
文摘   2025-01-08 07:00   上海  

I have heard many people, distillers and consumers alike, state that whiskey gets over 70% of its flavor from the barrel. This is true with real old whiskey. In fact, I have blind tasted twenty-year-old Bourbon against a rye of the same age and the tasters could not tell which whiskey was the Bourbon, and which was the Rye. The wood from the barrel dominated the flavor. However, most whiskeys sold are not nearly that old and I believe there are other factors than the barrel that contribute to the flavor of the whiskey. The younger the whiskey the less the barrel plays a role, at least in a good way. Lincoln Henderson once told me that “You get a lot of flavor from the barrel in the first six weeks of aging. Then you spend the next four years trying to get rid of those flavors.” In other words, the first flavors are harsh and unpleasant but as time works its magic, those flavors break down into more pleasant compounds as the whiskey “mellows” with the aging process. Lincoln also was fond of saying that “You need to get it right every step of the way. If you do not have good new make, then all of the aging in the world will not make it a good whiskey.”

我听过很多人,包括酿酒师和消费者,都说威士忌70%以上的味道来自橡木桶真正的老威士忌就是这样。事实上,我曾用盲品品尝过20年的波旁威士忌和相同年份的黑麦威士忌,品尝者分不清哪种是波旁威士忌,哪种是黑麦威士忌。木桶里的木头主导了味道。然而,大多数出售的威士忌都没有那么久,我相信除了酒桶之外,还有其他因素影响着威士忌的味道越年轻的威士忌,酒桶的作用就越小,至少在某种程度上是这样。林肯·亨德森(Lincoln Henderson)曾经告诉我,“在陈酿的前六周,酒桶里会有很多味道。”然后在接下来的四年里,你要努力去除这些味道。”换句话说,最初的味道是苦涩和令人不快的,但随着时间的推移,随着威士忌在陈年过程中的“醇厚”,这些味道会分解成更令人愉快的化合物。林肯还喜欢说:“你需要把每一步都做好。”如果你没有好的新酒,那么世界上所有的陈酿都不会酿出好的威士忌。”

I believe that there are six sources of flavor for the whiskey and maturation is just one of the sources. I base this upon the old Stitzel-Weller “Five Keys to Success” advertisements and added another key, or source of flavor, and that is bottling. Here are the sources of flavor in my opinion:


1. Grains: Grains play a huge roll in the flavor of the whiskey. Most people talk about the mash bill and the percentages of grains used and that is an important part of this source of flavor.  However distillers are showing the variety of grain used also plays a big role in the flavor. Using heirloom corn, rye and barley does change the flavor. Some distillers are using non-traditional grains such as oats, rice and buckwheat. The grain has an impact in the amount of natural oils and amino acid compounds in the grain. Grain is the first source of flavor.

1. 谷物:谷物在威士忌的味道中起着很大的作用。大多数人谈论原料配比和使用的谷物百分比,这是风味来源的重要组成部分。然而,酿酒师表示,所用谷物的种类也在口味中起着重要作用。使用有机紫玉米、黑麦和大麦确实会改变味道。一些酿酒厂正在使用非传统谷物,如燕麦、大米和荞麦。谷物对谷物中天然油脂和氨基酸化合物的含量有影响。谷物是风味的第一来源

2. Water: Water is essential to the process of making whiskey. It has become less important as many large, city-based distillers, are using water treated with the Reverse Osmosis process to take out chemicals found in the city water supply. However, distillers located away from cities where the groundwater is still pure in deep wells or springs have water that is rich in different minerals that do add to the flavor of the whiskey. It is important to have water without bad flavor components, such as iron. Water may have a small impact on the flavor,  but if the water is not good that small impact will ruin your whiskey. Water is the second source of flavor.

