Transitioning into Knowledge Mastery. NIS Secondary School introduces students to more advanced and specific subjects. Building upon the inquiry-based IB Primary Years Programme, we develop conceptual understanding and transferrable knowledge and skills with our innovative and academically challenging IB Middle Years and Diploma programmes. NIS provides a holistic education for Secondary students, focusing on the unique learning needs and developmental characteristics of adolescents and teenagers, all while preparing our learners for university and beyond.轻舟驶入知识的洪流。NIS中学部引领学生迈入更深层次、更专业的学科领域。在以探究为核心的小学IB课程基础上,我们通过富有创新精神和学术挑战的IB中学课程和IB文凭课程,帮助学生深入理解复杂的概念,同时培养他们在不同情境下灵活应用知识和技能的能力。NIS致力于为中学生提供全面发展的教育体验,专注于满足青少年独特的学习需求和成长特征,同时为他们的大学生活及未来之路做好充足准备。