
文摘   2025-01-20 17:11   河北  

目的:通过腕舟状骨侧(斜)位摄影体位,结合传统腕舟状骨位进一步明确腕舟状骨骨折及错位情况及对术后效果的评判。材料与方法:搜集46例腕舟状骨外伤患者(包括15例腕舟状骨内固定术后患者),均采用常规腕关节正侧位+腕舟状骨位摄影和加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,对比分析骨折检出与错位情况。结果:1.采用常规腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位投照,38例腕舟状骨骨折,加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,44例腕舟状骨骨折,其中有6例腕舟状骨被检出骨折,差异有统计学意义P﹤0.05(ⅹ²=4.039 ,P=0.044)。2. 41例患者(包括腕舟骨骨折38例和未见骨折中的3例),通过加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,有错位增加15例,差异有统计学意义 P﹤0.05(ⅹ²=11.038 ,P=0.001)。3. 对8例临床可疑腕舟状骨骨折患者均进行CT扫描并与腕舟状骨侧(斜)位的检出率对比,腕舟状骨侧(斜)位的敏感度为85.7%、准确度为87.5%,有1例未检出骨折。结论:腕舟状骨位+腕舟状骨侧(斜)位摄影,真实可靠的展示了舟状骨骨折及错位情况,大大减少漏诊、误诊率,提高了阳性检出率。








使用西门子AXIOM Aristos FX DR系统对腕关节进行拍片,采集图像后传输到PACS 工作站进行软阅读,经锐珂DryView 6850激光洗相机打印胶片图像。


1. 46例腕舟状骨外伤的患者(包括15例腕舟状骨内固定术后患者),均常规投照腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位观察腕舟状骨骨折及错位情况。通过加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,采用统计学配对设计ⅹ²检验对比分析腕舟状骨骨折检出与错位情况。然后对临床高度可疑腕舟状骨骨折的患者均进行CT扫描,并与腕舟状骨侧(斜)位比较敏感度和准确度。

2. 腕舟状骨侧(斜)位投照方法是:①摄影体位:被检者坐于摄影床一侧,拇指尽量伸直外展,余四指呈半握拳状,掌心向下,拇指近端及桡骨远端贴近探测器中心,使尺侧抬高,前臂冠状面与探测器平面约呈45°(见图A)。②中心线:向头侧倾斜20°角,对准第一掌骨基底下鼻烟窝处射入探测器中心(见图B)。③显示部位:腕舟状骨呈侧(斜)位展示,稍许与大多角骨重叠,诸掌骨近端与诸腕骨及尺桡骨远端呈斜位展示。④摄影条件:55KV、3.2mAs,SID 85-95cm 滤线栅(-)。


将腕舟状骨外伤患者常规投照腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位的骨折检出和错位情况与加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后骨折检出和错位情况进行统计学分析,所得数据应用SPSS 12.0统计软件进行配对设计的ⅹ²检验,P﹤0.05差异有统计学意义。


1、 46例腕舟状骨外伤患者采用投照传统腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位,其中腕舟状骨骨折38例,未见明显骨折8例,通过加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,腕舟状骨骨折44例,未见明显骨折2例,有6例腕舟状骨被检出骨折,差异有统计学意义P﹤0.05(ⅹ²=4.039 ,P=0.044),表明腕舟状骨侧(斜)位能够提高腕舟状骨骨折的检出率。(表1)

2、 41例患者(包括腕舟骨骨折38例和未见骨折中的3例)采用投照传统腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位,有错位6例,未见错位35例,通过加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,有错位21例,未见错位20例,差异有统计学意义P﹤0.05(ⅹ²=11.038 ,P=0.001)。其中10例腕舟状骨行内固定术,腕舟状骨位显示固定良好,但是加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,有5例(占50%)腕舟状骨固定不理想,表明腕舟状骨侧(斜)位更全面了解舟状骨骨折错位情况及术中复位评估。(表2)



1.腕舟状骨骨折按Herbert分型可分为A型 急性稳定型骨折;B型急性不稳定骨折;C型 延迟愈合型;D型 骨不连型[4]。因早期漏诊、误诊造成腕舟状骨不愈合的占其总数的40%[5],导致漏诊的主要原因一是由于腕舟状骨解剖因素,位置较隐蔽,二是投照体位的因素。如果诊断不明确、治疗不及时,易发生骨不连、坏死等并发症,影响腕关节正常功能。


