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Nick Petrić Howe
Opioids, like fentanyl, are behind tens of thousands of deaths every year in the US alone, and that is in large part down to their very addictive nature. The drugs have two main effects on the brain that contribute to this: one, they make you feel good — they reward you for taking them, and two, if you stop taking them you feel bad — you get withdrawal.And whilst these two effects are known to drive addiction, the underlying neuronal mechanism is unclear. And that’s a problem, because whilst these drugs have great potential to do harm, they are also incredibly useful for pain relief. A better understanding of what’s going on in the brain could allow scientists to design drugs that are less addictive, whilst still keeping their benefits.And that is precisely what Christian Lüscher from the University of Geneva in Switzerland, and his collaborators, have done - in mice - using the particularly potent drug, fentanyl. Here’s Christian.
像芬太尼这样的阿片类药物,每年仅在美国就导致成千上万的死亡,而这主要归因于它们的强烈成瘾性。这些药物对脑部有两个主要影响,促成了成瘾的形成:一方面,它们让人感觉良好,服用它们会产生奖励效应;另一方面,如果停止服用,它们会让人感觉不适,出现戒断症状。虽然这两种效应已被认为是成瘾的主要驱动力,但其背后的神经机制仍不清楚。这是一个问题,因为尽管这些药物具有极大的危害潜力,但它们在疼痛缓解方面也非常有用。更深入了解脑部的具体机制,可能帮助科学家设计出更少成瘾性、但仍保留止痛功效的药物。这正是瑞士日内瓦大学的Christian Lüscher及其团队在小鼠身上所做的研究,他们使用了特别强效的药物——芬太尼。接下来是Christian的介绍。
Christian Lüscher
So far, when you look in the textbook, the explanation that is usually given is that opioids very strongly activates the dopamine system. And when they do so for some time, weeks, or even months, and then all of a sudden, they're not available, that system is sort of exhausted. And then you have a situation where you have not enough dopamine. And that would explain why people have this aversive state and they feel down. Now our work looked into this and we needed to do this in mice, because only there we can actually do all these molecular manipulations. And the first observation we made, which was very surprising is when you take out the protein, the receptor that is responsible for that positive reinforcement, in the reward system, the withdrawal is still normal. So there is there's still dependence and when the animal no longer has access to an opioid, they will show all the signs of withdrawal syndrome. So the– the explanation that it is the same system that causes the positive reinforcement, as well as the negative reinforcement didn't seem to hold. And so that was the beginning of our study.
Nick Petrić Howe
So rather than there just being this one system that does both these things, there seem to be two different systems that do this sort of like withdrawal part and this reward pathway. How did you identify what was going on in these two different pathways?
Christian Lüscher
So we put the mice in situation where they will go into withdrawal. And we looked in many, many different brain regions, which ones were active. You can do this by monitoring a gene a so called immediate early gene that reflects the neuronal activity. And we had then a few candidate areas where something really interesting is going on during withdrawal, one of which was the central amygdala. And that's why we focused our attention then on this particular part of the brain.
Nick Petrić Howe
And what is the central amygdala normally involved in?
Christian Lüscher
So it's involved in fear responses, in anxiety. And so it's, of course, the brain regions that people know very well. What we have been able to contribute with this, that we identified the population of cells that express the receptor for the opiates, it's called the µ-opioid receptor. And that was unknown until then how exactly these cells are located in the central amygdala. And that is how we were able to identify that it is actually those cells, which are the entry gate if you will, of this negative reinforcement for opiates.
Nick Petrić Howe
And this is in contrast to the other one that's doing the more sort of positive reward side.
Christian Lüscher
Sure. So, then we now change from a model where one system would be responsible for both the positive and the negative reinforcement to a system where you would have two distinct circuits that mediate one and the other.
Nick Petrić Howe
And not only the identify these neurons and their relative locations in the brain, but you also manipulated them to show that there was a very causal mechanism going on here.
Christian Lüscher
That's the beauty of current modern circuit neuroscience. You cannot observe what happens in the cells but then you have actually tools to manipulate and these are largely optogenetic tools. That is, you can manipulate those cells by putting in ion channels that are light sensitive and you can either activate or inhibit the cells. And so, I guess the crucial experiment that really indicates causality was when we were able to put an opsin into these cells of the central amygdala, that activates those cells, and we made them active continuously. And we showed that this is very similar to the aversive state that the animal feels in opiate withdrawal. And so the animal then was given the opportunity to press a lever to pause this activation, and that they learned very quickly. So, this is precisely the definition of negative reinforcement, you do an action to alleviate an aversive state. And what's more, this mechanism is then also sensitive to the injection of fentanyl. So, we could block this behaviour by exposing the animal a little bit to fentanyl.
Nick Petrić Howe
So, what do you think this means for our sort of understanding of opioids and addiction, that there are these two pathways?
Christian Lüscher
So for first, it's a gain in knowledge we better understand and now we can focus on the cellular mechanism and the molecular mechanisms. So it is conceivable that we then design drugs that would activate one or not the other. So, this is in the larger picture of trying to parse the relevant circuits that mediate specific symptoms of opiates. So for cor– for the opiates, the– the effect that we usually look for is to use them as painkillers. So, to reduce the pain that's yet in a different brain area but it is now important to see that we have additional two mechanisms that are involved and not one. And that will sort of give us new ideas on how to do selective new compounds that would basically do pain, to reduce the pain but not induce addiction. And it could also help us to better design substitution therapies, which is the cornerstone of opioid use disorder treatment. When people suffer from that they usually receive methadone, or in some countries, even heroin as a substitution drug. And now that we know how heroin and methadone activates these both circuits, we can improve those substitution therapies.
Nick Petrić Howe
And you know, you mentioned a couple of different opioids there. This study was about fentanyl, so do you think this sort of mechanism is broadly applicable to opioids?
Christian Lüscher
You're right, we need to formally test this. But from all we know, it's the exact same receptors that is activated, because when you take out the new receptors, all effects of the opiates are gone. And so, by extension, we are confident that this applies not only to fentanyl, but also to other opiates. The reason why we chose fentanyl is because it is a drug of public concern. But it is also a very rapidly active drug and that helps us to parse the effects. The faster a drug, the easier it is to see under experimental conditions.
Nick Petrić Howe
And you know, this study was in mice, what do you think needs to be done to translate this to humans?
Christian Lüscher
Well, we know that these receptors and these brain circuits also exists in humans, and we can image them with functional technologies such as functional MRI, and I think our clinical colleagues now can use our sort of blueprint of what one has to look for, to confirm or not whether the same mechanisms apply to human people with addiction.
Nick Petrić Howe
That was Christian Lüscher, from the University of Geneva, in Switzerland. For more on that story, including a link to Christian’s latest paper, published in Nature, check out the show notes.
以上是瑞士日内瓦大学的Christian Lüscher的介绍。想要了解更多关于这个故事的信息,包括Christian最新论文的链接,欢迎查看节目说明。