
学术   2024-11-29 18:37   上海  



近日,江南大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室陈卫院士团队在国际期刊《Microbiological Research》(IF:6.1)发表了题为“The gut core microbial species Bifidobacterium longum: Colonization, mechanisms, and health benefits”的综述论文。肖越副研究员为第一作者兼通讯作者,Lijuan Huang为共同第一作者。

长双歧杆菌(B. longum)是一种人类肠道核心微生物,其数量与宿主的年龄和健康状况密切相关。已有研究表明,长双歧杆菌能够调节宿主肠道微生态,并有缓解多种疾病的潜力。全面了解长双歧杆菌的定殖机制以及宿主与长双歧杆菌相互作用的机制,能够为我们通过以长双歧杆菌为导向的策略来预防和治疗人类疾病提供可能。在这篇综述中,我们总结了长双歧杆菌在肠道定殖的特点,探讨了能够使固有的和 / 或摄入的长双歧杆菌菌株增殖的饮食因素,并回顾了长双歧杆菌对多种疾病的干预机制。关键发现如下:首先,长双歧杆菌具有特殊的定殖机制,例如其碳水化合物利用谱较广,这使其能够适应宿主的饮食;其具有编码胆盐水解酶(BSHs)的物种水平的保守基因,以及适宜的细菌表面结构。其次,饮食干预(如摄入花青素)能够有效改善长双歧杆菌在肠道的定殖情况,这证明了通过饮食调节菌株定殖的可行性。最后,我们分析了长双歧杆菌在不同类型疾病中的数量变化情况,并总结了长双歧杆菌缓解消化系统疾病(通过刺激潘氏细胞活性来修复肠黏膜屏障)、免疫系统疾病(上调调节性 T 细胞(Treg)数量并维持 Th1/Th2 平衡)以及神经系统疾病(通过肠 - 脑轴调节大脑中的犬尿氨酸途径和喹啉酸水平)的主要机制。

目前关于机制见解的研究通常存在高度质量异质性,其中大多数研究较为肤浅,并且缺乏临床证据。尽管我们已经了解了长双歧杆菌在定殖以及缓解疾病方面的机制,但在我们能够选择或定制一种合适的方式来改变长双歧杆菌的数量以实现治疗效果之前,仍有大量工作要做。例如,目前大多数研究仅聚焦于长双歧杆菌的种 / 亚种数量的变化。我们需要开展更深入的研究,以确定与宿主生理状况相关的关键菌株或其代谢产物,期望能利用这些已确定的菌株 / 代谢产物来治疗相关疾病。此外,口服补充长双歧杆菌目前是弥补肠道内长双歧杆菌水平不足的最可行方法之一;然而,要确保长双歧杆菌在已形成的肠道基线微生物群落中定殖是很困难的。为了解决这一问题,多项研究已经证实了长双歧杆菌的外部保护技术,尤其是微胶囊技术的有效性;然而,由于资金限制和生产技术的局限,该技术并不适合工业化规模生产。因此,受饮食对长双歧杆菌肠道定殖的调节作用的启发,我们可以尝试改变日常饮食成分或定制合生元 / 益生菌来达到预期效果。然而,还需要付出更多努力来探索这些益生菌或合生元的最佳配方以及它们缓解各类疾病所涉及的机制,以最终推动它们在改善人类健康方面的转化应用。

Fig. 1. Alteration of intestinal B. longum and Bifidobacterium in diseases according to the combined information from the databases "Disbiome" and "Peryton". We sorted out the results retrieved from the “Disbiome” and “Peryton” databases into supplementary Table S1, and the consistent results of two databases have been prioritizedly cited in this figure, and further supplemented with data retrieved from the database “Disbiome” focusing on diseases of general concerns. It should be mentioned that we could only draw conclusion on association direction based on summarizing the current available data, and the conclusions on the positive, and negative associations might be changed if new contrast evidences are reported. PD, Parkinson’s disease; CD, celiac disease; OB, obesity; LC, lung cancer; ASD, autism spectrum disorders; RS, Rett syndrome; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; UC, ulcerative colitis; AD, Alzheimer’s disease.

