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辨发汗吐下后脉证并治 Differentiation and Treatment of Pulse Syndromes after Diaphoresis, Vomiting and Purgation

此第十卷,第二十二篇,凡四十八证,前三阴三阳篇中,悉具载之。This is the tenth volume, the twenty-second chapter. There are altogether forty-eight syndromes. All of them are fully recorded in the previous chapters on the three yin and three yang.

此以下诸方,于随卷本证下虽已有,缘止以加减言之,未甚明白,似于览者检阅未便,今复校勘,备列于后:The following prescriptions have already been presented under the corresponding syndromes in the respective volumes. However, they are only mentioned in terms of modifications and additions, which are not very clear. It seems inconvenient for readers to consult. Now, after re-collation, they are fully listed as follows:

桂枝加葛根汤方Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Pueraria

葛根四两 芍药二两 甘草二两 生姜三两(切) 大枣十二枚(掰) 桂枝二两(去皮) 麻黄*三两(去节)Pueraria 4 liang, peony 2 liang, licorice 2 liang, fresh ginger 3 liang (sliced), twelve Chinese dates (broken), cinnamon twig 2 liang (peeled), ephedra 3 liang (remove nodes).

右七味,以水一斗,先煮麻黄、葛根,减二升,去上沫,内诸药,煮取三升,去滓,温服一升,复取微似汗,不须啜粥,余如桂枝法。The seven ingredients are boiled in one dou of water. First boil ephedra and pueraria until the volume is reduced by 2 sheng. Skim off the foam on top. Then add all the other ingredients. Boil to obtain 3 sheng. Remove the dregs. Take one sheng warm. Produce a slight sweat similar to that after taking Cinnamon Twig Decoction. There is no need to drink gruel. The rest is the same as the method for Cinnamon Twig Decoction.

桂枝加厚朴杏子汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Magnolia and Apricot Kernel

于桂枝汤方内,加厚朴二两,杏仁五十个,去皮尖,余依前法。Add 2 liang of magnolia and fifty apricot kernels (remove the peel and tip) to the Cinnamon Twig Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method.

桂枝加附子汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Aconite

于桂枝汤方内,加附子一枚,炮,去皮,破八片,余依前法。术附汤方,附于此方内,去桂枝,加白术四两,依前法。Add one aconite (roasted, peeled, and broken into eight pieces) to the Cinnamon Twig Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method. The Aconite and Atractylodes Decoction is attached to this prescription. Remove cinnamon twig and add 4 liang of atractylodes. Follow the previous method.

桂枝去芍药汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction without Peony

于桂枝汤方内,去芍药,余依前法。Remove peony from the Cinnamon Twig Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method.

桂枝去芍药加附子汤方Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction without Peony plus Aconite

于桂枝汤方内,去芍药,加附子一枚,炮,去皮,破八片,余依前法。Remove peony from the Cinnamon Twig Decoction and add one aconite (roasted, peeled, and broken into eight pieces). The rest is the same as the previous method.

桂枝麻黄各半汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig and Ephedra Decoction in Half Quantities

桂枝一两十六铢(去皮) 芍药 生姜(切) 甘草(炙) 麻黄各一两(去节) 大枣四枚(掰) 杏仁二十四个(汤浸,去皮尖及两仁者)Cinnamon twig 1 liang and 16 zhu (peeled), peony, sliced fresh ginger, roasted licorice, ephedra each 1 liang (remove nodes), four Chinese dates (broken), twenty-four almonds (soaked in hot water, remove the peel, tip, and double kernels).

右七味,以水五升,先煮麻黄一二沸,去上沫,内诸药,煮取一升八合,去滓,温服六合。桂枝二麻黄一汤方The seven ingredients are boiled in five sheng of water. First boil ephedra for one or two boils. Skim off the foam on top. Then add all the other ingredients. Boil to obtain 1 sheng and 8 he. Remove the dregs. Take 6 he warm.

桂枝二麻黄一汤方Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction with One-Second Dose of Ephedra

桂枝一两十七铢(去皮) 芍药一两六铢 麻黄十六铢(去节) 生姜一两六铢(切) 杏仁十六个(去皮尖) 甘草一两二铢(炙) 大枣五枚(掰)Cinnamon twig 1 liang and 17 zhu (peeled), peony 1 liang and 6 zhu, ephedra 16 zhu (remove nodes), sliced fresh ginger 1 liang and 6 zhu, sixteen almonds (remove the peel and tip), roasted licorice 1 liang and 2 zhu, five Chinese dates (broken).

