
文摘   2024-11-10 17:59   重庆  

吊屈原赋 Lament for Qu Yuan

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谊为长沙王太傅,既以谪去,意不自得;及度湘水,为赋以吊屈原。Jia Yi, serving as the Grand Preceptor to the King of Changsha, felt disheartened after being exiled. Upon crossing the Xiang River, he composed this piece to lament Qu Yuan.

屈原,楚贤臣也。被谗放逐,作《离骚》赋,其终篇曰:“已矣哉!国无人兮,莫我知也。”遂自投汨罗而死。Qu Yuan was a worthy minister of Chu. He was slandered and exiled, and composed the "Li Sao". In the final lines, he wrote: "Alas! There is no one in the state who understands me." Then he cast himself into the Miluo River and died.

谊追伤之,因自喻,其辞曰:Moved by this, Jia Yi empathized with Qu Yuan, and his words were as follows:

恭承嘉惠兮,俟罪长沙;侧闻屈原兮,自沉汨罗。With reverence, I accept the grace bestowed, to serve in Changsha as my penance; I have heard of Qu Yuan, who sank himself into the Miluo.

造讬湘流兮,敬吊先生;遭世罔极兮,乃殒厥身。By the Xiang River's flow, I entrust this tribute, to respectfully mourn the master; beset by a world without limits, he met his demise.

呜呼哀哉!逢时不祥。鸾凤伏竄兮,鸱枭翱翔。Alas, what sorrow! Born in an ill-fated time. The phoenix and the dragon hide and flee, while the owls soar high.

闒茸尊显兮,谗谀得志;贤圣逆曳兮,方正倒植。The base and the ignoble hold high positions, and the slanderers and flatterers achieve their ends; the worthy and the sage are dragged backward, and the upright are inverted.

世谓随、夷为溷兮,谓跖、蹻为廉;莫邪为钝兮,铅刀为铦。The world regards Bian Sui and Bo Yi as filthy, but considers Dao Zhi and Zhuang Qiao as honest. Moye sword is regarded as blunt while a lead knife is regarded as sharp.

吁嗟嚜嚜,生之无故兮;斡弃周鼎,宝康瓠兮。With a sigh, I lament the purposeless life; abandoning the Zhou tripod, cherishing the Kang Hu.

腾驾罢牛,骖蹇驴兮;骥垂两耳,服盐车兮。Tired oxen are harnessed to drive, while the lame donkey is the companion; the steed hangs low its ears, to pull the salt cart.

章甫荐履,渐不可久兮;嗟苦先生,独离此咎兮。The fine hat is placed below the shoes, and this cannot last long; alas, the master suffered alone from this misfortune.

讯曰:已矣!国其莫我知兮,独壹郁其谁语?凤漂漂其高逝兮,固自引而远去。He said: Enough! The state knows me not, who can I speak to in my solitude? The phoenix drifts high and departs, for it naturally draws itself far away.

袭九渊之神龙兮,沕深潜以自珍;偭蟂獭以隐处兮,夫岂从虾与蛭螾?It follows the divine dragon of the nine abysses, hiding deep to cherish itself; turning away from the otter and the beaver, how could it follow the shrimp and the leech?

所贵圣人之神德兮,远浊世而自藏;使骐骥可得系而羁兮,岂云异夫犬羊?The sage's divine virtue is precious, distancing itself from the turbid world to hide; if the steed could be bound and tethered, how could it be different from dogs and sheep?

般纷纷其离此尤兮,亦夫子之故也。瞝九州而相君兮,何必怀此都也?The world is in chaos, leaving this blame, it is also the master's reason. To survey the nine provinces and choose a ruler, why must one cling to this capital?

凤凰翔于千仞兮,览德辉而下之;见细德之险徵兮,遥曾击而去之。The phoenix soars a thousand ren high, descending when it sees the brilliance of virtue; witnessing the perilous signs of petty virtue, it flaps its wings and flies far away.

彼寻常之污渎兮,岂能容夫吞舟之巨鱼?横江湖之鳣鱏兮,固将制于蝼蚁。That common ditch, how could it contain the giant fish that swallows ships? The sturgeon and the paddlefish that cross the rivers and lakes, are destined to be controlled by the mole and the ant.
