
文摘   2024-11-09 19:07   重庆  


Book of Documents · Book of Yu · Canon of Yao

昔在帝尧,聪明文思,光宅天下。将逊于位,让于虞舜,作《尧典》。In ancient times, Emperor Yao was wise and thoughtful, his enlightenment shining upon the entire world. As he prepared to step down from his throne and cede it to Yu Shun, he composed the "Book of Yao" (or "Yao Dian").


曰若稽古,帝尧,曰放勋,钦、明、文、思、安安,允恭克让,光被四表,格于上下。It is said, let us investigate the ancient past. Emperor Yao was called Fangxun. He was reverent, wise, enlightened, thoughtful, peaceful, and tranquil. He was truly modest and capable of yielding. His brilliance shone far and wide, reaching all corners of the earth and connecting heaven and earth. 评价万古帝尧,帝尧名字叫做放勋,他恭敬节俭,明察是非,善理天下,道德纯备,温和宽容。他忠实不懈,又能让贤,光辉普照四方,思虑至于天地。

克明俊德,以亲九族。九族既睦,平章百姓。百姓昭明,协和万邦。黎民于变时雍。He was able to cultivate his noble virtues and bring harmony to his nine clans. Once the nine clans were in harmony, he regulated and harmonized the affairs of the common people. With the common people becoming enlightened and clear, he brought harmony and unity to the myriad nations. The common people then lived in peace and harmony during times of change. 他能发扬大德,使家族亲密和睦。家族和睦以后,又辨明其他各族的政事。众族的政事辨明了,又协调万邦诸侯,天下众民因此也就相递变化友好和睦起来。

乃命羲和,钦若昊天,历象日月星辰,敬授民时。He then commanded Xi and He to reverence the vast heavens, observe the movements of the sun, moon, and stars, and respectfully teach the people the timing of the seasons. 尧于是命令羲和氏,专职从事天文工作,推算日月星辰运行的规律,制定出历法,从而告诉人们依照时令节气从事生产活动。

分命羲仲,宅嵎夷,曰暘谷。寅宾出日,平秩东作。日中,星鸟,以殷仲春。He appointed Xi Zhong to reside in Yu Yi, which is called Yanggu. At dawn, he ushered in the rising sun and regulated activities in the east. At midday, when the star Phoenix was in the sky, it was the middle of spring. 任命羲仲居住在今山东东部滨海地区,传说中日出的地方。迎接升起的太阳,注意东边星星升起的顺序。以昼夜平分的那天作为春分,并以鸟星见于南方正中之时作为划分仲春的根据。昼夜长短相等,南方朱雀七宿黄昏时出现在天的正南方,依据这些确定仲春时节。

厥民析,鸟兽孳尾。申命羲叔,宅南交,曰明都。平秩南讹,敬致。The populace dispersed. As birds and beasts commenced their mating season, he assigned Xi Shu to dwell in the southern territory, known as Nan Jiao. This locale is referred to as Mingdu. There, he governed the southern regions with order and reverence. 这时,人们分散在田野,鸟兽开始生育繁殖。又命令羲叔,住在南方的交趾,辨别测定太阳往南运行的情况,恭敬地迎接太阳向南回来。

日永,星火,以正仲夏。厥民因,鸟兽希革。During the longest day of the year and the appearance of the Star of Fire (a constellation), it marked the midpoint of summer. The people of this region were relaxed, and birds and animals underwent minor changes. 白昼时间最长,东方苍龙七宿中的火星黄昏时出现在南方,依据这些确定仲夏时节。这时,人们住在高处,鸟兽的羽毛稀疏。

分命和仲,宅西,曰昧谷。寅饯纳日,平秩西成。He then commanded He Zhong to reside in Mei Valley in the west, where he respectfully bid farewell to the setting sun and discerned the moment of the sun's descent in the west. 又命令和仲,住在西方的昧谷,恭敬地送别落日,辨别测定太阳西落的时刻。

宵中,星虚,以殷仲秋。厥民夷,鸟兽毛毨。At midnight, when the star Void was in the sky, it was the middle of autumn. At this time, people returned to live on the flat lands. Birds and beasts grew new feathers. 昼夜长短相等,北方玄武七宿中的虚星黄昏时出现在天的正南方,依据这些确定仲秋时节。这时,人们又回到平地上居住,鸟兽换生新毛。

申命和叔,宅朔方,曰幽都。平在朔易。日短,星昴,以正仲冬。He then commanded He Shu to dwell in the northern direction, in a place called You Du. It was situated at the beginning of the northern border. The days were short, the star Mao, to mark the middle of winter. 又命令和叔,住在北方的幽都,辨别观察太阳往北运行的情况。白昼时间最短,西方白虎七宿中的昴星黄昏时出现在正南方,依据这些确定仲冬时节。

