Imagine an innovative, multi-level learning space that puts Student Voice and Student Choice at the heart of our school. This August, we’re looking forward to the HUB inspiring our students and connecting their learning across our campus and the world. Join us on the journey of this new space to learn more, from inception and philosophy to design and construction!超越想象的多层次创新学习空间,以学生的心声和选择为核心。八月HUB揭幕之际,我们期盼它能激发学生灵感,将个体学习与校园乃至全球紧密相连。请与我们共同踏上新空间的旅程,探索从构思理念到设计建造的美妙过程!
The 2023-24 school year was filled with the joy of construction and the excitement for the arrival of the HUB.2023-24学年内,整个社区对于"The HUB"的建设充满了期待和激动,大家翘首以盼新空间的开放和使用。