CNS 2024 | 专题研讨会:神经回路和动物行为

文摘   2024-09-05 00:05   北京  





The 17th Annual Meeting of Chinese Neuroscience Society (

Neural Circuits and Animal Behaviors

Central Motor Control and Perception of Space and Motion

Organizer:  Jing-Ning Zhu, Ying Shen

Introduction: The central motor system is not only organized hierarchically, but also controls all behavioral stages, precisely from action selection and motor initiation to motor execution. On the other hand, each central motor structure receives a wide range of multimodal sensory inputs, such as visual, equilibratory, and proprioceptive sensations, to generate an accurate perception of space and motion for sensory-motor integration and behavior execution. All the organizers and speakers of this symposium are outstanding young and middle-aged PIs in the field of the central motor system at home and abroad, and will introduce and discuss their latest research progress in motor control, motor diseases, and spatial and motor perception in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, as well as the loops bridging these structures.




李新建博士于2010年于中国科学院神经所获得博士学位,随后分别在香港理工大学、美国约翰霍普金斯大学和美国国立健康研究所进行研究工作。他丰富的研究经历使他利用果蝇、小鼠、大鼠、狨猴及猕猴在学习记忆、运动控制、神经痛机精神分裂症等多方向进行科学研究。2019年初,李新建博士作为独立的研究员加入浙江大学。其实验室以小型小鼠和非人灵长类动物狨猴为模式动物,通过对皮层神经元单细胞水平钙成像的活动来研究运动控制、空间导航、语言产生、及运动及精神类疾病的神经机制。近些年,李新建博士在Nature, Cell, Advanced Science,National Science Review, Cerebral Cortex, Nature communications, elife, Advance Materials, Molecule Psychiatric, Sleep, Journal of Neuroscience等神经科学领域核心期刊发表文章二十多篇,主持面上基金2项,作为课题负责人参与国家重点专项及科技创新 2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目。



华东师范大学研究员、灵长类中心主任。2000年毕业于南京大学生物科学与技术系,获理学学士学位。2005年毕业于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院上海生理研究所,获理学博士学位(神经生物学方向)。从2005起一直在华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)医学院做博士后研究,直到2012年8月加入华东师范大学脑功能基因组学教育部(上海市)重点实验室任研究员。长期从事非人灵长类自身运动认知过程视觉-前庭整合的神经机制研究,在皮层多个区域发现同时对视觉和前庭刺激具有方向调谐的细胞,在单个皮层神经元水平上存在视觉和前庭信息整合的现象,并与多感觉朝向感知和跨模态再校准高度相关,并通过可逆药物失活的方法,对视觉-前庭多感觉整合脑区的功能进行了区分。迄今为止,在eLife、JN等杂志上共发表SCI论文36篇,其中以第一(11篇)/通讯作者(14篇)发表的SCI论文25篇,11篇(参与作者)等,出版专著2部,并作为主要参与人员获得上海市科学技术三等奖。近5 年作为项目负责人承担了科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,以及多项国自然面上项目、中以国际合作项目和上海市科委基础研究项目,并作为骨干成员参与多项上海市重点项目。



中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究员。2002年于中国科学院生物物理研究所获理学博士学位,2002-2011年,在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院从事博士后研究工作。2011年起任中国科学院神经科学研究所研究员,空间感知研究组组长。顾勇博士长期利用非人灵长类实验动物研究前庭觉在空间感知中的作用,及其与视觉发生整合,优化感知、决策、和运动控制的神经机制,一系列研究成果发表在Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, National Science Review, Nature Communications, Elife, Cell Reports, Journal of Neuroscience等专业期刊上。



 2016年博士毕业于中国科学院上海神经所,获得神经生物学专业博士学位。2017年开始在美国冷泉港实验室Bo Li实验室从事博士后研究;2021年12月,入职中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心,担任研究员和博士生导师,开展动作控制的神经环路的研究工作。博士后期间,肖雄博士分别以第一作者和共同第一作者身份在Cell(2020)和Cell(2021)期刊发表论文,以参与者身份在Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron等期刊发表论文。肖雄博士目前受到国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(海外)、上海脑中心求索杰出青年计划、临港实验室开放课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等资助。

Zhenyu Gao 

Erasmus Medical Center

Dr. Zhenyu Gao is currently serving as an Associate Professor at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is currently leading the research group Cortico-Cerebellar Communication. The recent work of his team focuses on dissecting the functional circuitry that supports sensorimotor behaviors, notably in understanding how different brain circuits are coordinated during various motor and cognitive functions. Recent work from his research group combines anatomical, physiological, behavioral, and computational methods to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the cortico-cerebellar computation. His research team is supported by several prestigious national and European grants. Prior to his current position, he earned his BSc in Biotechnology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, MSc in Neuroscience at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and his PhD in Neuroscience at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.