右七味,以水五升,先煮麻黄一二沸,去上沫,内诸药,煮取二升,去滓,温服一升,日再。The seven ingredients are boiled in five sheng of water. First boil ephedra for one or two boils. Skim off the foam on top. Then add all the other ingredients. Boil to obtain 2 sheng. Remove the dregs. Take 1 sheng warm. Take it twice a day.

白虎加人参汤方 Prescription of White Tiger Decoction plus Ginseng

于白虎汤方内,加人参三两,余依白虎汤法。Add three liang of ginseng to the White Tiger Decoction. The rest is the same as the method for White Tiger Decoction.

桂枝去桂加茯苓白术汤方:于桂枝汤方内,去桂枝,加茯苓、白术各三两,余依前法,煎服。小便利,则愈。Remove cinnamon twig from the Cinnamon Twig Decoction and add 3 liang each of poria and atractylodes. The rest is the same as the previous method. Take it after decoction. Recovery occurs when urination is normal.

以上九方,病证并在第二卷内。The above nine prescriptions and their syndromes are all in the second volume.

葛根加半夏汤方 Prescription of Pueraria Decoction plus Pinellia

于葛根汤方内,加入半夏半升,余依葛根汤法。Add half a sheng of pinellia to the Pueraria Decoction. The rest is the same as the method for Pueraria Decoction.

桂枝加芍药生姜人参新加汤方:Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Peony, Fresh Ginger and Ginseng (Newly Added Decoction)

于第二卷桂枝汤方内,更加芍药、生姜各一两,人参三两,余依桂枝汤法服。Add one liang each of peony and fresh ginger and three liang of ginseng to the Cinnamon Twig Decoction in the second volume. The rest is the same as the method for Cinnamon Twig Decoction.

栀子甘草豉汤方 Prescription of Gardenia and Licorice and Fermented Soybean Decoction

于栀子豉汤方内,加入甘草二两,余依前法。得吐,止后服。Add two liang of licorice to the Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method. Stop taking it after vomiting.

栀子生姜豉汤方Prescription of Gardenia and Fresh Ginger and Fermented Soybean Decoction

于栀子豉汤方内,加生姜五两,余依前法。得吐,止后服。Add five liang of fresh ginger to the Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method. Stop taking it after vomiting.

柴胡加芒硝汤方 Prescription of Bupleurum Decoction plus Mirabilite

于小柴胡汤方内,加芒硝六两,余依前法。服不解,更服。Add six liang of mirabilite to the Minor Bupleurum Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method. If it does not work after taking it, take it again.

桂枝加桂汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Extra Cinnamon Twig

于第二卷桂枝汤方内,更加桂二两,共五两,余依前法。Add two liang of cinnamon twig to the Cinnamon Twig Decoction in the second volume, making a total of five liang. The rest is the same as the previous method.

以上六方,病证并在第三卷内。The above six prescriptions and their syndromes are all in the third volume.

柴胡桂枝汤方  Prescription of Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction

桂枝(去皮) 黄芩 人参各一两半 甘草一两(炙) 半夏二合半 芍药一两半 大枣六枚(掰) 生姜一两半(切) 柴胡四两Cinnamon twig (peeled), scutellaria, ginseng each 1 liang and a half, roasted licorice 1 liang, pinellia 2 and a half he, peony 1 liang and a half, six Chinese dates (broken), sliced fresh ginger 1 liang and a half, bupleurum 4 liang.

右九味,以水七升,煮取三升,去滓,温服。The nine ingredients are boiled in seven sheng of water. Boil to obtain 3 sheng. Remove the dregs. Take it warm.

附子泻心汤方 Prescription of Aconite Decoction for Purging Heart

大黄二两 黄连 黄芩各一两 附子一枚(炮,去皮,破,别煮取计)Rhubarb 2 liang, coptis, scutellaria each 1 liang, one aconite (roasted, peeled, and boiled separately to obtain juice).

右四味,切三味,以麻沸汤二升渍之,须臾,绞去滓,内附子汁,分温再服。The four ingredients are cut. Soak the first three ingredients in two sheng of boiling water. After a short while, wring out the dregs. Add the aconite juice. Take it in two doses at warm temperature.