3.腕舟状骨骨折的治疗方法取决于骨折类型和稳定性的情况。正常情况下,在腕舟状骨位中舟状骨的形态为“半月”(half moon shape)形,而 (侧)斜位中其形态为“半椭圆形”,如果骨折断端有分离、错位,舟状骨形态随之改变,说明舟状骨呈不稳定状态,这种情况应对骨折断端进行复位。如果腕舟状骨骨折行内或外固定术后,建议拍摄腕舟状骨位和腕舟状骨(侧)斜位,以综合评价错位程度和复位效果。本组病例中有10例为腕舟状骨内固定术后复查患者,常规拍摄腕关节正侧位和舟状骨位,显示腕舟状骨复位良好,但加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位后,其中有5例患者腕舟状骨复位不理想,空心螺钉未起到固定作用(见第6个病例)。因此临床医生在术中C型臂观察腕舟状骨复位情况时,常规投照腕舟状骨位和腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,以全面观察腕舟状骨复位和固定情况。




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图B 球管(中心线)向头侧倾斜20°角,对准第一掌骨基底下鼻烟窝处射入探测器。

图C 为腕舟状骨位X线影像

图D 为腕舟状骨侧(斜)位X线影像,舟状骨呈半圆形状,与大多角骨稍重叠。

一、患者为男性45岁 右腕关节外伤后,进行X线平片检查,常规投照右腕关节正侧位、腕舟状骨位和腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,显示腕舟状骨骨折,无明显错位。(如下图1-4)

图1A腕关节正位 图B腕关节侧位 图C腕舟状骨位 图D腕舟状骨侧(斜)位


图2A腕关节正位 图B腕关节侧位 图C腕舟状骨位 图D腕舟状骨侧(斜)位

三、患者为女性41岁 腕关节外伤后,进行X线平片检查,常规投照右腕关节正侧位、腕舟状骨位,显示腕舟状骨骨折,无明显错位。加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,显示腕舟状骨骨折断端明显错位。(如下图A-D)

图3A腕关节正位 图B腕关节侧位 图C腕舟状骨位 图D腕舟状骨侧(斜)位

四、患者为男性26岁 腕关节外伤后,怀疑腕舟状骨骨折,进行X线平片检查,常规投照右腕关节正侧位、腕舟状骨位,显示腕舟状未见明显骨折。后加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,显示腕舟状骨腰部骨折。此患者腕舟状骨骨折漏诊。(如下图A-D)

图4A腕关节正位 图B腕关节侧位 图C腕舟状骨位 图D腕舟状骨侧(斜)位

五、患者为男性28岁 右腕舟状骨骨折行石膏外固定后3个月复查,进行X线平片检查,常规投照右腕关节正侧位和腕舟状骨位,显示腕舟状骨断端对位可,加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,显示腕舟状骨骨折断端错位明显。(如下图A-D)

图5A腕关节正位 图B腕关节侧位 图C腕舟状骨位 图D腕舟状骨侧(斜)位

六、患者为女性51岁 左腕舟状骨骨折保守治疗5月余后,症状未见好转,来我院就诊,行腕舟状骨切开复位内固定术后复查,进行X线平片检查,常规投照右腕关节正位和腕舟状骨位,显示腕舟状骨复位良内固定未见松动。加拍腕舟状骨侧(斜)位,显示腕舟状骨骨折断端错位明显,空心螺钉未起到固定舟状骨的作用,手术效果不理想。(如下图A-C)

图6A腕关节正位 图B腕舟状骨位 图C腕舟状骨侧(斜)位


Lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid and its clinical significance


Purpose Lateral-Oblique projection of carpal scaphoid is a new method for improving the detection rate of carpal scaphoid fracture and displacement.

Materials and methods 46 patients with carpal scaphoid injury were collected with 41 males and 5 females, 14 cases of left wrist were injured and 32 cases of right wrist were injured. All the patients were given standard posterior-anterior(PA) and lateral projections of wrist, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion, and supplemented by lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid. Through the statistical matching designⅹ², a comparative analysis of fracture detections and displacements was made.

Results All of the 46 patients with carpal scaphoid injury were first given posterior-anterior(PA) and lateral projections of wrist and PA wrist-ulnar Flexion, and 38 cases were diagnosed as carpal scaphoid fracture. After lateral-oblique projection of scaphoid was applied, 44 cases were diagnosed as carpal scaphoid fracture and 6 cases were found to be misdiagnosed. The difference is statistically significant. Meanwhile, 41 patients (including 38 cases of carpal scaphoid fracture and three cases of suspected fracture) were given lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, 15 more cases were found to be with displacements, and the difference is statistically significant. 8 cases still showed suspected carpal scaphoid fracture in spite of the negative results of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid and ulnar deviated view. When compared with making use of computed tomography (CT) to test the patients, the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid are 85.7% and 87.5% respectively, fracture patient was neglect by lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid.

Conclusion Traditional PA wrist-ulnar Flexion in combination with lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid can detect the carpal scaphoid fracture and displacement more accurately, lower the rate of misdiagnosis.

