究重点在于探索神经组织与体液(包括血液和脑脊液)之间的信号传递及交互作用,特别关注脑室附近的区域。这些区域不受典型的血脑屏障所限制,是关键的调节点,对揭示与血液或脑脊液失调相关的神经系统疾病的潜在机制至关重要。 我们将研究该区域内的细胞是如何检测、传递和调节包括荷尔蒙和代谢物在内的信号。 


The Lab of Dr. Wendy Yue is seeking postdoctoral fellows to join the newly established team at the University of California, San Francisco. Affiliated with the Department of Physiology and the Neuroscience Graduate Program, our research investigates the complex interactions between neural tissues and bodily fluids. We focus on regions surrounding the brain's ventricles, where the unique absence of a typical blood-brain barrier facilitates direct chemical exchanges between the brain, bloodstream, and cerebrospinal fluid. Our objective is to understand how cells at these critical interfaces regulate signals like hormones and metabolites and to uncover their contribution to neurological disorders.

Our research goals include:
1. Developing precise genetic and viral tools to target specific cell types in the areas around the brain's ventricles and central canal.
2. Deciphering cellular and molecular pathways using advanced techniques in transcriptomics, electrophysiology, imaging, and pharmacology to understand their roles in physiology, pathology, and response to injury.



Dr. Wendy Yue本科毕业于香港大学生物化学专业,博士期间于约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)游景威(King-Wai Yau)实验室研究视觉的光信号转导,深入分析了此过程中信号的放大和自发活性的控制如何实现高灵敏度和低噪声的视觉感知。其后,Dr. Wendy Yue在UCSF David Julius实验室从事博士后研究,继续探索感知过程中的信号传导机制及其与疾病的关联。期间她揭示了TRPV1离子通道在体温调节中的作用机制,为TRPV1的靶向药物开发提供了策略性指导,并发现了脊髓中的阿片肽信号通路调控脊髓损伤后的疤痕形成,为脊髓损伤后的功能恢复开辟了新的治疗途径。Dr. Wendy Yue曾获得霍华德·休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)的Hanna Gray Fellowship及裘槎基金会的博士后研究奖学金,先后在Nature,PNAS, eLife等杂志发表了第一作者文章。

Dr. Wendy Yue completed her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong and pursued her PhD at Johns Hopkins University under Dr. King-Wai Yau, focusing on the biophysics of phototransduction, the initial step in vision. There, she explored how retinal photoreceptors regulate signal amplification and spontaneous activity to achieve high sensitivity and low biological noise. After her PhD, Dr. Yue joined Dr. David Julius’s lab at UCSF to further investigate sensory signaling and its disease implications. She elucidated how drugs targeting the TRPV1 ion channel, involved in various pain conditions, affect body temperature, which aids in developing analgesics without thermoregulatory side effects. Additionally, she discovered an opioid signaling pathway that regulates scar formation after spinal cord injuries, providing a basis for new therapeutic strategies. Dr. Yue has received several prestigious awards, including the Hanna H. Gray Fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Croucher Foundation, recognizing both her research and community involvement.

Lab Homepage: http://yue-lab.com



Dr. Wendy Yue实验室作为新成立的团队,目前重点关注临近脑室的脑区,以脑片电生理和成像技术为核心,研究相关的分子和细胞机制。我们欢迎具有相关技术背景且对此研究领域抱有浓厚兴趣的博士加入我们的团队。本招聘长期有效。


1) 满足UCSF博士后招聘的基本条件。
2) 持有生理学、神经科学、细胞生物学、分子生物学或生物化学等相关专业的博士学位。
3) 在攻读博士期间,取得国际认可的科研成果,至少有一篇作为第一作者的已发表或正在投稿的相关领域研究论文。
4) 具有创新科研的热情、对未知领域的好奇心及勇于探索的精神。
5) 熟悉脑片电生理技术、电压探针、钙成像技术或小鼠疾病模型者优先。

1) 依据UCSF博士后待遇,起薪66,000美元/年,高于NIH标准,并提供医疗保险。
2) 学校配备完善的实验场地和先进的科研平台及设备,由专业人员管理并提供技术支持。
3) 提供参与学术会议交流的机会。
4) 积极协助申请各类博士后研究基金,个人职业发展和技能培养,根据发展规划推荐相应的工作机会。
5) 可按学校规定租住学校博士后公寓。
6) 设有国际学生学者办公室,协助申办签证。


We invite applications from candidates who are passionate about neuroscience and have a background in relevant techniques.

Position Requirements
1. Fulfill the basic postdoctoral recruitment criteria set by UCSF.
2. Possess a PhD in Physiology, Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, or a related field.
3. Have notable scientific achievements during your PhD, evidenced by at least one first-author publication.
4. Demonstrate a genuine passion and dedication to research, coupled with a readiness to tackle challenges.
5. Priority will be given to candidates with experience in brain slice electrophysiology, voltage or calcium imaging, or mouse disease models.

Salary and Benefits
1. A competitive starting salary of $66,000/year, which exceeds NIH standards, plus comprehensive health insurance.
2. Access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and research platforms, managed and supported by professional staff.
3. Opportunities to attend academic conferences, present your work and interact with the larger scientific community.
4. Receive strong support in career development, including mentorship in applying for postdoctoral research fellowships and grants, along with guidance on various career opportunities.
5. Eligibility for university-subsidized postdoctoral housing and visa application assistance through UCSF’s Office for International Students and Scholars.



有意者请提交以下材料到WingSzeWendy.Yue@ucsf.edu,标题请注明“博士后申请 + 您的姓名”:
1) 英文简历:请在简历中提供至少三位推荐人的联系方式,以便获得推荐人的意见。
2) 概述(不超过2页):能够反映个人科研潜力及素养,包括未来研究兴趣。


Please submit your application to WingSzeWendy.Yue@ucsf.edu and include:
1. A CV in English, including the contact information of at least three referees.
2. A brief summary (no more than two pages) of your research achievements and future interests.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Selected candidates will be contacted within a month for interviews.



UCSF Department of Physiology:https://physiology.ucsf.edu/
UCSF Neuroscience Graduate Program:https://neurograd.ucsf.edu/





