【神奇树屋7】5:Snow Tracks雪地上的足迹

幽默   2025-01-09 15:23   广东  

Snow Tracks

"Wow,what is this place?"said Jack."Maybe it's an art gallery,"said Annie.

"I don't think so,"said Jack."It's too hard to get to."He read about the cave paintings:

“tracks”常见释义为“轨道;足迹;踪迹;小道”等,在“Snow Tracks”中是“足迹”的意思。

“gallery”常见释义为“画廊;美术馆;走廊”等,在文中“art gallery”表示“艺术画廊”。

“paintings”是“painting”的复数形式,意为“绘画;油画;图画;画作”等,“cave paintings”就是“洞穴壁画”的意思。

These Ice Age beasts were painted 25,000 years ago.Cro-Magnons painted pictures of animals they hunted.They may have believed the paintings would give them power over the animals.

- beasts:名词,意为“野兽;兽类”,常用来指体型较大、有野性的动物。
- cro-magnons:“克罗马农人”,指旧石器时代晚期在欧洲的一种古人类。
- hunted:动词“hunt(打猎,猎杀)”的过去式及过去分词形式,在这里表示进行了捕猎这一动作。
- power over the animals:“对动物的控制力;凌驾于动物之上的力量”,即有掌控、支配动物的能力。

"Wow,look at this,"said Annie.

She pointed at a painting farther down the wall.

It showed a figure with human arms and legs,reindeer antlers,and an owl face.It seemed to be holding a flute.

- down the wall:沿着墙;顺着墙(表示在墙的某个延伸方向上,比如从近处往远处顺着墙的位置等情况)。

- figure:名词时可表示“人物;人形;形象;数字”等意思,在这里指画里呈现出的类似人形的模样。

- reindeer:“驯鹿”,一种鹿科动物,常生活在寒冷地区,比如北极圈附近等,有些会被人们用来拉雪橇等。

- antlers:“鹿角;茸角”,是鹿类头上长的骨质结构,通常雄性的更为发达,在这里指画中形象有着驯鹿的鹿角。

- owl:“猫头鹰”,是一种夜行性的鸟类,常以鼠类等为食,有独特的外形和习性,此处指画里形象有着猫头鹰的脸。

- holding:动词“hold(拿着;握住;持有等)”的现在分词形式,在这里表示“拿着,握着”的状态,说明画里的形象手里拿着某物。

- flute:“长笛”,一种乐器,通常为长管状,通过吹奏发声,这里是画中形象似乎拿着的物品。

Jack looked at the book again.He found a picture of the figure and read:

Cave men may have been led by a sorcerer;or“Master of the Animals.”He may have worn reindeer antlers so he could run like a reindeer—and an owl mask so he could see like an owl.

- cave men:“穴居人”,指远古时期居住在洞穴里的人类,常代表着较为原始、早期的人类群体。

- sorcerer:“巫师;术士;魔法师”,通常被认为拥有神秘力量、会施魔法或进行一些特殊仪式等的人。

- worn:动词“wear(穿戴)”的过去分词形式,在这里表示“穿戴,佩戴”的动作已经完成,常用来描述过去某个时候身上穿着或戴着某物的状态。

- reindeer:“驯鹿”,前面已介绍过,是一种鹿科动物,生活在寒冷地带居多。

- antlers:“鹿角;茸角”,是鹿类头上长的骨质结构,这里指驯鹿的鹿角。

- mask:“面具;面罩”,常用来遮住脸部的一部分或全部,可用于装饰、伪装、仪式等不同用途。

"What is it?"said Annie.

“The Master of the Animals,"said Jack."He's a sorcerer."

"Oh wow,"breathed Annie."That's it."“That's what?”

- master:在这里作名词,意思是“主人;主宰者;大师”等,“Master of the Animals”表示“动物之主”,也就是能掌控、主宰动物的角色。

- sorcerer:“巫师;术士;魔法师”,常指在传说、神话故事等情境中,拥有神奇魔力、能施展法术的人。

- breathed:是动词“breathe(呼吸;轻声说;低语)”的过去式,在这里“breathed Annie”表示安妮轻声地、带着惊叹的语气说出后面的话,有一种压低声音、轻声感叹的感觉。

"That's who we have to find."


"Maybe he's a friend of Morgan's,"said Annie.Jack nodded slowly."Maybe,"he said."Let's go find him,"said Annie.

They went back through the tunnel into the first cave."We better put our lamps back,"said Jack.He and Annie blew out their lamps.They placed them back by the fire.

- tunnel:“隧道;地道”,通常是一种人工挖掘或天然形成的狭长通道,在这里指连接不同山洞的通道。

- lamps:“灯;灯具”,可以用来照明的工具,文中指杰克和安妮用于在山洞里照明的灯。

- blew out:是动词短语,“blow out”的过去式,意思是“吹灭;熄灭(灯火等)”,在这里表示他们把灯弄灭了。

- by the fire:“在火堆旁;靠近火堆”,说明放置灯的位置是挨着、靠近火堆的地方。

Jack's backpack was on the floor next to the skins.He put the Ice Age book into it.

"How's Peanut?"said Annie.Jack looked into his pack."She's not here,"he said.

“Oh no!"cried Annie."She must have crawled out when we were looking at the paintings."

- cried:是动词“cry”的过去式,在这里表示“大声呼喊;惊叫;哭诉”的意思,常用来体现因惊讶、难过、着急等情绪而发出比较大的声音说话的状态。

- crawled out:“crawl”意为“爬;爬行”,“crawled out”是其过去式短语,表示“爬出去;爬出”的动作,说明是通过爬行的方式从某个地方到外面去了。

"Peanut!"Jack called."Peanut!"called Annie.

Annie walked slowly around the cave,looking into the shadows.

Jack peered around the fire and under each of the furry skins.

"Jack!Come here!"said Annie.

She was standing near the entrance to the cave.The snow had stopped falling.In the snow were tiny tracks.

- shadows:名词“shadow”的复数形式,意为“阴影;影子;暗处”,在这里指山洞里光线较暗、形成的阴暗区域。

- peered around:“peer”作动词有“仔细看;端详;窥视”等意思,“peered around”表示在周围仔细查看、四处打量的动作,文中指杰克在火堆周围仔细查看的样子。

- furry:形容词,意思是“毛茸茸的;覆有毛皮的”,用来形容那些兽皮表面有很多毛的状态。

- falling:动词“fall”的现在分词形式,“fall”有“落下;掉落;降落”等意思,“falling”在这里表示雪正在下、处于飘落的状态,不过前文提到雪已经停了,描述的是之前下雪时的情况。

- tiny tracks:“tiny”意为“极小的;微小的”,“tracks”是“足迹;踪迹;轨道”等意思,“tiny tracks”就是指很小的足迹,比如可能是小动物之类留下的小脚印。
