
教育   教育培训   2024-10-09 12:25   中国香港  


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence "Nowadays parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence." You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words (not including the sentence given).

















1. CET是检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的六级教学要求,对作文的评判应以此要求为准则。

2. CET作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。

3. 从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体,作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。

4. 避免趋中倾向。该给高分的给高分,包括满分;该给低分的给低分,包括0分,一名阅卷人员在所阅的全部作文卷中不应只给中间的几种分数。

5. 字数不足应酌情扣分。字数与分数扣分比例:










[注:1. 如题目中给出主题句,起始句,结束句,均不得计入所写字数。

2. 规定的内容未写全者,按比例扣分。

3. 如要判为0分,需慎重处理。]



Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence.

I believe it’s a good practice since kids are not praetorians of the Roman Empire, who must follow the instructions of their emperor. They can spend more time watching cartoons like Boonie Bears. In their spare time, they can visit zanky tourist attractions in Kentucky, such as cave dwellings. Children are hard to make friends with their parents, or they are friends in names only. Most of them prefer to explore the world in their own way.

It’s also beneficial to their parents, who will tender less to the cram schools. Both parents and kids have suffered enough of the tutoring there and the gridlock on their way to the training centers. Parents should assume a new role as the tutor of their kids as a lineman who repairs the roads all along children’s growth. Setbacks like torrential rains caused by hurricane eyewalls must be fixed in time. Children are more confident in their exploration with the support from their parents.








- 切题:考生的作文紧扣主题,讨论了父母给予孩子更多自由以培养独立性和自信心的重要性。

- 思想表达:考生通过比喻和例子来阐述观点,但部分例子(如罗马帝国的士兵、卡通片《熊出没》、肯塔基州的洞穴)与主题关联性不强,可能会造成理解上的困难。


- 连贯性:作文整体连贯,但部分句子之间的逻辑关系不够紧密。

- 语言错误:存在一些语言错误,如“praetorians”应为“pupils”,“zanky”应为“famous”,“tender less”应为“spend less time”,“lineman”比喻使用不当,可能造成误解。


- 作文字数符合要求。


- 根据评分标准,这篇作文可能处于10-12分的档次。内容切题,表达思想清楚,但有少量语言错误。


Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence. I believe it’s a good practice since children are not merely students who must follow instructions; they are individuals with their own curiosity and interests. For instance, they can spend more time pursuing their hobbies, such as drawing or playing music. In their free time, they can visit local museums or parks to learn about nature and history. Children often find it challenging to connect with their parents on a deeper level, but through shared experiences and mutual respect, they can develop a stronger bond.

It’s also beneficial to their parents, who will spend less time shuttling between various extracurricular classes. Both parents and children have had enough of the stress and traffic associated with these activities. Parents should take on a new role as guides in their children's learning journey, providing support and encouragement along the way. Just as roadblocks caused by unexpected obstacles must be addressed promptly, so too must the challenges children face in their exploration be met with understanding and assistance. With the support of their parents, children can confidently navigate their path of discovery.


- 修正了语言错误和不恰当的比喻。

- 增强了句子之间的逻辑关系,使文章更加连贯。

- 确保了例子与主题的紧密相关性。

- 保持了原文的基本结构和意图,仅进行了必要的修改以提高语言的准确性和表达的清晰度。


**评分及分析**:- **内容方面**:整体基本切题,但表达的思想不够清楚。文中提到孩子可以看动画片、参观旅游景点,以及父母应成为孩子成长道路上的“修路工”等内容,与题目中培养孩子独立性和自信心的联系不够紧密,且部分内容比较突兀和难以理解。- **语言方面**:语言错误较多,有一些严重错误。例如“praetorians”“zanky”等词汇使用不当,语法错误如“Children are hard to make friends with their parents, or they are friends in names only.”表述不恰当。整体语言连贯性较差。综合考虑,该作文处于 4 - 6 分档。**满分作文修改**:Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence. For instance, when parents give children the freedom to choose their hobbies, kids can explore different activities like painting, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. This not only allows them to discover their interests but also helps them develop problem-solving skills as they figure out how to master these activities on their own. Moreover, when faced with challenges during their exploration, children learn to persevere and gain confidence in their abilities. Another example is allowing kids to plan a family outing. They can research destinations, make decisions about activities, and manage the budget. Through such experiences, children become more independent and confident in their decision-making skills. In conclusion, giving kids more freedom to explore and learn independently is indeed beneficial for their growth and development.

Copilot (GPT-4):10-12分



- 切题:考生的作文紧扣主题,讨论了父母给予孩子更多自由以培养独立性和自信心的重要性。

- 思想表达:考生通过比喻和例子来阐述观点,但部分例子(如罗马帝国的士兵、卡通片《熊出没》、肯塔基州的洞穴)与主题关联性不强,可能会造成理解上的困难。


- 连贯性:作文整体连贯,但部分句子之间的逻辑关系不够紧密。

- 语言错误:存在一些语言错误,如“praetorians”应为“pupils”,“zanky”应为“famous”,“tender less”应为“spend less time”,“lineman”比喻使用不当,可能造成误解。


- 作文字数符合要求。


- 根据评分标准,这篇作文可能处于10-12分的档次。内容切题,表达思想清楚,但有少量语言错误。


Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence. I believe it’s a good practice since children are not merely students who must follow instructions; they are individuals with their own curiosity and interests. For instance, they can spend more time pursuing their hobbies, such as drawing or playing music. In their free time, they can visit local museums or parks to learn about nature and history. Children often find it challenging to connect with their parents on a deeper level, but through shared experiences and mutual respect, they can develop a stronger bond.

