CNS 2024 | 专题研讨会:时钟、节奏和睡眠

文摘   2024-09-12 09:00   上海  





The 17th Annual Meeting of Chinese Neuroscience Society (

Clocks, Rhythms and Sleep

Discoveries in the Identification and Regulation of Neural Circuits Governing Sleep-Wake State Initiation and Maintenance

Organizer: Zhe Zhang, Wei-Min Qu

Introduction: Sleep, a fundamental aspect of human existence, continues to captivate researchers as its underlying mechanisms remain enigmatic. However, recent advancements in techniques such as optogenetics and chemogenetics have provided a breakthrough in understanding the neural circuits involved in sleep and wakefulness. By selectively activating or inhibiting specific neural circuits in animal models, researchers have gained valuable insights into the causal relationship between these circuits and states of wakefulness or sleep. Current investigations are focused on unraveling the distinct populations of neurons within sleep-wake regulatory regions and deciphering their intricate connectivity patterns. This symposium aims to present recent discoveries pertaining to newly identified nuclei responsible for initiating or sustaining arousal or sleep. Additionally, researchers aim to elucidate the projections of these neurons to other brain regions, shedding light on the complex circuitry involved in governing sleep-wake regulation. These recent advancements in understanding the neural circuits for the initiation and maintenance of sleep and wake states have opened up new avenues for research. By gaining a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between different brain regions and neurotransmitter systems involved in sleep/wake regulation, we can potentially develop novel therapeutic approaches for sleep disorders and improve overall sleep quality.


Zhili Huang

Fudan University

现任复旦大学特聘教授、博士生导师,药理学系主任,上海医学院医学人事人才办主任。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学,二等奖)。现任中国睡眠研究会理事长、中国药理学会麻醉药理学专委会后任主委、日本睡眠学会外国人评议员等。兼任《中国临床药理学与治疗学》主编,《Frontier in Neurosci》《Sleep and Breathing》和《Sleep Biol Rhythms》三个SCI杂志,《Sleep中文版》副主编,《Acta Pharmacologica Sinica》和《药学学报》等10多个中英文杂志常务编委或编委。主持中国脑计划“脑科学与类脑研究” 重大项目“睡眠觉醒调控的神经环路及分子机制”(首席科学家)、国家自然科学基金重点项目。

Ada Eban-Rothschild

University of Michigan

The goal of our lab is to uncover the neuronal circuitry of sleep-wake states and sleep-preparatory behaviors, and to delineate the mechanisms involved in pathological alterations in these circuits. To accomplish these, we combine innovative techniques to record and manipulate neuronal circuits in rodents, including in-vivo calcium imaging using a head-mounted miniature microscope, fiber-photometry, optogenetics, chemogenetics, and circuit tracing with ethologically-relevant behavioral manipulations.

Michael Lazarus

International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS) and Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba,Japan

The investigative focus of our laboratory is the cellular and synaptic basis by which the brain regulates sleep and wakeful consciousness. Our experiments seek to link the activity of defined sets of neurons with neurobehavioral and electroencephalographic outcomes in behaving animals by using innovative genetically or chemically engineered systems (optogenetics, chemogenetics or optopharmacology) in conjunction with recording of the electrical activity produced by the brain or in-vivo imaging (­fiber-optic endomicroscopy). For example, we investigate the control of sleep and wakefulness by the mesolimbic pathway comprising the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. As the mesolimbic pathway is implicated in motivational and cognitive behaviors, changes in vigilant states are likely associated with the motivational and cognitive responses in animals. Moreover, we are interested in the link between sleep loss and the desire to consume unhealthy foods, i.e. junk foods. We recently found that the loss of REM sleep leads to increased consumption of sucrose and fat and that inhibiting neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex reverses the effect of REM sleep loss on sucrose consumption.