Fig. 2. The proposed mechanisms of B. longum colonization in the human gut. B. longum colonization of the human gut is affected by various factors such as intestinal epithelial adhesion, bile acid resistance, acid tolerance, selection of available carbon resources, microbial interactions, and host immune recognition. EPS, exopolysaccharides; EV, extracellular vesicle; BSH, bile salt hydrolase; HMOs, human milk oligosaccharides; SCFAs, short chain fatty acids; AXOS, arabinoxylan oligosaccharides; ABC Transporter, ATP-binding cassette transporter; EPS, extracellular polysaccharides; CPS, capsule polysaccharides.

Fig. 3. The proposed mechanisms of B. longum alleviates digestive diseases. (a) B. longum could stimulate the intestinal epithelial cells to reduce water reabsorption. (b) B. longum has an active effect on treating constipation; it could promote intestinal motility through the 5-hydroxytryptamine pathway and/or increase the production of gastrointestinal peptides. (c) B. longum increased the levels of CLA and produced EPS to upregulate the expression of tight junction proteins, and the pili proteins of B. longum could inhibit pathogen adhesion. (d) B. longum could stimulate Paneth cells to maintain epithelial homeostasis in IBS or IBD by releasing intestinal stem cell proliferation signals, such as Wnt3A and PLA II. (e) B. longum plays a significant role in regulating inflammatory factors and reactions. VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide; MTL, motilin; GAS, gastrin; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; 5-HT4R, 5 hydroxytryptamine 4 receptor; TLR, Toll-like receptors; PKA, protein kinase A; SCFAs, short chain fatty acids; AQP, aquaporin; WNT3a and PLAⅡ, intestinal stem cells proliferation signals; Fim M, a type of pili protein; LA, linoleic acid; CLA, conjugated linoleic acid; ROS, reactive oxygen species; IKK, inhibitor of kappa B kinase.

Fig. 4. The proposed mechanisms of B. longum alleviating allergic diseases. (a) B. longum could reduce the number of Th2 cells and inhibits IgE activity. (b) B. longum could induce IgE to bind with IgETRAP to reduce the negative effects of IgE on the host immune system. (c) B. longum could regulate the Th1/Th2 balance and upregulate the function of Tregs to alleviate allergic rhinitis. (d) ESBP, a protein derived from B. longum EV, could stimulate mast cell death and inhibits food allergies. (e) B. longum significantly increased the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes (e.g., CAMP, hBD-2, hBD-3) to enhance the skin immune barrier function significantly. ESBP, extracellular solute-binding protein; IgE, immunoglobulin E; IgETRAP, the binding form of IgE; CAMP, cathelicidin protein; hBD-2, human β-defensin 2; hBD-3, human β-defensin 3.

Fig. 5. The proposed mechanisms of B. longum alleviating cognitive disorders. The SCFAs produced by B. longum could induce cytokine changes to reduce neuronal damage. Additionally, SCFAs could induce the 5-HT pathway to enhance epithelial barrier function. B. longum could eliminate the negative effect of LPS, which could reduce the expression of BDNF through the NF-κB pathway. B. longum could regulate tryptophan metabolism, and its secondary metabolites KYN and IAA could subsequently affect nerve cells. QUIN, quinolinic acid; KYN, kynurenine; KYNA, kynurenic acid; SERT, serotonin transporter; ECC, enterochromaffin cells; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptophan; IAA, 3-indoleacetic acid; TLR4, toll-like receptor 4; IAM, iodoacetamide; 5-HTP, 5-hydroxytryptophan; CLDN-8, claudin-8; CLDN-10, claudin-10; IDO1, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1; TMO, toluenemonooxygenase; AMPK, adenosine 5’-monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase; SIRT1, silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1; PGC-1α, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α; AhR, aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor; 5-HT1A, 5-hydroxytryptamine/serotonin receptor 1A; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; PKA, cAMP dependent protein kinase A; CERB, cyclic-AMP response binding protein; AFMID, kynurenine formamidase; TPH1, tryptophan hydroxylase 1; AAAD, aromatic amino acid decarboxylase; IaaH, indoleacetamide hydrolase; IaaM, tryptophan-2-monooxygenase.

Table 1. Clinical evidences regarding effects of B. longum strains on multiple diseases.



