At Nanjing International School, community is more than just a word—it's the foundation of everything we do! We’re an inclusive learning community, and this wonderful sense of belonging was on full display at our recent Welcome BBQ, where students, families, and staff gathered to kick off and celebrate another inspiring school year. The event was held at the picturesque Westin Resort & Spa Hotel at the Nanjing Garden Expo, drawing almost 400 guests from across our school community.在NIS,“社区”不只是一个词语——它是我们所有行动的核心与基石!作为一个包容性的学习型社区,这份温暖的归属感在我们最近的欢迎烧烤会上展现得淋漓尽致。学生、家长与教职员工欢聚一堂,共同开启新学年的篇章,庆祝每一份灵感与成长。这场活动在风景如画的南京园博园威斯汀温泉度假酒店举行,吸引了近400名来自整个学校社区的宾客。The day featured an array of delicious dishes and refreshing drinks, all provided by the Westin. From sizzling barbecue to cold beverages and desserts, there was something for everyone. Meanwhile, children enjoyed a wide variety of activities, including a slip-n-slide, magic performances, and creative arts and crafts, all organised by the Pfrang Association, our school’s primary charity.当天,南京威斯汀精心准备了丰盛的美食与沁人心脾的饮品。从滋滋作响的烧烤到冰爽的饮料与诱人的甜点,每个人都能找到自己的心头好。与此同时,孩子们也沉浸在各种精彩活动中:有趣的水滑梯、魔术表演,以及由学校主要慈善机构普方基金会精心策划的创意艺术手工等,为大家带来无限欢乐。Amid the laughter and excitement, the Welcome BBQ offered a perfect opportunity for new and returning families to connect and strengthen their bond with our school and each other. We can’t wait for our biggest community event in October, the PTA Autumn Festival!