
教育   2024-08-25 21:44   广东  

剑桥FCE考试(First Certificate in English是剑桥英语通用五级考试(MSE)的第三级,KET/PET之后的级别,江湖人称“小雅思”,官方样题的大作文是——



请给考生作文评分,满分20分,给出contentcommunicative achievementorganisationlanguageband分以及分析依据。请用中文输出,举例保持用英语原文。最后按照评分标准将考生作文改写成满分作文。



Good: The candidate answered the task. They have done what they were asked to do.

Bad: The candidate did not include everything they were asked to. They have written something irrelevant.

Communicative Achievement

Good: The writing is appropriate for the task. The candidate used a style which is appropriate for the specific communicative context.

Bad: They have written in a way that is not suitable - for example, using a very formal style in an email to a friend or ending an article with 'Love.


Good: The writing is put together well. It is logical and ordered.

Bad: It is difficult for the reader to follow. It uses elements of organisation which are not appropriate for the genre, like beginning an email with a title or starting every sentence in an article on a new line instead of using paragraphs.


Good: There is a good range of vocabulary and grammar. They are used accurately.

Bad: There are mistakes that could make the text difficult or confusing for the reader. Some mistakes are unproblematic. Whether the reader is still able to understand the text is considered.


Band 5 All content is relevant to the task. Target reader is fully informed.

Band 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.

Band 3 Minor irrelevances and/ or omissions may be present. Target reader is on the whole informed.

Band 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.

Band 1 Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task may be present. Target reader is minimally informed.

Band 0 Content is totally irrelevant. Target reader is not informed.

Communicative Achievement维度

Band 5 Uses the conventions of the communicative task effectively to hold the target reader’s attention and communicate straightforward and complex ideas, as appropriate.

Band 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.

Band 3 Uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold the target reader’s attention and communicate straightforward ideas.

Band 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.

Band 1 Uses the conventions of the communicative task in generally appropriate ways to communicate straightforward ideas.

Band 0 Performance below Band 1.


Band 5 Text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect.

Text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect.

Band 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.

Band 3 Text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices.

Band 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.

Band 1 Text is connected and coherent, using basic linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices.

Band 0 Performance below Band 1.


Band 5 Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility. Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication.

Uses the conventions of the communicative task effectively to hold the target readers attention and communicate straightforward and complex ideas, as appropriate.

Band 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.

Band 3 Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis. Uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control. Errors do not impede communication.

Band 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.

Band 1 Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis. Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control. While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.

Band 0 Performance below Band 1.



A Review of House of Cards

Michael Dobbs’ House of Cards told us about the career of Francis Urquhart. Unlike his First Nation counterparts in Canada, the Conservative Party whip did not have to follow rules like the Eighteenth Amendment. Neither did he have to read a great leader’s anthology, nor did he follow the customs of the Muharram. He has no children or dogs like an American Cocker Spaniel. All his colleagues thought he was a calm statesman with a BBW wife who always appreciated his pet talks in the office.

It was the time before the Amazon Web Service came into being in the early 1990s. Politicians like Francis had a lot of vacay, during which he could ignore the RSVP and the like. What surprised me was that such an honorable leader set the premier up in a rush like a sociopath. In the end of the story, his jibberjabber was accidentally recorded by his nemesis, a young female reporter. Perhaps the author favored a journalist more than a politician.

I’m not recommending this novel to the public because the female role is not as good as that in a Chinese opera, and the dark side of the high officials makes readers shiver in their boots. Although the emotional ebullition between the premier and his brother touched me quite a bit, I’m afraid a common reader would be so bored that he or she would shoot the author with a firelock!

以上是伍教练的大作,并不单纯是练笔,而是用来输出前一日查的生词,包括听加拿大原居民教育播客Sitting by the FireFirst NationEighteenth Amendment等),还有同传透析喜马拉雅上的免费长篇恐怖悬疑小说《黄河鬼事》(火铳、花旦等)等,硬塞到作文里,于是写出了意想不到的有趣文字。写完后经过Quillbot修改了一些语法错误。




那是在 1990 年代初亚马逊网络服务出现之前。像弗朗西斯这样的政客有很多假期,在此期间他可以忽略 RSVP 之类的东西。让我惊讶的是,这样一位光荣的领导人竟然像反社会者一样匆忙地陷害总理。在故事的最后,他的胡言乱语被他的死对头——一位年轻的女记者意外地录了下来。也许作者更喜欢记者而不是政客。



- Content: Band 4

- Communicative Achievement: Band 3

- Organisation: Band 3

- Language: Band 3


- Content: 考生的作文回答了任务要求,描述了书中主角的行为以及为什么这种行为让人感到惊讶。然而,对于是否推荐这本书的部分,考生提供了个人的观点和理由,但未完全涵盖所有要点,因此介于Band 35之间。