肖越,副研究员,研究领域为益生菌、肠道菌群与健康。目前的主要研究方向为肠道菌功能机制解析及靶向调控策略研究。近年来围绕衰老等宿主生理失调,基于大数据和生物信息学分析策略识别其肠道菌群相关机制靶点,利用益生菌定殖及膳食调控等手段,解决肠道菌群定向调控难题。以第一作者在Microbiome,Annual Review of Food Science and Technology和Clinical Nutrition等杂志发表高质量论文13篇。主持国自然青年项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,中国博士后面上基金1项,参与“十四五”重点研发项目1项。参编《Lactic Acid Bacteria: Bioengineering and Industrial Applications》(Springer出版社)、《乳酸菌科学与技术》(科学出版社)著作,担任国际期刊iMeta青年编委和Nutrients客座编辑。

食品放大镜 | 不同领域研究成果


胶体、乳液及递送系统 多糖、纤维、低聚糖等 脂质

食物蛋白、肽与氨基酸 多酚类化合物 淀粉

食品包装与货架期 食品安全与质量控制 凝胶

食品营养与人类健康 食品检测与分析   蜂产品

食品相关合成 人造肉 食品风味 益生元、益生菌及合生元

3D和4D打印 食物过敏 食品感官科学与分析

黄酮类化合物 农产品贮藏与加工  

肉与肉制品 蛋与蛋制品 水产品 奶及奶制品 

豆及豆制品 果蔬及果蔬制品 大米及米制品 食用菌

炎症性肠病 糖尿病 肝病 神经疾病

食品放大镜 | 大杂烩


食品大事件 食品基金项目 食品奖项 人物访谈及报道

 封面文章 顶刊综述 高被引论文 CNS期刊论文

期刊征稿 期刊资讯 会议通知 学科动态

博士招生 硕士招生 考研调剂 夏令营

食品科普 食品相关书籍 竞赛 


食品放大镜 | 学者研究成果


薛长湖院士 金征宇院士 谢明勇院士 陈卫院士

 孙宝国院士 陈坚院士 孙大文院士 朱蓓薇院士


 周光宏教授 江连洲教授 陈峰教授 聂少平教授

 赵谋明教授 赵国华教授 李斌教授 王书军教授
  刘学波教授 唐传核教授 张慜教授 谢建华教授
 陈卫教授 谭明乾教授  张宇昊教授 王静教授
 徐岩教授 李春保教授 孔保华教授 陈士国教授
王兴国教授 高彦祥教授 黄强教授 方亚鹏教授 汪勇教授
李媛教授 刘志刚教授 曾晓雄教授 汪少芸教授

  姜微波教授 刘夫国教授 王强研究员 白卫滨教授

 高振鹏教授  易俊洁教授 甘人友副研究员 李进伟教授
 陈启和教授 赵新淮教授 王仲孚教授 杜明教授
张名位研究员 侯俊财教授 徐宝才研究员 秦文教授
David Julian McClements教授  王建龙教授
李杨教授 陈雪峰、龚频团队 许恒毅教授 陆颖健教授
李锦铨教 刘俊教授 李晓东教授 丁郁教授 范俊峰教授
 倪莉教授 章宝教授 陈廷涛教授 刘元法教授
 张红印教授 盛占武研究员 姜瞻梅教授
张德权研究员 齐向辉教 郑家荣教授 陈翊平教授
魏新林教授 肖安风教授 吴彩娥教授 姜毓君教授
宛晓春教授 魏子淏教授 龚金炎教授  徐鑫教授

周存山教授 楚强研究员 高鸿教授 秦磊教授

许正宏教授 吴继红教授 钟恬助理教授 毕金峰研究员

刘龙教授 王凤忠研究员 郭顺堂教授 周景文教授

吴贺君副教授 刘锴栋教授 邓乾春研究员 钟芳教授 

白艳红教授 夏小乐教授 张英华教授 游丽君教授

任晓锋教授 汤晓智教授 孙培龙教授 邵平教授

盛军、田洋团队 张娟教授 陈小强教授 
刘建华教授 林松毅教授 陈海霞教授 徐志祥教授 
刘贵珊教授 启航教授 张春晖研究员 寇莉萍副教授
杨兴斌教授 古绍彬教授