Yanqin Yu

Zhejiang University

教授,博士生导师。中国睡眠研究会睡眠生理与药理专业委员会委员。目前的主要研究方向:1. 睡眠觉醒的调控与功能;2.攻击行为及愤怒情绪的神经环路基础;3. 星形胶质细胞在重要脑功能调控中的作用与机制。主要研究成果发表在Cell子刊——Current Biology、Cerebral Cortex、Journal of Neuroscience、Journal of Physiology-London、Neuroscience Bulletin 等国际重要期刊,合作研究成果发表于Cerebral Cortex、Journal of Nuclear Medicine、Neuroscience等国际著名期刊。

Danqian Liu

Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, CAS

刘丹倩,2020年起担任中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究员、博士生导师。主要研究睡眠和梦境的功能。近年来发表以通讯作者在Nature Neuroscience、Trends in Neurosciences,以第一作者在Science, Nature Neuroscience, Annual Review of Neuroscience发表多篇高水平研究论文与综述。


Circadian clock, Suprachiasmatic nucleus, Sleep

Organizer: Ying Xu, Erquan Zhang

Introduction: II. Symposium Summary*: 200 words max- Circadian rhythms in mammalian behavior, including sleep and wakefulness, are primarily controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN receives photic information and orchestrates the timing and duration of sleep in response to daily light-dark cycles and photoperiods. By bringing together experts in the field, this symposium aims to shed light on the missing links in the circadian clock-behavioral circuit and promote a deeper understanding of the SCN timekeeping system and sleep. This knowledge may pave the way for innovative approaches to address the timing principle of the circadian pacemaker and its regulation on sleep. This symposium will serve as a platform for collaborative discussions, providing a unique opportunity to bridge gaps in our understanding of the complex interplay between the circadian clock and sleep behavior. We anticipate that the insights shared will significantly contribute to the development of novel strategies to address circadian-related health challenges.


Heping Cheng

Peking University

程和平 教授, Ph.D.,钙信号与线粒体生物医学研究室主任,北大清华生命科学联合中心研究员 中国科学院院士,基金委“细胞钙信号研究”创新群体学术带头人,“多模态跨尺度生物医学成像设施”(“十三五”国家重大科技基础设施)首席科学家。迄今发表论文180余篇,其中10多篇刊于Science、Nature和Cell。

Fang Guo

School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine, Zhejiang University

Neuron发表题为“Recurrent Circadian Circuitry Regulates Central Brain Activity to Maintain Sleep", 2022等

Erquan Zhang

National Institute of Biological Science, Beijing

北京生命科学研究所高级研究员。过去多年中我们一直在探索各种哺乳动物的昼夜节律机制和功能。在已取得的一些重要发现的基础上,我们实验室在NIBS的新阶段可以更加专注于以下三个特定的科学目标。Selected Publications : 1. Sang, D.†, Lin, K.†, Yang, Y.†, Ran, G., Li, B., Chen, C., Li, Q., Ma, Y., Lu, L., Cui, X.-Y., Liu, Z., Lv, S.-Q., Luo, M., Liu, Q., Li, Y., and Zhang, E.E.* Prolonged sleep deprivation induces a cytokine storm-like syndrome in mammals. (2023) Cell 186: 5500-5516 {Highlighted by Nature Reviews Immunology: “Sleep deprivation whips up cytokine storm”} 2. Yu, Z. and Zhang, E.E.* Disrupted circadian rhythms in the plateau pika. (2023) Trends in Neurosciences 46: 1005-1007 3. Jiang, W.†*, Jin, L.†, Ju, D.†, Lu, Z.†, Wang, C., Guo, X., Zhao, H., Shen, S., Cheng, Z., Shen, J., Zong, G., Chen, J., Li, K., Yang, L., Zhang, Z., Feng, Y., Shen, J.Z., Zhang, E.E.*, and Wan, R.* The pancreatic clock is a key determinant of pancreatic fibrosis progression and exocrine dysfunction. (2022) Science Translational Medicine 14: eabn3586 {Highlighted by Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology: “Stopped clock promotes fibrosis in chronic pancreatitis”} 4. Liu, N.†, Tian, H.†, Yu, Z.†, Zhao, H.†, Li, W.†, Sang, D., Lin, K., Cui, Y., Liao, M., Xu, Z., Chen, C., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, H-w, Wang, J., Zhang, H., Wu, W., Huang, H., Lv, S., Guo, Z., Wang, W., Zheng, S., Wang, F., Zhang, Y.*, Cai, T.*, and Zhang, E.E.* A highland-adaptation mutation of the Epas1 protein increases its stability and disrupts the circadian clock in the plateau pika. (2022) Cell Reports 39: 110816

