滁州学院青年教师聂文博士在食品领域国际知名期刊《Food Science and Human Wellness》发文

学术   2024-11-24 09:06   上海  
近期,食品领域国际知名期刊《Food Science and Human Wellness》发表了题为“Stability and transepithelial transport of oligopeptide (KRQKYD) with hepatocyte protective activity from Jinhua ham in human intestinal Caco-2 monolayer cells”的研究论文,我校青年教师聂文博士为该论文第一作者。

《Food Science and Human Wellness》期刊是中科院一区TOP期刊、中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点期刊,目前影响因子7.0,主要发表食品科学、营养学、免疫学和跨领域研究的最新科学成果。

该论文通过体外模拟消化模型,阐明了食源性寡肽KRQKYD在胃肠模拟消化环境中的稳定性情况及在肠道中的吸收转运机制。同时,采用细胞和小鼠试验模型,揭示了食源性寡肽预防和改善酒精性肝损伤的构效关系,为食源性寡肽的生产应用提供了重要的理论支撑。(稿源单位审核:庚丽娜 责任编辑:陈沭文)

Fig. 1. (A) Effects of alcohol concentration on HHL-5 cell viability; (B) Effects of KRQKYD concentration on HHL-5 cell viability; (C) Effects of the KRQKYD on HHL-5 cell viability in an model of alcohol-induced HHL-5 cells damage (alcohol concentration: 500 mmol/L, KRQKYD concentration: 1, 2, 3 and 4 μmol/mL); (D) Effects of KRQKYD concentration on Caco-2 cell viability. #P< 0.05 vs. the CTRL group, P < 0.05 vs. the EtOH group, &indicates significant difference between sample groups (P < 0.05).

Fig. 2. (A-C) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with different temperatures (20−100 °C) on the levels of AST, ALT and MDA on the model of alcohol-induced HHL-5 cells damage; (D-F) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with different pH (3.0−11.0) on the levels of AST, ALT and MDA on the model of alcohol-induced HHL-5 cells damage; (G-I) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with different concentrations of NaCl (1 %−7 %) on the levels of AST, ALT and MDA on the model of alcohol-induced HHL-5 cells damage; #P< 0.05 vs. the CTRL group, P < 0.05 vs. the EtOH group, &indicates significant difference between sample groups (P < 0.05).

Fig. 3. (A) Effect of pre-treatment at different temperatures on content of KRQKYD; (B) Effect of pre-treatment with different pH on content of KRQKYD; (C) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with different temperatures on morphology by transmission electron microscope; (D) The total particles of RP-HPLC of KRQKYD pre-treatment at pH 11.0; (E-F) Identification of the molecular weight and amino acid sequence of the peak at 7.06 and 9.74 min by TOF/MS spectrum. &indicates significant difference between sample groups (P < 0.05).

Fig. 4. (A-C) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with pepsin/trypsin-simulated gastrointestinal digestion on the levels of AST, ALT and MDA on the model of alcohol-induced HHL-5 cells damage; (D) Effects of the KRQKYD pre-treatment with pepsin/trypsin-simulated gastrointestinal digestion on the content of KRQKYD; (E) The total particles of RP-HPLC of KRQKYD pre-treatment with trypsin-simulated intestinal digestion; (F-K) Identification of the molecular weight and amino acid sequence of the peak at 3.39, 6.08, 9.74, 17.21, 20.34 and 22.03 min by TOF/MS spectrum; (L-N) Effects of KRQKYD on serum concentrations of ALT, AST and MDA in male mice fed a control diet or an ethanol-containing diet with or without KRQKYD for 35 days. #P< 0.05 vs. the CTRL group, P < 0.05 vs. the EtOH group, &indicates significant difference between sample groups (P < 0.05).