Key words. Dislocation. Digital radiography. Fracture. Scaphoid bone


Carpal scaphoid fracture is a common injury that accounts for 82% and 89% of carpal fractures [1].  The traditional radiographic diagnosis is composed of PA and lateral projections of wrist in combination with PA wrist-ulnar Flexion[2].  Due to its irregular shape, adjacent relationship with surrounding carpi, and extent of injury, carpal scaphoid fracture can be appeared different degrees of fractures and displacements by the traditional examination. Without the assistance of computed tomography(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)[3],  it is difficult to detect the correct diagnosis based on the frontal projection only. The authors can describe the shape of carpal scaphoid from different perspectives, enhance the correct rates of diagnosis of carpal scaphoid fractures and displacements, and avoid misdiagnosis by a novel method named lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid. Consequently, a more scientific and reliable evidence can be provided for further clinical judgment and treatment.

Materials and Methods

Clincal datum  46 patients with carpal scaphoid injury were collected, with 41 males and 5 females. Their ages range from 17 to 58 years old (the average age is 31). Among them, 14 cases were left carpal scaphoid

injury, and 32 cases were right carpal scaphoid injury. The institution

does not require IRB approval.

Instruments  The Instruments applied in the study included the digital radiograph (DR) system SIEMENS AXIOM Aristos FX(Munchen Germany) and picture archiving and communication system(pacs) workstation(Beijing, China)

Examination Methods  All of 46 patients were given traditional PA and lateral projections of wrist, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion to find the fractures and displacements of carpal scaphoid. On the basis of double blinded trial, three experienced radiologists were arranged to read the X-ray films.

After lateral-oblique projection of scaphoid was further given, a comparative analysis of fracture detections and displacements was made through the statistical matching design ⅹ². The highly suspected patients were examinated by CT and lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid respectively, then we compare the sensibility and accuracy of two different methods that are applied to the patients clinically.

The specific method of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid

Radiographic position The patient was arranged on one side of the examination bed, kept the thumb straight, made the rest of fingers bent, placed the palm downward, kept proximal end of the thumb and distal end of the radius close to the center of the detector; raised the ulnar side in order to form a 45°angle between forearm coronal section and the

detector.(Figures 1A)

Central line The central line tilts toward the head side at a 20°angle, with the snuffbox of the first metacarpal directed toward the detector. (Figures 1B)

Presentation site The diagonal display of carpal scaphoid was slightly overlapped with os trapezium, with proximal end of metacarpal and distal end of radius and ulna presented in an oblique way. (Figures 1C)

Photography condition  The film focus distance was 90cm,2.2mAs tube current,50 KV tube voltage, grid(-).

Statistical Analysis Make a comparative analysis about fracture rates and displacement rates were examined by routine method of PA and lateral projections of wrist, PA wrist-ulnar Flexionand by the new method of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid. The datum obtained were tested through the statistical matching designⅹ²of SPSS 12.0 software(P0.05), the result is statistically significant.


46 patients received traditional carpal joint X-ray examinations, 38 of them showed carpal scaphoid fractures, 8 of them showed not obvious fractures. Supplemented by the newly-inovated method lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, 44 cases were found to be with carpal

scaphoid fractures, two cases showed no clear fractures, so six cases were

missed diagnosed according the traditional examination. The difference is statistically significant(P0.05,ⅹ²=4.039 P=0.044), which indicates lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid can enhance the detection rate of carpal scaphoid fracture. (Table 1)

41 patients (including 38 cases of carpal scaphoid fractures and 3 cases of suspected fractures) were examined by the routine PA and lateral projections of wrist, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion , six cases were found to be with displacements and 35 cases without displacements. Supplemented by Lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, 21 cases were found to be with displacements and 20 cases without displacements. The difference is statistically significant (P0.05,ⅹ²=11.038 P=0.001). Among them, 10 patients were given internal fixation, the result of carpal scaphoid fixation showed good. Supplemented by Lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, 5 cases of carpal scaphoid fixation showed poor results (50%), which indicates a contritution to a comprehensive judgment about carpal scaphoid displacement and a precise evaluation about fracture reposition by surgery. (Table 2)

8 cases of suspected carpal scaphoid fractures were examinated by PA and lateral projections of wrist, and PA wrist-ulnar Flexion, no carpal

scaphoid fractures were found; 8 cases of suspected carpal scaphoid fractures were examinated by lateral-oblique projections of carpal

scaphoid, 6 fractures cases were found, 2 fractures cases were no found. Moreover, 8 cases of suspected carpal scaphoid fractures were examinated by CT, 7 fractures cases were found, 1 fracture case was no found, 1 fracture case was missed diagnosis. The different results show the positive detection rate of the suspected fractures patients increase markedly by lateral-oblique projections of carpal scaphoid. The diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy are 85.7% and 87.5% respectively.(Table 3)


Based on Herbert classification, carpal scaphoid fractures can divided into four Types: Type A acute stable fracture, Type B acute unstable fracture, Type C delayed union fracture ,and Type D nonunion fracture [4]. 40 percent of poor prognosis can be attributed to missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis at early stage [5], the reason can be due to two main factors: one is the hidden location of carpal scaphoid in the sense of anatomy, the other is the choice of radiographic position of carpal scaphoid in the sense of digital radiography. If the patients were delayed diagnosis and treatment, a series of complications such as bone ununion, necrosis may occur and the the normal function of wrist can be affected.