Jun Yan

Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, CAS


Lixia Chen

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Chang Liu

Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS

刘畅,博士,中科院深圳先进技术研究院研究员,隶属于脑认知与脑疾病研究所脑图谱研究中心。2003年于河北师范大学获得学士学位。2009年-2012年获中欧联合培养博士项目资助在德国马普神经生物学研究所开展博士研究,师从马原野研究员和Hiromu Tanimoto教授,2012年于中国科学院昆明动物研究所获得博士学位。2012-2018年在美国布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University)从事博士后研究,导师为Leslie C. Griffith教授。刘畅博士主要从事调控睡眠以及学习记忆的分子和神经回路机制的研究。已在Nature、eNeuro、Journal of Neurophysiology、Journal of Psychiatric Research等期刊发表多项研究成果。


Sleep-Wake Circuits and Memory

Organizer:Min Xu, Zhian Hu

Introduction: Sleep is a fundamental and complex physiological process that influences various aspects of our daily lives. Recent research has unveiled the pivotal role of sleep in the consolidation of memory, which encompasses the stabilization and integration of newly acquired information into long-term memory storage. This symposium will highlight the latest progress and understanding of the role of sleep-wake regulating circuits in memory formation. Exploring the mechanisms governing the interplay between sleep-wake circuits and memory also holds significant practical implications. Disturbances in sleep, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, or disruptions in sleep patterns, have been linked to impairments in memory and a decline in cognitive abilities. Scientists and clinicians can develop targeted interventions and therapeutic strategies to improve memory performance and mitigate memory-related disorders by understanding the neural mechanisms involved in sleep-dependent memory processes.


Wenbiao Gan

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Dr. Gan's research focuses on understanding how the brain can integrate new information continuously while stably maintaining previously stored memories. By imaging changes of postsynaptic dendritic spines in living mouse cerebral cortex, we have found that most dendritic spines in diverse cortex regions could persist throughout adulthood and serve as a structural basis for long-term information storage. Over the years, we have investigated how motor learning, fear learning and extinction, stress hormone glucocorticoids, microglia, and sleep affect synaptic plasticity and maintenance in the living mouse cortex.

Thomas McHugh

RIKEN Center for Brain Science

The hippocampus is one of the most well characterized and intensely studied regions of the mammalian brain and an ideal model system to test hypotheses linking memory and neural information representation. My laboratory combines in vivo hippocampal electrophysiology and cutting-edge conditional genetics to address research questions at a high level of precision. Our ability to manipulate plasticity, synaptic transmission or neuronal excitability in a subregion or pathway specific manner and to characterize the consequences of those manipulations on the behavioral and physiological level allows us to study the dynamic routing and use of spatial information in the br

Chao He

The Third Military Medical University

Our lab is interested in dissecting neural circuits underlying wakefulness-sleep behavior and exploring how these neural circuits regulate memory formation. We identified that the paraventricular thalamus is the key brain area for the maintenance of wakefulness, and systematically explored the mechanisms of hypothalamic wakefulness-promoting systems regulating spatial memory. Recently, we discovered that the nucleus reuniens triggers the isolated theta waves in the medial entorhinal cortex during non-rapid eye movement sleep, thereby coordinating reactivation of the memory-related neural ensembles and contributing to memory consolidation. We have published papers in SCI journals such as Science (2018), Neuron (2023), Advanced Science (2023), Cerebral Cortex (2016, 2018), etc.

Yue Leng

University of California, San Francisco

Yue Leng, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry. She received her PhD and MPhil in epidemiology from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of sleep, particularly the relationship between sleep, cognition and other health outcomes.

Min Xu

Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, CAS


Thomas McHugh

RIKEN Center for Brain Science

The hippocampus is one of the most well characterized and intensely studied regions of the mammalian brain and an ideal model system to test hypotheses linking memory and neural information representation. My laboratory combines in vivo hippocampal electrophysiology and cutting-edge conditional genetics to address research questions at a high level of precision. Our ability to manipulate plasticity, synaptic transmission or neuronal excitability in a subregion or pathway specific manner and to characterize the consequences of those manipulations on the behavioral and physiological level allows us to study the dynamic routing and use of spatial information in the brain.




