Aquatic animal products are rich in protein, lipids, and moisture and are often stored at frozen temperature. However, aquatic animal products are prone to deterioration caused by ice crystal formation, lipid oxidation and protein denaturation. Quick freezing is crucial for preserving the quality of aquatic animal products by preventing the formation of large ice crystals. Liquid nitrogen quick-freezing (LNF) provides a fast-freezing rate, minimal ice crystal formation, preservation of product texture and nutritional properties, shelf-life extension, energy efficiency, and quality and safety improving. This review comprehensively illustrates the mechanism of LNF, the impact of LNF on qualities of aquatic animal products including flavor, texture, color, and nutrition. Additionally, LNF devices applied on aquatic animal products are also discussed. Furthermore, future prospects and research directions are suggested, including optimizing freezing processes, understanding the impact on nutritional value and considering sustainability and energy consumption. However, challenges such as freezing damage, cost considerations, and quality control issues for LNF application need to be addressed.
陈季旺,博士,武汉轻工大学食品科学与工程学院二级教授、博士研究生导师,“武汉英才”计划培育支持专项现代农业领域人才,武汉市东西湖区“爱岗敬业”楷模。国家小龙虾加工技术研发分中心(潜江)主任,湖北仙桃黄鳝加工乡村振兴科技创新示范基地常务副主任,湖北允泰坊食品有限公司、湖北小龙虾产业控股集团有限公司专家工作站首席专家,武汉轻工大学畜禽水产制品加工与质量控制研究科技创新团队负责人,湖北省优秀科技特派员,武汉市优秀科技特派员;中国水产学会水产品加工与综合利用专业委员会委员,中国水产流通与加工协会小龙虾产业分会特聘专家,湖北省特色水产品(小龙虾、黄鳝)产业链加工专家委员会委员,湖北省食品科学技术学会常务理事;Food Science of Animal Products、《食品安全质量检测学报》《武汉轻工大学学报》编委;2011—2013年美国田纳西大学(University of Tennessee)访问学者。主要从事畜禽水产制品绿色加工与质量控制、食品营养与安全等方面的研究工作。主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级项目4 项,省部级项目及企业横向合作课题20余项。以第一作者或通信作者发表研究论文100余篇,SCI/EI收录50余篇;主编专著1 本,主译专著1 本,参与出版专著3 本;鉴定科技成果6 项,申请国家发明专利23 件,授权8 件,6 件专利转让给相关企业。获教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖、湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖、武汉轻工大学首届优秀研究生导师、丰益全球研发中心“益海嘉里”青年教师奖等多项奖励。长期担任国际国内30余种学术期刊审稿人。
路洪艳 讲师
路洪艳,工学博士,讲师。主要从事食品品质形成机理及调控研究,在生物学方面具有良好的研究基础,已在Postharvest Biology & Technology、Plant Science、Scientia Horticulturae、Food & Bioprocess Technology、International Journal of Food Science & Technology和农业工程学报等期刊发表学术论文10余篇,参与国家自然科学基金2 项。
黄博超 硕士研究生