- Communicative Achievement: 文章使用了适当的风格来完成任务,但表达方式有时略显生硬或不自然,适合Band 3

- Organisation: 文章结构基本清晰,使用了一些连接词,但整体组织和连贯性有待加强,符合Band 3的描述。

- Language: 使用了一定范围的词汇和语法结构,偶有错误但不影响理解,适合评为Band 3


Title: The Unpredictable Path of Power in "House of Cards"

In Michael Dobbs’ intriguing novel, "House of Cards," we are introduced to Francis Urquhart, a character whose journey through the corridors of power defies conventional expectations. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Urquhart, a Conservative Party whip, unapologetically bypasses traditional constraints such as the Eighteenth Amendment and customary practices observed during Muharram. Furthermore, he deviates from the norm by lacking typical family commitments or even the companionship of a pet. His peers perceive him as a serene statesman, complemented by his statuesque wife who appreciates his idiosyncratic office banter.

Set against the backdrop of the pre-Amazon Web Services era, where politicians enjoyed ample leisure, Francis Urquhart's actions were particularly noteworthy. Instead of relishing his free time, he orchestrates a swift, almost sociopathic rise to power, culminating in an unforeseen setup of the prime minister. The narrative climaxes with Urquhart’s downfall initiated by an accidental recording of his candid remarks by a tenacious young female journalist. This twist not only underscores the author’s potential preference for journalists over politicians but also highlights the precariousness of political careers.

Despite these captivating plot elements, I would hesitate to recommend "House of Cards" universally. While the complex relationship between the prime minister and his brother adds depth to the story, the portrayal of women and the chilling depiction of high-level corruption might dissuade some readers. The nuanced emotional exchanges do touch the heart, yet they risk being overshadowed by the overall gloomy atmosphere, which could potentially leave readers feeling overwhelmed.

In conclusion, "House of Cards" offers a compelling exploration of politics and human nature. However, its somber aspects and questionable character development might challenge the tastes of a general audience seeking not just thrilling narratives but also uplifting stories.








Content(内容): Band 3

考生的作文内容基本符合题目要求,讨论了书中主角的行为及其出人意料之处。然而,作文中有些信息与题目要求不完全相关,比如提到了“Amazon Web Service”“Muharram”,这些内容对于书评来说并不重要,可能会让读者感到困惑。

Communicative Achievement(交际成就): Band 3

作文使用了适合书评的文体,但某些表达方式不太适合,比如“shoot the author with a firelock”这种表述在书评中显得过于戏剧化,不太适合这种文体。

Organisation(组织结构): Band 3


Language(语言): Band 3

考生使用了一定范围的词汇和语法结构,但存在一些错误,如“vacay”(应为“vacation”),“jibberjabber”(应为“jibber-jabber”),以及一些不准确的用词,如“BBW”(可能是指“big beautiful woman”,但在这里使用不恰当),这些都影响了文章的准确性和流畅性。


**A Review of 'House of Cards' by Michael Dobbs**

In Michael Dobbs' political thriller 'House of Cards,' we follow the career of Francis Urquhart, a Conservative Party whip whose Machiavellian rise to power is as gripping as it is unexpected. Unlike his peers, Urquhart plays by his own rules, navigating the treacherous waters of politics without the constraints of traditional morality or the need for a public image of family values.

The novel is set in the early 1990s, a time before the digital age, when politicians like Urquhart had the liberty to plot their moves in private, away from the prying eyes of the public. What makes Urquhart's character truly surprising is his ruthless ambition, which leads him to manipulate and betray even his closest allies in a calculated game of power.

The climax of the story, where Urquhart's deceitful monologues are inadvertently recorded by a young reporter, adds a layer of irony to his downfall. It's a testament to Dobbs' narrative skill that such a twist can be both shocking and satisfying.

While I found the emotional conflict between the premier and his brother to be deeply moving, I cannot wholeheartedly recommend 'House of Cards' to everyone. The portrayal of the female lead lacks depth compared to the complexity of the male characters, and the dark portrayal of high-level politics may be off-putting to some readers. However, for those intrigued by the darker side of political ambition, this book offers a compelling and cautionary tale.





这部小说的背景是 20 世纪 90 年代初,当时数字时代尚未到来,像厄克哈特这样的政客可以自由地私下策划他们的行动,远离公众的窥探。厄克哈特角色真正令人惊讶的是他冷酷无情的野心,这导致他在精心策划的权力游戏中操纵和背叛他最亲密的盟友。




#### Content (Band 3)

- **Score:** 3

- **Analysis:** The essay includes several irrelevant points (e.g., First Nations, Eighteenth Amendment, Muharram, AWS, BBW) and does not clearly explain the surprising behavior of the main character. However, it does mention the surprising act (setting up the premier) and provides a brief opinion on the recommendation.