朱景宁,南京大学生命科学学院教授、副院长,医药生物技术全国重点实验室固定PI。主要研究方向为运动控制及运动疾病和情绪障碍的神经机制与防治策略。主持科技创新2030“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、NSFC/RGC联合资助项目、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划和江苏省杰出青年基金等。发表SCI论文50余篇,见于Neuron、Journal of Clinical Investigation、PNAS、Molecular Psychiatry、Science Advances、Current Biology和Journal of Neuroscience等一流学术期刊。兼任国际小脑与共济失调研究学会(SRCA)国际理事,中国神经科学学会常务理事,中国生理学会常务理事,江苏省生理科学学会理事长,江苏省神经科学学会和江苏省动物学会常务理事,全国科学技术名词审定委员会第二届生理学名词审定委员会委员,《Cerebellum》副主编、《Journal of Physiology》评审编委、《Neuroscience Bulletin》编委、《Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Integrative》编委和《生理学报》常务编委。


How Lifestyle Factors Modulate Hippocampal Dynamics and Function

Organizer:  Juan Song, Ya-Dong Li

Introduction: Lifestyle factors significantly influence hippocampal dynamics, shaping the structure and function of this crucial brain region responsible for learning and memory. Adequate sleep plays a pivotal role, as it is during sleep that the hippocampus consolidates and integrates newly acquired information. While, disruptions to the circadian rhythm can negatively impact hippocampal function, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle. Dietary choices and exercise contribute to optimal hippocampal health and support neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, fostering a conducive environment for learning and memory. Novelty and environmental enrichment also play a vital role. Exposure to new experiences and cognitive stimulation enhances synaptic connectivity and neuroplasticity in the hippocampus, contributing to improved learning and memory abilities. Conversely, chronic stress can have detrimental effects, inducing structural changes in the hippocampus and impairing cognitive function. In summary, a holistic approach to lifestyle factors, encompassing adequate sleep, circadian rhythm regulation, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and exposure to novel and enriched environments, collectively modulates hippocampal dynamics, promoting cognitive resilience and optimal brain function.


Shaoyu Ge

Stony Brook University,United States

In the first part of my presentation, I will discuss our recent laboratory findings on how environmental exploration impacts hippocampal microvascular blood flow and astrocytic glucose uptake/metabolism dynamics. Environmental exploration can significantly promote the survival of hippocampal newborn neurons in adults, healthy aging, and degenerating brains. In the second part, I will present updated data to demonstrate that both flow and astrocytic glucose dynamics are essential for exploration-induced survival of newborn neurons

Juan Song

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,United States

Our primary research interest is to identify the mechanisms that regulate neural circuit organization and function at distinct stages of adult neurogenesis, and to understand how circuit-level information-processing properties are remodeled by the integration of new neurons into existing circuits and how disregulation of this process may contribute to various neurological and mental disorders. Our long-range goals are to translate general principles governing neural network function into directions relevant for understanding neurological and psychiatric diseases. We are addressing these questions using a combination of cutting-edge technologies and approaches, including optogenetics, high-resolution microscopy, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, genetic lineage tracing and molecular biology.,Our primary research interest is to identify the mechanisms that regulate neural circuit organization and function at distinct stages of adult neurogenesis, and to understand how circuit-level information-processing properties are remodeled by the integration of new neurons into existing circuits and how disregulation of this process may contribute to various neurological and mental disorders. Our long-range goals are to translate general principles governing neural network function into directions relevant for understanding neurological and psychiatric diseases. We are addressing these questions using a combination of cutting-edge technologies and approaches, including optogenetics, high-resolution microscopy, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, genetic lineage tracing and molecular biology.

