Imagine an innovative, multi-level learning space that puts Student Voice and Student Choice at the heart of our school. This August, we’re looking forward to the HUB inspiring our students and connecting their learning across our campus and the world. Join us on the journey of this new space to learn more, from inception and philosophy to design and construction!超越想象的多层次创新学习空间,以学生的心声和选择为核心。八月HUB揭幕之际,我们期盼它能激发学生灵感,将个体学习与校园乃至全球紧密相连。请与我们共同踏上新空间的旅程,探索从构思理念到设计建造的美妙过程!
We don’t want to design a school that just looks pretty; it must help us in what we’re trying to achieve. We want to create spaces that amplify existing teaching and learning practices of which we’re proud, and which help us to develop new competencies in the years to come.我们不仅追求学校外观的美丽,更重视其助力实现我们目标的功能。我们希望创建的空间能够增强和扩展我们引以为豪的、现有的教学和学习方法。并为未来的成长和能力发展提供支持。 How might we design a space that amplifies those practices, a space that helps rather than hinders our ongoing efforts to put Student Voice and Student Choice at the centre of things?我们该如何设计一个能够加强学校已有的教学和实践的空间,一个能够帮助而不是阻碍促进学生在教育过程中的参与和决策权的空间呢? The HUB is the physical representation of inclusivity at NIS: It is a space across the school that is open to every single member of our community.HUB象征着学校对包容性价值观的实际践行和表达。为社区每一位成员提供了一个开放的空间。