Fig. 5. (A) Transepithelial electrical of Caco-2 monolayers at different growth times; (B) Stability of KRQKYD (1 mmol/L in HBSS, pH 7.4) in AP side of Caco-2 cell monolayers within 2 h; (C) Effects of incubation time on the apparent permeability coefficient of KRQKYD across Caco-2 cell monolayers; (D-E) The concentrations of KRQKYD in serum and liver; (F) The small intestine tight junction protein expression levels of Claudin-1 and Occludin were detected by Western blot analysis; (G) A biopsy of the small intestine was stained with Alcian blue. #P< 0.05 vs. the CTRL group, P < 0.05 vs. the EtOH group, ⁎⁎in figures indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).

Fig. 6. Effects of various compounds (wortmannin, cytochalasin D, Gly-Pro and sodium azide) on the apparent permeability coefficient of KRQKYD across Caco-2 cell monolayers; ⁎⁎in figures indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).



食品放大镜 | 不同领域研究成果


胶体、乳液及递送系统 多糖、纤维、低聚糖等 脂质

食物蛋白、肽与氨基酸 多酚类化合物 淀粉

食品包装与货架期 食品安全与质量控制 凝胶

食品营养与人类健康 食品检测与分析   蜂产品

食品相关合成 人造肉 食品风味 益生元、益生菌及合生元

3D和4D打印 食物过敏 食品感官科学与分析

黄酮类化合物 农产品贮藏与加工  

肉与肉制品 蛋与蛋制品 水产品 奶及奶制品 

豆及豆制品 果蔬及果蔬制品 大米及米制品 食用菌

炎症性肠病 糖尿病 肝病 神经疾病

食品放大镜 | 大杂烩


食品大事件 食品基金项目 食品奖项 人物访谈及报道

 封面文章 顶刊综述 高被引论文 CNS期刊论文

期刊征稿 期刊资讯 会议通知 学科动态

博士招生 硕士招生 考研调剂 夏令营

食品科普 食品相关书籍 竞赛 


食品放大镜 | 学者研究成果


薛长湖院士 金征宇院士 谢明勇院士 陈卫院士

 孙宝国院士 陈坚院士 孙大文院士 朱蓓薇院士


 周光宏教授 江连洲教授 陈峰教授 聂少平教授

 赵谋明教授 赵国华教授 李斌教授 王书军教授
  刘学波教授 唐传核教授 张慜教授 谢建华教授
 陈卫教授 谭明乾教授  张宇昊教授 王静教授
 徐岩教授 李春保教授 孔保华教授 陈士国教授
王兴国教授 高彦祥教授 黄强教授 方亚鹏教授 汪勇教授
李媛教授 刘志刚教授 曾晓雄教授 汪少芸教授

  姜微波教授 刘夫国教授 王强研究员 白卫滨教授

 高振鹏教授  易俊洁教授 甘人友副研究员 李进伟教授
 陈启和教授 赵新淮教授 王仲孚教授 杜明教授
张名位研究员 侯俊财教授 徐宝才研究员 秦文教授
David Julian McClements教授  王建龙教授
李杨教授 陈雪峰、龚频团队 许恒毅教授 陆颖健教授
李锦铨教 刘俊教授 李晓东教授 丁郁教授 范俊峰教授
 倪莉教授 章宝教授 陈廷涛教授 刘元法教授
 张红印教授 盛占武研究员 姜瞻梅教授
张德权研究员 齐向辉教 郑家荣教授 陈翊平教授
魏新林教授 肖安风教授 吴彩娥教授 姜毓君教授
宛晓春教授 魏子淏教授 龚金炎教授  徐鑫教授

周存山教授 楚强研究员 高鸿教授 秦磊教授

许正宏教授 吴继红教授 钟恬助理教授 毕金峰研究员

刘龙教授 王凤忠研究员 郭顺堂教授 周景文教授

吴贺君副教授 刘锴栋教授 邓乾春研究员 钟芳教授 

白艳红教授 夏小乐教授 张英华教授 游丽君教授

任晓锋教授 汤晓智教授 孙培龙教授 邵平教授

盛军、田洋团队 张娟教授 陈小强教授 
刘建华教授 林松毅教授 陈海霞教授 徐志祥教授 
刘贵珊教授 启航教授 张春晖研究员 寇莉萍副教授