生姜泻心汤方 Prescription of Fresh Ginger Decoction for Purging Heart

生姜四两(切) 甘草三两(炙) 人参三两干姜一两 黄芩三两 半夏半升(洗) 黄连一两大枣十二枚Sliced fresh ginger 4 liang, roasted licorice 3 liang, ginseng 3 liang, dried ginger 1 liang, scutellaria 3 liang, half a sheng of pinellia (washed), coptis 1 liang, twelve Chinese dates.

右八味,以水一斗,煮取六升,去滓,再煎取三升,温服一升,日三服。The eight ingredients are boiled in one dou of water. Boil to obtain 6 sheng. Remove the dregs. Boil again to obtain 3 sheng. Take one sheng warm. Take it three times a day.

甘草泻心汤方 Prescription of Licorice Decoction for Purging Heart

甘草四两 黄芩三两 干姜三两 半夏半升(洗) 黄连一两 大枣十二枚(掰)Licorice 4 liang, scutellaria 3 liang, dried ginger 3 liang, half a sheng of pinellia (washed), coptis 1 liang, twelve Chinese dates (broken).

右六味,以水一斗,煮取六升,去滓,再煎取三升,温服一升,日三服。The six ingredients are boiled in one dou of water. Boil to obtain 6 sheng. Remove the dregs. Boil again to obtain 3 sheng. Take one sheng warm. Take it three times a day.

黄芩加半夏生姜汤方 Prescription of Scutellaria Decoction plus Pinellia and Fresh Ginger

于黄芩汤方内,加半夏半升,生姜一两半,余依黄芩汤法服。Add half a sheng of pinellia and one and a half liang of fresh ginger to the Scutellaria Decoction. The rest is the same as the method for Scutellaria Decoction.

以上五方,病证并在第四卷内。The above five prescriptions and their syndromes are all in the fourth volume.

桂枝加大黄汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Rhubarb

桂枝三两(去皮) 大黄一两 芍药六两 生姜三两(切) 甘草二两(炙) 大枣十二枚(掰)Cinnamon twig 3 liang (peeled), rhubarb 1 liang, peony 6 liang, sliced fresh ginger 3 liang, roasted licorice 2 liang, twelve Chinese dates (broken).

右六味,以水七升,煮取三升,去滓,温服一升,日三服。The six ingredients are boiled in seven sheng of water. Boil to obtain 3 sheng. Remove the dregs. Take one sheng warm. Take it three times a day.

桂枝加芍药汤方 Prescription of Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Extra Peony

于第二卷桂枝汤方内,更加芍药三两,随前共六两,余依桂枝汤法。Add three liang of peony to the Cinnamon Twig Decoction in the second volume. The total amount of peony is 6 liang. The rest is the same as the method for Cinnamon Twig Decoction.

逆加吴茱萸生姜汤方 Prescription of Frigid Extremities Decoction plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger

当归二两 芍药三两 甘草二两(炙) 通草二两 桂枝三两(去皮) 细辛三两 生姜半斤(切) 大枣二十五枚(掰) 吴茱萸二升Angelica sinensis 2 liang, peony 3 liang, roasted licorice 2 liang, tetrapanax papyriferus 2 liang, cinnamon twig 3 liang (peeled), asarum 3 liang, sliced fresh ginger half a catty, twenty-five Chinese dates (broken), 2 sheng of evodia.

右九味,以水六升,清酒六升,和煮取五升,去滓,温分五服。一方水酒各四升。The nine ingredients are boiled in six sheng of water and six sheng of clear wine. Boil together to obtain five sheng. Remove the dregs. Take it in five doses at warm temperature. In another version, use four sheng each of water and wine.

以上三方,病证并在第六卷内。The above three prescriptions and their syndromes are all in the sixth volume.

逆加人参汤方 Prescription of Frigid Extremities Decoction plus Ginseng

于四逆汤方内,加人参一两,余依四逆汤法服。Add one liang of ginseng to the Frigid Extremities Decoction. The rest is the same as the method for Frigid Extremities Decoction.

四逆加猪胆汁汤方 Prescription of Frigid Extremities Decoction plus Pig Bile

于四逆汤方内,加入猪胆汁半合,余依前法服;如无猪胆,以羊胆代之。Add half a he of pig bile to the Frigid Extremities Decoction. The rest is the same as the previous method. If there is no pig bile, replace it with sheep bile.

以上二方,病证并在第七卷内。The above two prescriptions and their syndromes are all in the seventh volume.
