
教育   2024-09-27 13:05   中国香港  



I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September, I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half, I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.

That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car.

Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue (队列) still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. “We made it," he said.

Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard, He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out. At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There, at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."


(1)续写词数应为 150个左右:


第一段开头I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.

第二段开头Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.





1. 覆盖所有内容要点。

2. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。

3. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致

4. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。

5. 完全达到了预期的写作目的。



1. 虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。

2. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。

3. 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。

4. 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。

5. 达到了预期的写作目的。



1. 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。

2. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。

3. 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。

4. 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。

5. 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。



1. 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。

2. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。

3. 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。

4. 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。

5. 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。



1. 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。

2. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。

3. 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。

4. 缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。

5. 信息未能传达给读者。



I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. To my surprise, he said, Forget about the fare, which is merely the price of a stroganoff or kimchi dish.I was shocked because my salary could barely afford strawberry custard or bibimbap! Although I was poor, I would never own a taxi driver's debt, so I insisted on writing him an IOU. Please mount it to the windshield of your car.My stand was clear-cut, so he obeyed. My husband told me that in Austria, it had become common practice that poor people would be let go when they could not pay their taxi fare. I dont accept that, for I have always been a fashionista who pays out debts.

Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. Not only did I pay him what I owed, but I had an oboist play him some Mozart, topping off my visit to the great country of music. I went through a bad patch in eastern Europe because MSCI froze my account in Switzerland. Otherwise, I would not have failed to carry some cash in Vienna. At any rate, the Austrian taxi driver was kind, and the boils on his forehead impressed me. Much to his delight, I offered him some Chinese medicine with aristolochic acid to treat them. Gunter is superior to his raunchy counterparts in Paris. He also praised the fact that I was fiduciary.



四天后,当我回到维也纳时,我按照承诺给冈特打电话。我不仅还清了欠款,还请一位双簧管演奏家为他演奏了一些莫扎特,为我对这个音乐大国的访问画上了圆满的句号。我在东欧的日子不好过,因为 MSCI 冻结了我在瑞士的账户。否则,我也不会在维也纳不带现金。无论如何,奥地利出租车司机很善良,他额头上的疖子给我留下了深刻印象。令他高兴的是,我给他开了一些中药,里面加了马兜铃酸来治疗。冈特比他在巴黎的那些粗俗的同行要好。他还称赞我尽职尽责。


#### 优点:

1. **内容要点覆盖较全**:考生基本上涵盖了所有内容要点,包括与Gunter的相遇、出租车费用问题以及后续的联系和解决。

2. **语法结构和词汇使用较好**:整体上使用了较多的语法结构和词汇,尽管有些许错误,但不影响理解。

3. **语句间连接成分的使用**:通过使用一些连接词和短语,如"To my surprise," "Although I was poor," "Not only did I pay him what I owed,"等,使全文结构较为紧凑。

4. **达到预期写作目的**:基本达到了预期的写作目的,讲述了一个完整且有情感的故事。

#### 缺点:

1. **部分内容描述不够清晰**:例如,关于“MSCI冻结账户”这一情节的描述略显突兀,读者可能会感到困惑。

2. **语法和词汇错误**:存在一些语法和词汇使用上的错误,例如"Please mount it to the windshield of your car"中的"mount"使用不当,应为"attach"或"stick"。

3. **逻辑性有待加强**:部分段落之间的逻辑关系不够紧密,例如从讲述出租车费用问题直接跳到在东欧的经历,中间缺乏过渡。

### 满分作文修改建议


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. To my surprise, he said, “Forget about the fare; it's just a small amount compared to the kindness you’ve shown.” I was taken aback because my salary could barely cover basic expenses! Although I was in a tight spot financially, I refused to leave without settling my debt, so I insisted on writing him an IOU. “Please attach it to the windshield of your car,” I said firmly, and he obliged with a smile. My husband later told me that in Austria, it's common for people in need to be let go without paying their taxi fare. But I couldn't accept that; I've always been someone who pays their debts.


Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. Not only did I repay him what I owed, but I also arranged for a violinist to play some Mozart for him, adding a touch of musical appreciation to my visit to this great country. I had encountered financial difficulties in eastern Europe because MSCI had temporarily frozen my account in Switzerland. Otherwise, I would have carried some cash for emergencies. Regardless, Gunter's kindness shone through, and the boils on his forehead left a lasting impression on me. Delighted by our interaction, I offered him some traditional Chinese medicine to help treat them. In many ways, Gunter surpassed the taxi drivers I'd encountered in Paris. He also commended my integrity, which meant a lot to me.


### 分析与评分


1. 与Gunter的相遇

2. 赶往布拉格的紧张经历

3. 支付车费时的困境

4. Gunter的善举和作者的感激

5. 作者在维也纳的再次相遇和回报



- 覆盖所有主要内容,但有些描述不够清晰。

- 应用了一定的语法结构和词汇,但有错误。

- 语句间的连接成分使用不够,导致内容连贯性不足。

- 尝试使用了一些复杂词汇和句型,但效果不佳。


1. 简化复杂句型,确保语法正确。

2. 使用更准确的词汇和表达。

3. 加强语句间的连接,提高文章的连贯性。

4. 避免使用不相关的信息,确保内容紧扣主题。


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. To my surprise, he said, "Forget about the fare, which is merely the price of a stroganoff or kimchi dish." I was shocked because my salary could barely afford strawberry custard or bibimbap! Despite my financial struggles, I insisted on writing him an IOU. "Please mount it to the windshield of your car," I said firmly. Gunter, with a warm smile, agreed to my proposal.

Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. Not only did I pay him what I owed, but I also invited him to a Mozart concert, a small token of my gratitude for his kindness. I explained the unfortunate situation with my account in Switzerland, which had left me cashless in Vienna. Gunter's generosity and understanding had left a lasting impression on me, and I wanted to express my appreciation in a way that would be meaningful to him. His response was heartwarming, and I left Vienna with a renewed faith in the kindness of strangers.







考生应用了一些较为复杂的词汇,如"stroganoff", "fiduciary",但在某些地方使用不当,如“fashionista”与支付债务的情境不符。语法结构大体正确,但有些句子不够通顺,如“...the boils on his forehead impressed me.”




I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. His response was nothing short of surprising: “Forget about the fare. It's just a small amount compared to the kindness we should share.” I was taken aback by his generosity, especially considering my financial situation. Despite my insistence on compensating him, Gunter refused to accept any payment, insisting that sometimes helping a stranger in need is more important than money. His act of kindness left a deep impression on me.

Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. Not only did I repay him the fare, but I also brought a small gift as a token of my gratitude. The gift was a CD of classical music, a nod to Vienna's rich musical heritage. I explained to him how his kindness had been a bright spot during a challenging trip. Gunter's smile widened as he accepted the gift, and we parted ways with a newfound respect for each other's cultures and the human spirit of generosity.



- 整体得分在第三档(11 - 15 分)。

    - **内容要点覆盖**:基本覆盖了题目要求的续写内容,如第一段讲述告知坏消息后的情况及自己的反应,第二段讲述回到维也纳后的行动。但内容中出现了一些不太合理的表述,如提到“strawberry custard or bibimbap”“fashionista”等与故事主线关联不大的内容。

    - **语法结构和词汇**:有一定的词汇量和语法结构的运用,如“I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.”等表述较为准确。但也存在一些不恰当的用词和表述,如“mount it to the windshield”“oboist play him some Mozart”等。

    - **连贯性**:有一定的语句连接,但整体连贯性欠佳,部分内容跳跃较大。

    - **写作目的**:基本达到了续写故事、表达人物经历和情感的目的,但由于内容的合理性和连贯性问题,效果一般。


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. His face showed a moment of disappointment but quickly turned into understanding. “Don't worry,” he said. “You can pay me later when you have the chance.” I was deeply touched by his kindness and generosity. I promised him that I would definitely pay him back as soon as possible. With that, I boarded the bus with a heart full of gratitude.

Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. I met him at the same place where we had parted. I handed him the fare with a big smile and thanked him again for his help. Gunter was pleased to see me and accepted the money with a warm smile. We chatted for a while, and I learned more about his life as a taxi driver. Before we parted ways again, I gave him a small gift as a token of my appreciation. This encounter would always stay in my memory as a reminder of the kindness of strangers.

Bing Copilot (GPT-4): 未评分



  1. 覆盖所有内容要点:你的作文涵盖了所有主要内容,但有些细节可以更紧凑。

  2. 语法结构和词汇:你使用了较多的语法结构和词汇,但有些地方的表达可以更自然。

  3. 语法结构或词汇错误:有些许错误,但不影响理解。

  4. 语句间的连接成分:使用了一些连接成分,但可以更流畅。

  5. 写作目的:基本达到了预期的写作目的。


第一段开头: I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. To my surprise, he said, “Forget about the fare, it’s just a small amount.” I was shocked because I didn’t expect such kindness from a stranger. Although I was in a hurry, I insisted on writing him an IOU. “Please keep this until I can pay you back,” I said firmly. Gunter smiled and accepted it. I quickly grabbed my luggage and ran towards the bus, just in time to board. As the bus pulled away, I waved at Gunter, feeling grateful for his help.

第二段开头: Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. I met him at a café and handed him the money I owed. “Thank you so much for your help,” I said sincerely. Gunter smiled and said, “It was my pleasure.” To show my appreciation, I gave him a small gift from my country. We chatted for a while, and I learned that he was a music lover. Before leaving, I arranged for a local musician to play a piece of Mozart for him. Gunter was delighted, and I felt happy to have made a new friend in a foreign land.


  • 覆盖所有内容要点:修改后的作文更紧凑,涵盖了所有主要内容。

  • 语法结构和词汇:使用了更多自然和复杂的语法结构和词汇。

  • 语法结构或词汇错误:减少了错误,使表达更准确。

  • 语句间的连接成分:使用了更多连接成分,使文章更流畅。

  • 写作目的:完全达到了预期的写作目的。



### 修改后的满分作文


I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. His face fell slightly, but then he waved it off with a chuckle, saying, "Don't worry about it; you can settle it another time." I felt a surge of gratitude but also a sense of responsibility. I quickly scribbled down my contact information on a piece of paper from my notebook and handed it to him. "Here, please call me once you're settled in Prague. I'll make sure to repay you."


Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. I arranged to meet him near the taxi stand where we first met. Not only did I pay him what I owed, but I also brought him a small token of appreciation—a traditional Chinese fan as a thank-you gift for his kindness. Upon seeing him, I was relieved to find that the stress of the previous night had not left any lasting marks. We chatted briefly about our lives and cultures, and I shared stories of my conference. It was a heartwarming reunion, one that I will cherish for years to come.

### 分析


1. **覆盖所有内容要点**:续写部分不仅回应了Gunter的帮助,还展示了后续的发展,包括如何偿还欠款以及对Gunter表达感谢的方式。

2. **应用了较多的语法结构和词汇**:文中使用了丰富的词汇如“surge of gratitude”、“token of appreciation”,并且运用了复杂的句子结构。

3. **语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致**:文中没有明显的语法错误,并且使用的复杂结构和高级词汇都恰到好处。

4. **有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑**:通过使用诸如“Not only did I...”、“Upon seeing him...”等连接成分,使得文章连贯流畅。

5. **完全达到了预期的写作目的**:续写部分自然地延续了故事,表达了作者对Gunter的感激之情,同时展示了文化之间的交流与理解。







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