厥民隩,鸟兽氄毛。His people were cozy, and the birds and beasts had soft fur. 这时,人们住在室内,鸟兽长出了柔软的细毛。

帝曰:“咨!汝羲暨和。期三百有六旬有六日,以闰月定四时,成岁。允厘百工,庶绩咸熙。”The Emperor said, "Behold! You, Xi and He. The cycle is three hundred and sixty-six days, with intercalary months to determine the four seasons, completing the year. Indeed, you shall regulate the myriad craftsmen, and all endeavors shall flourish." 尧说:“啊!你们羲氏与和氏啊,一周年是三百六十六天,要用加闰月的办法确定春夏秋冬四季而成一岁。由此规定百官的事务,许多事情就都兴办起来。”

帝曰:“畴咨若时登庸?”The Emperor said, "Who is suitable to be promoted at this time?"


放齐曰:“胤子朱启明。”Fang Qi said, "The prince Zhu is intelligent."


帝曰:“吁!嚚讼可乎?”The Emperor said, "Alas! Can one who is unruly and quarrelsome be suitable?"


帝曰:“畴咨若予采?”The Emperor said, "Who is suitable for me to consult?"


驩兜曰:“都!共工方鸠僝功。”Huan Dou said, "Oh! Gonggong is making great efforts in organizing work."


帝曰:“吁!静言庸违,象恭滔天。”The Emperor said, "Alas! He is one who speaks smoothly but acts contrary. He appears respectful but his arrogance reaches to the heavens."


帝曰:“咨!四岳,汤汤洪水方割,荡荡怀山襄陵,浩浩滔天。下民其咨,有能俾乂?”The Emperor said, "Alas! You Four Mountains. The great flood is raging and cutting across everywhere. The waters are vast and submerge the Mountains and flood the highlands. The waves are mighty and reach to the heavens. The common people are in distress. Is there anyone who can pacify this?"


佥曰:“于!鲧哉。”All said, "Yes! Gun can."


帝曰:“吁!咈哉,方命圮族。”The Emperor said, "Alas! He is disobedient and causes harm to his clan by acting contrary to orders."


岳曰:“异哉!试可乃已。”The Mountains said, "This is unusual! Just try him and see."


帝曰,“往,钦哉!”九载,绩用弗成。The Emperor said, "Go and be respectful!" After nine years, his achievements were not accomplished.


帝曰:“咨!四岳。朕在位七十载,汝能庸命,巽朕位?”The Emperor said, "Alas! You Four Mountains. I have been on the throne for seventy years. Can you carry out my orders and succeed me on the throne?"


岳曰:“否德忝帝位。”The Mountains said, "We are unworthy to occupy the throne due to our lack of virtue."


曰:“明明扬侧陋。”The Emperor said, "Clearly promote those who are virtuous even if they are in humble positions."


师锡帝曰:“有鳏在下,曰虞舜。”The officials recommended to the emperor and said, "There is a widower below, named Shun of Yu."


帝曰:“俞予闻,如何?”The Emperor said, "Yes, I have heard of him. What is he like?"


岳曰:“瞽子,父顽,母嚚,象傲;克谐以孝,烝烝乂,不格奸。”The Mountains said, "He is the son of a blind man. His father is stubborn, his mother is unruly, and his younger brother Xiang is arrogant. But he can maintain harmony through filial piety. He is diligent in serving his parents and can avoid falling into evil."


帝曰:“我其试哉!女于时,观厥刑于二女。”The Emperor said, "I will test him! Marry your daughters to him and observe his conduct."


降二女于妫汭,嫔于虞。He sent his two daughters down to Guishui and they became his wives in Yu.


帝曰:“钦哉!The Emperor said, "Be respectful!"


慎徽五典,五典克从。纳于百揆,百揆时叙。He carefully promoted the five moral principles, and people followed them. He was put in charge of all affairs, and all affairs were arranged in order.


宾于四门,四门穆穆。纳于大麓,烈风雷雨弗迷。He received guests at the four gates, and all was solemn and respectful. He was put in charge of the great Mountains and forests, and even in the midst of strong winds, thunderstorms and rain, he did not lose his way.


帝曰:“格!汝舜。询事考言,乃言厎可绩,三载。汝陟帝位。The Emperor said, "Come! You, Shun. After consulting you on affairs and examining your words, I find that your words can lead to achievements. After three years, you shall ascend the throne."


舜让于德,弗嗣。Shun yielded due to his virtue and did not succeed to the throne.

