The annual Primary School Variety Show at NIS was an inspiring celebration of student talent, featuring a diverse range of performances by students from Grades 1 to 5. In line with our school’s mission of fostering personal excellence, students took to the stage with acts that showcased their dedication and passion. Whether they were singing, dancing, performing taekwondo routines, or dazzling the audience with card tricks, each student demonstrated the results of countless hours of practice and commitment to their chosen craft.一年一度的小学部才艺秀再度绽放,为我们带来了一场充满灵感的学生才艺展示。1至5年级的孩子们用丰富多彩的表演,展示了他们的天赋与热情。无论是歌声、舞蹈、跆拳道表演,还是精妙绝伦的卡牌魔术,每位学生都以无数次练习凝聚的专注与努力,在舞台上尽情绽放,生动诠释了学校“追求个人卓越”的教育使命。 The Variety Show is much more than just a spectacle – it embodies NIS’s commitment to Student Voice and Choice. The diversity of acts reflected each learner’s interests, emphasising our strategy to provide platforms for self-expression and individuality. This showcase is also an embodiment of our NIS "Burst the Bubble" philosophy, encouraging students to share their talents beyond the classroom and engage with the community in meaningful ways.这不仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是NIS“听我说”、“让我选”治学战略的完美体现。表演形式与内容的多样性展现了每个孩子的兴趣与个性,凸显了学校为为学生提供自我表达和个性展示的平台。而这场才艺秀也是NIS“破茧而出”战略的最佳诠释,鼓励学生走出课堂,在更广阔的社区中分享才艺。 Congratulations to all our performers who embraced the spirit of NIS and brought joy to our school community!向所有表演者致敬!你们以精彩的表演展现了NIS的精神,为整个校园带来了无尽的欢乐与感动。