
财富   2024-10-12 12:04   上海  

中国典范雇主(Employer Excellence of China)评选是国内具有广泛影响力的人力资源管理领域的选拔。2008年举办至今,这一已连续举办17届的中国雇主评选一直致力于展现中国人才管理的最高水平,表彰在人才吸引、培养和关爱等方面有领先举措,并藉此获得卓越业绩和保持持续发展优势的典范雇主。

The "Employer Excellence of China" is the prestigious event focused on the evaluation of human resource management in China today. The award is being presented to the companies in China whose human resources practices have made a significant contribution to their corporate development and employee career development, and serves as models for other companies.


Selection Methodology & Criteria