Part of carpal scaphoid fractures missed diagnosis clinically ,because the results were negative at first X-ray examination,. 发生率达22%~43[6]. At present, digital X-ray computed tomography fusion technology [7]or MRI[8-11] or CT [8,10-12]and CBCT [13,14] can be applied to the diagnosis of suspected carpal scaphoid fracture. However, radiography is the first choice in the diagnosis of scaphoid fractures, which usually involves the PA and lateral projections of wrist and PA wrist-ulnar Flexion. From the observation of image of carpal joints, scaphoids are short and scaphoid joints tend to overlap with the proximal end of scaphoid, which lead to unclear presentation of scaphoid fracture line. 能够显示-桡方向骨折线的骨折和错位情况,但是单纯一个摄影体位,观察舟状骨的骨折情况是不全面的,对于腕舟状骨掌-背方向或斜方向的不全骨折,因其重叠而不能清晰显示舟状骨侧(斜)位使舟状骨向内旋转接近45°,近似舟状骨侧位,能够清晰显示腕舟状骨掌-背方向或斜方向的骨折,弥补了单纯舟状骨尺偏位的不足。 If scaphoid fracture is suspected, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion should be given to adjust its physilogical bias. Thus, with the parallel of long axis of bone and spool box, minor fracture without displacement can be indicated. Meanwhile, through frontal projection images of carpal scaphoids, hidden fractures or incomplete fractures may not be observed. When patients present obvious injury mechanisms--- local swelling stuff box, significant tenderness or the positive results of carpal scaphoid movements, lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid should be given if hidden scaphoid fracture is highly suspected in spite of the negative results of X-ray plain film examination. In this way, diagnosis can be clearer. 6 patients were diagnosed as carpal scaphoid fractures, 2 patients were not fractured.

Meanwhile, 8 patients were examined by CT, 7 patients were fractured, 1 patient was not fractured, and 1 patient was missed diagnosis, the

diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid are 85.7% and 87.5% respectively. The result shows that lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid as a method to diagnose the obscure fracture can enhance the detection rate of scaphoid fracture. No obvious fracture can be observed in the fifth case based on the standard PA and lateral projections of wrist, and PA wrist-ulnar Flexion.(Figures 2) But the patient complained of swelling snuff box, obvious tenderness, so carpal scaphoid fracture is highly suspected. Making use of lateral-oblique projection of scaphoid shows the carpal scaphoid fracture, which reflects the clinical significance of the technique of lateral-oblique projection in the diagnosis of hidden scaphoid fracture.If the suspected fractures patients were not examinated by lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, and then you can take advantage of CT or MRI to make a definite diagnosis.

The treatment method of carpal scaphoid fracture is determined by fracture displacement and stability, and accurate and complete imaging data can provide reliable support for the clinical treatment. 正常情况下,在腕舟状骨位中舟状骨的形态为“半月”形,而 ()斜位中其形态为“半椭圆形”,如果骨折断端有分离、错位,舟状骨形态随之改变,说明舟状骨呈不稳定状态。腕舟状骨骨折行内或外固定术后,建议拍摄腕舟状骨位和腕舟状骨()斜位,以综合评价错位程度和复位效果。Upon the traditional radiographic examination, 10 patients with internal fixation of carpal scaphoid showed good recovery. However, with the assistance of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid, the radiograph showed five of them with poor recovery(50%), the hollow screws are in operation.(Figures 3) In order to get a clear and complete picture of carpal scaphoid, surgeons should apply lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid in addition to ensure the reposition and fixation of carpal scaphoid in the course of clinical treatment. Therefore, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion combined with lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid should be applied as a newly-innovated technique in scaphoid fracture surgeries.

The techniques application provides a new perspective of detection of scaphoid fracture which can improve the clinical treatment. Consequently, we get a systematic and accurate method for testing the negative detection rates and condition of displacement. Besides, the method is also convenient, feasible, and can be widely applicable. Here, we have 6 cases were listed to further prove the clinical significance of lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid (Figures 2-7).

In conclusion, PA wrist-ulnar Flexion should be applied along with the lateral-oblique projection of carpal scaphoid in the process of the clinical diagnosis and treatment. In this way, we can obtain more reliable imaging data that provides solid evidence for the treatment of scaphoid fractures.

作者:孟辉 河北医科大学第三医院