2. 水:在酿造威士忌的过程中,水是必不可少的。随着许多大型城市蒸馏厂使用反渗透处理的水来去除城市供水中发现的化学物质,它已经变得不那么重要了。然而,远离城市的酿酒厂,那里的地下水在深井或泉水中仍然很纯净,那里的水富含不同的矿物质,这些矿物质确实增加了威士忌的风味。重要的是要有不含铁等不良风味成分的水。水可能对风味有一点影响,但如果水不好,那一点影响就会毁了你的威士忌。水是风味的第二大来源

3. Fermentation: Yeast is an important source of flavor. There are thousands of yeast strains and not all of them make good whiskey. Each strain of yeast creates its own flavors. Four Roses is a good example of this with their five different yeast strains and two different mash bills making ten different whiskeys. However, yeast alone does not create the flavors in fermentation. Bacteria also creates flavors and not all of them good. That is why most distilleries are now using stainless steel mash tubs. Wooden fermenters, even those made from cypress wood which does not have an impact on the flavor of the beer fermenting in them, are hard to keep clean and can lead to bacterial infections of the mash, ruining the fermentation. The length of the fermentation can change the flavor of the beer. Most distilleries do a three day fermentation but some like Old Forester are fermented for five days or even longer. Fermentation is the third source of flavor. The amount of back set, if any, changes the flavor of the beer. Many distillers are using the sweet mash method now with no back set of spent beer.

3. 发酵:酵母是风味的重要来源。有成千上万的酵母菌株,并不是所有的都能酿造出好的威士忌。每种酵母都有自己的风味。四玫瑰就是一个很好的例子,他们有五种不同的酵母菌株和两种不同的麦芽浆,可以酿造十种不同的威士忌。然而,酵母菌本身并不能在发酵过程中产生风味。细菌也会产生风味,但并不是所有的风味都是好的。这就是为什么大多数酿酒厂现在都使用不锈钢麦芽浆桶。木制的发酵罐,即使是那些由柏木制成的,似乎是对其中发酵的威士忌风味没有影响的发酵罐,也很难保持清洁,并可能导致麦芽醪的细菌感染,破坏发酵。发酵的时间长短可以改变威士忌酒的风味大多数酿酒厂的发酵时间为三天,但有些酿酒厂如Old Forester的发酵时间为五天甚至更长发酵是第三种风味来源。如果有的话,威士忌酒的背压量会改变啤酒的风味。现在,许多酿酒厂都在使用甜醪法,而不需要对废酒进行后处理

4. Distillation: The type of still being used will have an impact on the whiskey produced. Pot stills, column stills, or a hybrid of a pot with a small column attached all make different flavors. The amount of copper used to make the still will impact the flavor of the whiskey it produces. The proof at which the whiskey is made makes a huge difference in that the closer to pure alcohol (the higher the proof), the less flavor from the grain, water and fermentation in the final product. There is also where the heads and tails cuts are made that can change the flavor of the whiskey. Distillation is the fourth source of flavor.

4. 蒸馏:使用的蒸馏器类型会对威士忌的生产产生影响。壶式蒸馏器,柱式蒸馏器,或带有小柱的混合蒸馏器都能产生不同的风味用于制作蒸馏器的铜的数量会影响它所产生的威士忌的风味。威士忌的度数有很大的不同,因为越接近纯酒精(度数越高),最终产品中来自谷物、水和发酵的风味就越少。还有一种方法是把酒头和酒尾切掉,这样可以改变威士忌的风味。蒸馏是风味的第四种来源。

5. Maturation: There are many factors in this process that change flavor. Starting with the barrels. Smaller barrels, those of less than 53 gallons, such as 30 gallons, 10 gallons or even 5 gallons, have thinner staves and less toasting and tend to be producing flavors dominated by the wood tannins alone. The amount of time spent aging the whiskey is also a factor. The longer the whiskey is exposed to the wood, the more the wood dominates the flavor of the whiskey. Where and how the whiskey is stored plays a role in the flavor. How much air circulation around the barrel is an important factor to aging. Palletized barrels lose the impact of the top head which will always be dry. Brick warehouses have less extreme swings in temperature than iron clad warehouses. Warehouses in a city will age whiskey differently than those in the countryside and even those in the country will age differently if they are on a hilltop compared to those in a valley. Heated warehouses age differently than unheated. Whiskey being aged in Michigan will age differently than whiskey aged in Texas as the longer, colder winters up north means either a heated warehouse or a much shorter time of the whiskey being cycled in the wood. The barrel entry proof makes a difference in the final flavor produced in maturation. Lower barrel entry proof allows more natural sugars to come out of the wood at an earlier age since sugar dissolves better in water than in alcohol. It also means the distiller does not need to add as much water when proofing the whiskey for bottling. There are many factors to consider in the aging process and maturation is the fifth source of flavor.

