开幕 Opening:
2024.6.29 15:00 - 19:00
Ruyun Gao
策展人 Curator:
南柯画廊将于6月29日 - 8月11日欣然呈现艺术家高入云的个展项目《扰动》 (Position; Reposition),展览将呈现艺术家近期创作的一系列装置、绘画、和大型场域特定作品。高入云的作品呈现出的复杂性和对意识的深刻探究随着展厅空间层层递进,观者与作品的互动既是动态的,也是反思性的。本次展览的标题也暗示了⼀种主动或被动的潜在关系,揭示了高入云平静的作品中蕴含着深刻的心理张力,引发观者进行开放式的解读。
高入云 Ruyun Gao
LOOP LOOP f,2024
Carbon fiber printing, acrylic plate, copper plate, motor
24h x 22w x 10d cm
The exhibition unfolds with a small body of Gao’s iconic works from the LOOP series, continuing the artist's exploration of line movement and temporality since 2011. The artist constructs different spatial structures by connecting ropes, fishing lines, and acrylic materials, and subtly integrates the movement and rhythm of lines into them, guiding the viewer's consciousness to follow the geometric trajectory of the lines in the works, and to linger in the time-space constructed by the works. The viewing experience changes from passive acceptance of the work to active participation, and the work is constantly redefined in contrast to the mosaic patterns on the walls of the gallery and in interaction with the viewer.
高入云 Ruyun Gao
Stainless-steel, nylon rope, fishing line
150h x 110w x 6.3d cm
高入云的灵感常常源自对日常生活中许多意料之外却非具体的瞬间。对他来说,创作似乎既是⼀种对意识的发现和捕捉,也是一种有条不紊的转换。作品Zoom (2020) 中,电波般的纵向线条打破了人们左右扫视的视觉习惯,在这些线条保留其作为符号的现实性的同时,也成为一种呈现艺术家意识的形式语言。意识(Awareness)系列则进一步打破了基于规则的构图原则和偶然性之间的界限。作品中的线条在艺术家的精确计算和多重拉力相互影响作用下悬浮在画框中,像在物理实验里揭示看不见的力量的图表。与其说它们在描绘已知的规则,不如说它们是线与艺术家本身直觉的姿态的记录。在这里,高入云的作品与观众之间产生了⼀种奇妙的互动性:这些作品模糊了空间维度且不再强调规律的动态,它们的全貌需要时间、仔细的观察、偶然的外力和结合观者对自身知觉过程中细微差别的关注才能完全展现出来。而在另⼀些特定的结构中,艺术家则通过不断重塑和组合作品中不同的元素,将观者的意识置换或转移。Happy Couple (2024) 中,装置、颜料和语⾔性元素的并置让观者对作品有了更多的介入点。它们像是某种早已在流动的自我意识和判断被转化成文字,并以⼀种纪念碑的状态,反衬出艺术家探索意识的语境产生以及语境的无限性的过程。
高入云 Ruyun Gao
Mixed media on canvas
190h x 110w cm
高入云曾提到,“有趣不是我刻意追求的艺术形式,而是创作时在不断的探索中最终遇到的结果。” 首次展出的大型场域特定作品扰动(2024) 中,艺术家以⼀种看似熟悉、却无法与任何特定的时刻或地点联系起来的作品形式,在画廊的顶层创造出了一个沉浸式空间。静态的水面和⼀根偶尔划过水面的线简洁地组合,诗意却有力地唤起观者身处水边的记忆。线作为随机意识的载体偶然地从水面掠过,扰动出水纹。这些水纹虽然细小,却不断提醒我们周围环境中的事物本身内在的微妙运动和变化。像是感知心理学中的图底关系,水面和它映出的观者和周遭为底,扰动的水纹则作为图像在某个毫无预期的时刻出现,观者在自我意识和随机意识这两者之间不断切换。像是某个豁然开朗的时刻,或是醍醐灌顶的契机,高入云巧妙地捕捉了这种瞬息万变的感知状态,邀请观者在熟悉与陌生、静止与动态、自我与环境之间找到平衡的瞬间。
扰动 Disturbance,2024
Pool, sand, motor, nylon rope
500l x 400w x 450h cm
Gao's works subtly blend varying degrees of simulation and dynamism, confusion and subversion, guiding the viewer's eyes to wander between multiple dimensions. In the process of exploring the role of the artist, he constantly challenges our preconceived notions of the creator's identity, while also questioning traditional notions of meaning-making in artworks. Through his unique artistic language, Gao invites us to re-examine the memories and expectations projected by the viewer on the artwork, as well as the intricate interaction between the artwork, the viewer and the environment. His creations are not only a presentation of visual experience, but also an in-depth exploration of the nature of consciousness and the boundaries of perception. In this artistic experiment full of uncertainty, the viewer seems to be in a silent dialogue. Gao's works are like subtle mirrors that reflect the unspeakable fluctuations in our hearts.
Text by Yusi Xiong
Artist 艺术家 |
Ruyun Gao 高入云
Curator 策展人 |
Yusi Xiong 熊思雨
展览现场|狄俄尼索斯的侍从The Retinue of Dionysus
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