It’s also beneficial to their parents, who will spend less time shuttling between various extracurricular classes. Both parents and children have had enough of the stress and traffic associated with these activities. Parents should take on a new role as guides in their children's learning journey, providing support and encouragement along the way. Just as roadblocks caused by unexpected obstacles must be addressed promptly, so too must the challenges children face in their exploration be met with understanding and assistance. With the support of their parents, children can confidently navigate their path of discovery.


- 修正了语言错误和不恰当的比喻。

- 增强了句子之间的逻辑关系,使文章更加连贯。

- 确保了例子与主题的紧密相关性。

- 保持了原文的基本结构和意图,仅进行了必要的修改以提高语言的准确性和表达的清晰度。






语言使用:语言错误较多,包括用词不当(praetorians, zanky, tender, lineman等)和语法错误(如"Children are hard to make friends with their parents"应改为"Children find it hard to make friends with their parents")。这些错误影响了文章的理解。



Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence.

I firmly believe in this approach because children are not soldiers of an empire, bound to follow orders without question. Instead, they should be encouraged to spend their time engaging in activities that spark their curiosity, such as watching educational cartoons or exploring interactive museums. Allowing them to make choices in their leisure time, like deciding which book to read or which game to play, can significantly enhance their decision-making skills.

Moreover, this autonomy is also beneficial for parents. They can reduce the financial and emotional burden of sending their children to cram schools. Both parents and children often endure the stress of tutoring sessions and traffic jams. Parents should transition to a supportive role, guiding their children through life's challenges much like a coach who helps an athlete navigate through obstacles. When children face setbacks, such as failures or disappointments, parental support can help them rebuild their confidence and continue their exploration with renewed vigor.






该作文基本符合题目要求,但存在一些逻辑不清的地方,比如提到“praetorians of the Roman Empire”和“Boonie Bears”,以及“zanky tourist attractions in Kentucky”,这些例子与文章的主题关联不大,并且使用了一些不太常见且可能不准确的表达方式(如“praetorians”、“zanky”)。此外,“tutor of their kids as a lineman who repairs the roads”的比喻虽然富有创意,但是表述上稍显生硬。另外,“setbacks like torrential rains caused by hurricane eyewalls”的描述过于具体并且脱离了文章的核心观点。整体来看,文章虽然传达了一定的信息,但在表达清晰度和语言准确性上有待提高。


Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence.

Parents today recognize the value of granting children autonomy, as it nurtures self-reliance and builds self-esteem. Unlike the praetorians who strictly followed orders, children benefit from making decisions about how to spend their leisure time, whether it's engaging in hobbies or pursuing interests. This newfound freedom often leads to stronger bonds between children and their parents, as trust is built when kids feel respected as individuals.

Moreover, this approach is advantageous for parents too, who can avoid overburdening their children with excessive tutoring. The stress associated with constant academic pressure and the commute to numerous training sessions can be alleviated. Parents should act as supportive guides, much like linemen maintaining the infrastructure of a city, ensuring obstacles such as unexpected challenges are promptly addressed. With parental encouragement, children are better equipped to navigate their own paths with confidence.


The given essay is a good attempt at discussing the importance of allowing children more freedom to explore and learn on their own. The writer has managed to touch upon various aspects such as the benefits for both children and parents, and even provided some interesting examples. However, there are several areas where improvements can be made to elevate the essay to a higher score bracket.

### Original Essay Analysis:

- **Strengths**: 

  - Relevant content that aligns with the topic.

  - Some clear expressions of ideas.

  - Use of examples to illustrate points.

- **Weaknesses**:

  - Language errors and awkward phrasing.

  - Inconsistent flow and coherence between sentences.

  - Minor off-topic elements (e.g., specific tourist attractions).

### Revised Essay for Higher Score:

Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence. I believe this is an excellent practice because children are not soldiers bound by strict orders; they should be free to discover the world at their own pace. For instance, they can spend time watching educational programs like "Boonie Bears" or exploring fascinating places like Kentucky's Mammoth Cave.

Children often find it challenging to connect deeply with their parents, sometimes feeling that their relationship is more nominal than genuine. Most kids prefer to explore independently, finding joy in their personal discoveries. This approach is not only beneficial for children but also advantageous for parents who can then reduce reliance on cram schools. Both parties have likely grown weary of the stress associated with tutoring centers and the frustration of traffic jams en route.

Parents should adopt a new role, acting as guides rather than rigid instructors, much like linemen repairing roads to ensure smooth travel along children's developmental journeys. Challenges, akin to torrential rains from hurricanes, must be addressed promptly to prevent long-term damage. With parental support, children will gain confidence in their explorations, knowing they have a safety net to fall back on.

### Explanation of Changes:

1. **Clarity and Coherence**: The revised version ensures each sentence flows logically into the next, maintaining a consistent narrative throughout the essay.

2. **Language Precision**: Corrections were made to grammatical errors and awkward phrasings, enhancing readability and professionalism.

3. **Relevance**: The focus was sharpened to stay on topic, avoiding unnecessary details that could distract from the main argument.

4. **Examples**: Clearer and more relevant examples were used to strengthen the essay's points without veering off course.

By making these adjustments, the essay would meet the criteria for a higher score, demonstrating clear thinking, proper language use, and strong coherence.






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