Weixiang Guo

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS

Adult neurogenesis is a multistage process that newborn neurons are generated through the activation and proliferation of neural stem cells (NSCs) and integrated into existing neural networks. Impaired adult neurogenesis has been observed in various neurological and psychiatric disorders, suggesting its critical role in cognitive function, brain homeostasis, and neural repair. Over the past decades, mounting evidence has identified a strong association between metabolic status and adult neurogenesis. Recently, we have demonstrated the important role of amino acid metabolism (such as lysine and arginine) in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. These studies highlight that systematic elucidation of how amino acid metabolism regulates adult neurogenesis has profound implications not only for understanding the biological underpinnings of brain development but also for providing potential therapeutic strategies to intervene in inborn errors of metabolism. (EMBO J, Cell Rep, J neuro, JCB)

Satoshi Kida

The University of Tokyo

 Professor, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, The University of Tokyo. Our research projects: 1)Mechanisms underlying the regulation of learning and memory, especially after memory retrieval. 2)Mechanisms of brain disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and Alzheimer's disease and the development of methods to treat these disorders. Relationship of brain function with nutrition/food. 3)Mechanisms underlying regulation of feeding behavior through molecular and cellular cognition.

Masanori Sakaguchi

Univ. Tsukuba WPI-IIIS

Our lab is at the University of Tsukuba's International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine. Since 2018, our mission has focused on two key areas: understanding memory consolidation during sleep and exploring fear memory relearning through sound. Using advanced techniques like neuronal imaging and behavioral analysis, we delve into the intricacies of memory consolidation. By studying adult-born neurons and their activity during sleep, we uncover groundbreaking insights. Our research holds promise for preventing and treating diseases by advancing our understanding of sleep-related memory processes. Additionally, we investigate the fascinating phenomenon of fear memory relearning, specifically induced by sound. Join us on this captivating journey as we unravel the secrets of memory consolidation, adult-born neurons, and the impact of sound. Together, we can make transformative strides in mental health.

Ya-Dong Li

Songjiang Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, school of medicine

As many as 80% of patients with chronic pain are suffering from insomnia, which impairs memory. Here we first report a cortical node in regulating chronic pain-induced insomnia. Then, we find an indirect cortical-hippocampus pathway in regulating memory deficits under chronic pain-induced insomnia. These findings give new evidence that sleep disorder under pathological conditions impairs memory.

Yadong's recent publications include Nat Neuro (2022), and Cell Stem Cell (2023).


Intersecting Frontiers: Neuroscience and Complex Systems in Brain-Wide Analysis

Organizer:  Yu Mu, Misha Benjamin Ahrens

Introduction: The brain's remarkable computational abilities and adaptability originate from its basic units—neurons—and their intricate yet organized connections. This complexity, while granting the brain its capabilities, also presents significant challenges in understanding its workings. The aim of Complex Systems Science mirrors such neuroscience inquiries, focusing on how system components collectively drive behavior and interact with their surroundings. Fundamental concepts and methods actively developed in Complex System Science, like non-linearity, feedback loops, and self-organization are just beginning to intersect with neuroscience. Advancements in experimental techniques, particularly in system-level data acquisition including brain-wide single-cell activity recording and projectome/connectome mapping, are bridging neuroscience and Complex Systems Science, offering unprecedented opportunities for synergy and mutual enrichment. This symposium aims to showcase and discuss advancements in 'brain-wide structure & function – complex system science analysis,' fostering dialogue and collaboration among experts from various fields.


Misha Benjamin Ahrens

Janelia Research Campus, HHMI

Manuel Zimmer is an Adjunct Investigator at the IMP and Professor at the University of Vienna. He is one of the leading scientists who studies how the entire neural network dynamics in the brain represent sensory information and perform computations to generate decisions and subsequent behaviours.

Yu Mu

Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, CAS

Yu MU is a Principal Investigator at the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012 and subsequently joined the Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for postdoctoral research. His research team uses zebrafish as a vertebrate model organism to create a research system that performs whole-brain functional imaging with light sheet microscopy, combined with virtual reality and complex system analysis methods, to study sensory-motor information processing and its regulation, revealing the circuit mechanisms by which the brain generates flexible and robust computations at the whole-brain scale. He has published 30 papers in journals including Cell, Neuron, eLife, and Nature Methods, and has received awards such as the First Prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award and the Chinese Academy of Sciences President's Award. He has been supported by projects such as the Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas), the Chinese Academy of Sciences' "Hundred Talents Program", Shanghai's Talent Recruitment Program (Youth), and Shanghai's "Pujiang Talent" program.

