The PYP Exhibition is the culminating experience of the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme. Through this event, Grade 5 students at NIS connect their passions with learning and delve into issues that matter to them, conducting research, collaborating with peers, and presenting their findings to a wider community audience. 小学生活是一幅五彩缤纷的画卷,毕业展是画卷的最终回。5年级的学生们将他们的个人兴趣与学习相结合,与同伴们一起,通过深入研究和具体行动来展示他们的学习成果,向全校师生和整个社区分享他们对社会问题的关注和见解。 "This year we saw a diverse and interesting range of topics including the importance and value of exercise and sports, the dangers of too much sugar, gender equality, sustainable fashion, gardening, gaming addiction, environmental awareness, the value of chess, language learning, and peace and conflict," said Ms. Jacqui Patrick, Primary School Principal. "This range of topics reflects the interests and passions of our students. They spoke with knowledge and confidence as they shared their learning and encouraged us to take action to address the issues that had inquired into."“今年我们看到了多种多样、有趣且深刻的议题,包括运动与体育的重要性和价值、过量摄入糖分的危害、性别平等、可持续时尚、园艺、游戏成瘾、环保意识、文化传承下的中国象棋、语言学习,以及和平与冲突等等。”小学部校长Jacqui Patrick女士说道。“这些主题反映了我们学生的兴趣和热情。学生们在分享深入调研的学习成果时,展现了高度的自信,并鼓励我们采取行动,关注和解决他们所研究的问题。” Our Performing Arts Centre came alive with a showcase of Grade 5 dedication, creativity, and commitment to making a difference. Under the theme "Sharing the Planet", our students presented projects focused on real-world issues and actions they can take, aiming to create positive change within their communities and beyond. With their projects displayed with research and paired with an art project, Grade 5 students shared their discoveries and reflections with NIS teachers, parents, and peers.5年级学生们在表演艺术中心展现出了卓越的专注力、创造力和改变世界的决心。以“共享地球”为主题,他们进行了跨学科的学习和研究,向观众介绍了围绕全人类面临的公共议题和实际问题而选择的研究项目,并阐述了他们可以采取的行动,旨在为NIS社区及更广泛的社会带来积极的变化。结合学术研究和艺术创作,小学毕业生们与NIS的老师、家长和同学们分享了他们的发现和反思。 "The PYP Exhibition empowers students to drive change, nurturing essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, and social responsibility," said Ms. Zhang Bo, Deputy Primary Principal. "It fosters a sense of agency and active participation in shaping a better future for all."“PYP毕业展激发了学生们推动变革的能力,同时培养了学生们的批判性思维、沟通技能和社会责任感。”小学部副校长Zhang Bo女士表示。“它激励学生主动、积极地去参与,为塑造更美好的未来贡献自己的力量。”