#### Communicative Achievement (Band 3)

- **Score:** 3

- **Analysis:** The review is somewhat appropriate for the task but includes unnecessary and potentially confusing references (e.g., "BBW wife," "pet talks," "jibberjabber"). The tone and style are informal but not necessarily inappropriate for the magazine's audience.

#### Organisation (Band 3)

- **Score:** 3

- **Analysis:** The text is generally well-organized but lacks clear transitions between ideas (e.g., from Francis Urquhart's character to the technology era). There is no distinct introduction or conclusion, and the review jumps between different aspects of the book without clear structure.

#### Language (Band 3)

- **Score:** 3

- **Analysis:** There is a range of vocabulary used, but some terms are inappropriate (e.g., "vacay," "shiver in their boots"). Grammar is generally controlled, but there are some errors (e.g., "told us" instead of "tells us," missing articles). The text is mostly understandable despite these issues.

### Total Score: 12/20


### Model Answer (20/20)

**A Review of "House of Cards"**

In Michael Dobbs' political thriller "House of Cards," the main character, Francis Urquhart, is a Conservative Party whip whose ambition knows no bounds. What makes Urquhart's actions particularly surprising is his ruthless manipulation of events to climb the political ladder. Despite his outward demeanor of calm and respectability, he orchestrates the downfall of the sitting premier with calculated precision. His manipulations, often carried out under the guise of friendly advice, lead to a series of unexpected twists that ultimately result in his own ascension to power.

This book is a gripping portrayal of the dark side of politics, where loyalty and ethics take a backseat to personal ambition. The author masterfully builds tension through a series of well-crafted scenes, making the story compelling and unpredictable. While the main character's actions may be disturbing, they also provide a fascinating glimpse into the mind of someone willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

I highly recommend "House of Cards" to anyone interested in political intrigue and psychological drama. The narrative is engaging, and the characters are complex and intriguing. Even though the story can be unsettling at times, it offers valuable insights into the dynamics of power and influence.

* * *

### Scoring Rationale

#### Content (Band 5)

- **Score:** 5

- **Analysis:** The review includes all relevant information, explains the surprising behavior of the main character, and provides a clear recommendation.

#### Communicative Achievement (Band 5)

- **Score:** 5

- **Analysis:** The review is appropriate for the task and maintains a consistent tone throughout. It holds the reader's attention and communicates both straightforward and complex ideas effectively.

#### Organisation (Band 5)

- **Score:** 5

- **Analysis:** The text is well-organized and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organizational patterns to good effect. There is a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

#### Language (Band 5)

- **Score:** 5

- **Analysis:** A wide range of vocabulary and complex grammatical structures are used accurately. There are no errors that impede communication.

范文 (20/20)







原因主要是:最后美女记者不仅没有被玩残玩死,反而单兵打爆老男人。但凡不是too simple的读者都会觉得作者Michael Dobbs过于YY——大内机密随随便便就能在内务府的电脑查到;传媒大亨这么容易就被恐吓到,落荒而逃;首相级别的政坛老狐狸在慌乱中被录音自证其罪……所以拍电视剧要改剧情,美女必须死,老奸巨猾一定要笑到最后!另外,11万词的小说还是短了点,更多精彩还得刷剧。


Tell us whether or not you would recommend this book to other people.


ambition knows no bounds

orchestrates the downfall of the sitting premier with calculated precision

ascension to power

offers valuable insights into the dynamics of power

非常值得学习,但整体上有些泛泛而谈,几乎见不到我写的内容。我甚至怀疑AI读过House of Cards,有能力完全抛开我的书评另起炉灶,但通义的实际表现差强人意,满分作文没显示它读过原著,因为缺乏细节,不如另外两家大模型好玩。


a character whose journey through the corridors of power defies conventional expectations

unapologetically bypasses traditional constraints


the Eighteenth Amendment and customary practices observed during Muharram.

orchestrates a swift, almost sociopathic rise to power

Urquhart’s downfall initiated by an accidental recording of his candid remarks by a tenacious young female journalist


I would hesitate to recommend "House of Cards" universally

“不推荐”还可以用hesitate to,学到了,我随手存入生词本,后面就需要根据Dialysis的输出流程自己也在其他作文中写一遍。


Machiavellian rise to power


navigating the treacherous waters of politics



may be off-putting to some readers














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