Peng Ji

Fudan University

Ji Peng is a PI at the Institute of Brain-Inspired Intelligence Science and Technology, Fudan University, and a specially appointed professor at universities in Shanghai. He is dedicated to interdisciplinary research driven by complex systems, bridging brain structure-function data and models. He participates in the "Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Research" major project as part of the Science and Technology Innovation 2030, and leads several national and Shanghai municipal projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. His long-term research focuses on the non-linear dynamics of complex networks, investigating the conditions for the emergence of macroscopic phenomena, the corresponding intrinsic coupling relationships, adaptability, and other influential factors, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. He has achieved a series of research results, publishing over thirty papers as first or corresponding author in journals such as Nature Physics, Physics Reports, and Physical Review Letters. He is currently a member of the 6th Shanghai Society for Nonlinear Science and a committee member of the Complex Network and Complex System of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Manuel Zimmer

University of Vienna,Austria

 Manuel Zimmer is an Adjunct Investigator at the IMP and Professor at the University of Vienna. He is one of the leading scientists who studies how the entire neural network dynamics in the brain represent sensory information and perform computations to generate decisions and subsequent behaviours.

Quan Wen

University of Science and Technology of China

Wen Quan is currently a professor at the School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China. He graduated from the Department of Physics at Fudan University in 2001, earning a Bachelor of Science degree. From 2001 to 2007, he studied at the Department of Physics at Stony Brook University and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, where he received his Ph.D. in Physics. In 2008, he was at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Janelia Research Campus (HHMI), and from 2009 to 2014, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Department of Physics and the Center for Brain Science at Harvard University.

Yufan Wang

Institute of Neuroscience, CAS

Yufan Wang, postdoctor in center for exellence in brain science and intelligence technology. My studies use zebrafish as an animal model and focus on the brain-wide structural network and functional networks during behavior, including learning and memory, anesthesia etc.


Molecular and Circuit Mechanism for Social Behavior and Its Dysfunction

Organizer:  Haitao Wu, Han Xu

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has cruelly reminded us that social interactions are an indispensable part of our lives and that social isolation has really deleterious effects on people’s mental and physical well-beings. Moreover, social impairments are core features of many neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism and depression. However, the underlying neural mechanisms of social behavior remain incompletely understood. These have enabled social behavior research to become a hot topic in neuroscience. The symposium is divided into 4 sessions: (i) Cortical processing of social information; (ii) Neural circuit mechanisms of social internal states (social reward and social fear) and aggressive behavior; (iii) The neural basis of driving male mice's preference for estrous over diestrous females; and (iv) Exploring the molecular and brain circuit biomarkers for early detection and intervention of children with autism and its adverse comorbidity. The goals of this symposium are: 1) to present the latest and important unpublished findings and discuss the challenges and opportunities in the field; 2) to provide a communication platform for the next-generation neuroscientists, like graduates, postdocs and young PIs; and 3) build a bridge for connecting researchers with multiple disciplines and methodologies to work together to tackle the most challenging questions in the field.


Da-Ting Lin

National Institutes of Health

We utilized miniScopes to record calcium activities from hundreds of excitatory neurons in the mPFC while mice freely explored restrained social targets. We identified distinct and dynamic ON and OFF neural ensembles that displayed opposing activities tuned to social exploration, which carried salience and novelty information for social targets. Dysfunctions in these ensembles were associated with abnormal social exploration elicited by psychedelic drug phencyclidine (PCP). More recently, we developed deep behavior mapping (DBM) to identify behavioral microstates from behavioral video recordings. We combined DBM with longitudinal miniscope calcium imaging to quantify behavioral tuning in prefrontal neurons as mice learned an operant task. We found that a subset of prefrontal neurons was strongly tuned to highly specific behavioral microstates. Overlapping neural ensembles were tiled across consecutive microstates in the response-reinforcer sequence, forming a continuous map. As mice learned the operant task, prefrontal neurons that were not previously tuned to any behavior came to represent newly learned behaviors, and weakly tuned neurons were preferentially recruited into new ensembles. We will further discuss our efforts in combining DBM and miniscope imaging to study neural coding of mouse social behavior across multiple brain regions.