5. 熟成:在这个过程中有很多因素会改变风味。从桶开始。小于53加仑的小桶,比如30加仑、10加仑甚至5加仑的桶,酒杆更细,烘烤时间更短,产生的味道往往只由木单宁主导。威士忌陈酿时间的长短也是一个因素威士忌与木材接触的时间越长,木材对威士忌味道的影响就越大威士忌的储存地点和方式对其风味起着重要作用桶周围空气流通多少是老化的重要因素。托盘桶失去顶头的冲击,将永远是干燥的。砖仓库的温度波动不像铁库那么剧烈。城市仓库的威士忌陈酿和乡村仓库的威士忌陈酿是不一样的,即使是乡村的威士忌,如果放在山顶上,和放在山谷里,陈酿也是不一样的。加热过的仓库与未加热过的仓库老化不同在密歇根州陈酿的威士忌与在德克萨斯州陈酿的威士忌的陈酿方式不同,因为北部的冬天更长、更冷,这意味着要么在加热的仓库里,要么在树林里循环的威士忌时间要短得多进入橡木桶的酒精度对成熟过程中产生的最终风味有很大影响。较低的桶入度可以让更多的天然糖在早期从木材中释放出来,因为糖在水里比在酒精里更容易溶解。这也意味着在威士忌装瓶时,酿酒师不需要加那么多的水。在陈酿过程中有许多因素需要考虑,成熟是风味的第五大来源

6. Bottling: When a distiller bottles a whiskey there are many thing to consider that will impact the flavor of the final product. The first is filtration. Filtration is done to remove bits of charcoal created in the aging process as well as many oils that make the whiskey cloudy when it gets cold. The more the whiskey is filtered, the more flavor that is also removed. This can be a very good thing in super old whiskeys as filtration will remove many bitter tannic flavors and allow the sweeter caramels and vanilla compound to come forward in very old whiskey. However, in younger whiskey filtration can remove flavors and natural oils and make the whiskey thin and watery. The proof the whiskey is bottled at has an impact on the flavor. Generally, higher proof whiskey needs less filtration than lower proof whiskey to keep it from getting cloudy when chilled. The age of the whiskey to be bottled is important. Different ages of whiskey are also used in the bottling of the final flavor profile, creating different flavors for brands from the same whiskey. Bottling is the sixth source of flavor.

6. 装瓶:当蒸馏师将威士忌装瓶时,有很多事情要考虑,这些事情会影响最终产品的味道。首先是过滤过滤是为了去除陈酿过程中产生的木炭和许多油,这些油会使威士忌在冷却时变得浑浊。威士忌过滤得越多,风味也被去除得越多。这对于陈年威士忌来说是一件非常好的事情,因为过滤会去除许多苦涩的单宁味道,让更甜的焦糖和香草化合物在陈年威士忌中脱颖而出。然而,在较年轻的威士忌中,过滤可以去除风味和天然油脂,使威士忌变得稀薄而湿润威士忌装瓶时的度数会影响其风味。一般来说,高度数的威士忌比低度数的威士忌需要更少的过滤,以防止在冷藏时混浊威士忌装瓶的年份很重要不同年份的威士忌也被用于最终风味的装瓶,为同一种威士忌的品牌创造不同的风味装瓶是第六个风味来源

There are six sources of flavor for whiskey. Each plays a role in the flavor of the final product. I believe in a well-crafted whiskey every source has been done correctly and contributes its fair share to the final product. In the end, I think the flavor of the final product will be dominated by the maturation process but I think its share of the flavor is more like 55-60% than 70% or more, as some claim. The exception to this is whiskeys aged for over 15 years that naturally have more wood flavors from the barrel.


Photos Courtesy of Rosemary Miller
