Medical clinics and pet hospitals. Big tech and multinationals. TV stations and education. Sales and technology. Our Grade 10s stepped outside their comfort zones and embraced hands-on opportunities during NIS Work Experience Week with the support of their teachers, counsellors, and our community.医疗诊所与宠物医院,科技巨头与跨国企业,电视台与教育机构,销售与技术领域。我们的10年级学生在NIS工作体验周期间,在老师、辅导员和社区的支持下,勇敢走出舒适区,积极投身于各种实践机会。 What a way to experience the career world in real life and reflect on the purpose of their learning in preparation for their IB Diploma!这是一段多么宝贵的职业体验之旅!在真实的职场环境中,学生们深刻反思了学习的意义,为即将到来的IB文凭课程做好了充分准备。