Rongfeng Hu

Fudan University

Prof. Hu developed an automated operant conditioning system to measure social reward in mice and found that adult mice of both sexes display robust reinforcement of social interaction. Utilizing the cutting-edged techniques in systems neuroscience, he identified a crucial role for an inhibitory circuit from the medial amygdala (MeA) to the medial preoptic area (MPOA) in promoting the positive reinforcement of social interaction, providing new insights into the regulation of social reward beyond the classic mesolimbic reward system. In this talk, hee will focus on extending the functional roles of social reward mediated by this pathway in the regulation of pain and immunity at the levels of molecules, cells and circuits.

1. Hu RK, Zuo Y, Ly T, Wang J, Meera P, Wu YE, Hong W. An amygdala-to-hypothalamus circuit for social reward. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Jun;24(6):831-842.

2. Wu YE, Dang J, Kingsbury L, Zhang M, Sun F, Hu RK, Hong W. Neural control of affiliative touch in prosocial interaction. Nature. 2021 Nov;599(7884):262-267.

Kun Li

School of Life Science/IDG/McGOVERN Institute of brain sicence/Tsinghua University


Long Li

Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

 We modified the social operant box into an aggression operant box, and discovered a neural circuit that is specific to social stimuli, and contributes to the transition from aggression to pro-social behaviors. In mice, aggressive behaviour can be broken down into an appetitive phase, which involves approach and investigation, and a consummatory phase, which involves biting, kicking, and wrestling. By performing an unsupervised weighted correlation network analysis on whole-brain c-Fos expression, we identified a cluster of brain regions including hypothalamic and amygdalar sub-regions and olfactory cortical regions highly co-activated in male, but not female aggressors (AGG). The posterolateral cortical amygdala (COApl), an extended olfactory structure, was found to be a hub region based on the number and strength of correlations with other regions in the cluster. Further we showed that in aggressive males, COApl ESR1 cells respond specifically to social stimuli, thereby enhancing their salience and promoting attack behaviour.

Jun Wang 

Zhejiang University

汪军博士长期围绕情绪与认知功能的神经环路机制展开系列研究。在神经科学前沿技术,特别是在体电生理技术,多通道电生理数据分析,光遗传等技术上积累了一定的经验。近年来主要研究方向为社会交互行为和社交行为障碍的神经机制。研究工作受到国家自然科学基金青年项目、中央高校基本科研业务专项资金等项目资助。第一或共同第一作者论文主要发表在Neuron, Science Advances, PNAS等学术期刊。


1.  Wang J#, Li J#, Yang Q#, Xie Y, Wen Y, Xu Z, Li Y, Xu T, Wu Z, Duan S, and Xu H*. Basal forebrain mediates prosocial behavior via disinhibition of midbrain dopamine neurons. PNAS (2021) 118(7): e2019295118 (#Equal contributors).

2.  Xu H#, Liu L#, Tian Y#, Wang J#, Li J, Zheng J, Zhao H, He M, Xu T, Duan S, Xu H*. A Disinhibitory Microcircuit Mediates Conditioned Social Fear in the Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron (2019) 102, 1–15 (#Equal contributors).

3.  Liu L#, Xu H#, Wang J#, Li J#, Tian Y#, Zheng J, He M, Xu T, Wu Z, Li X, Duan S, Xu H*. Cell type-differential modulation of prefrontal cortical GABAergic interneurons on low gamma rhythm and social interaction. Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaay4073. (#Equal contributors).

Fei Li

Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Targeting the clinical barriers of childhood autism, our team carry out translational research with multidisciplinary approaches, including clinical medicine, epidemiology, neurobiology, neuroimaging, etc. In the last few years, Dr. Fei Li published up to 57 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author. Her research results were published on the high-profile journals in the neuroscience, psychiatry and pediatrics fields, such as Nature Communication, American Journal of Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry, Cell Reports, Science Bulletin and Pediatrics, which were frequently cited by the top journals in the areas of neuroscience and medicine, including Trends in Neurosciences, American Journal of Psychiatry. She was awarded as NSFC Distinguished Young Scholar, NSFC Excellent Young Scholar, Leading Talents of Shanghai, Outstanding Youth Post Expert, Shanghai Dawn Scholar, Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader, the Medical Tree Award-Clinical Innovation Category, and the Honorable Doctor of China - Young Talent.




