情人节配方 | 荷兰大师Frank Haasnoot经典“手作巧克力红玫瑰”(已打包·可下载)
2025-01-06 20:31
来自荷兰大师Frank Haasnoot
1953 克……53.7%黑巧克力(Callebaut 811 Dark)2、厚底平底锅内依次放入植物油、砂糖、水、葡萄糖浆,煮沸。4、用胶刮刀缓慢搅拌至均匀浓稠状态,倒入另一个铺有保鲜膜的盆内。6、冷藏后,将巧克力面团擀压成2mm厚度,用直径6cm光极扣出若干圆片,摆在操作台上,并用塑料刮片逐个把圆片上部边缘稍碾压变薄。7、巧克力卷起一片,留下边缘继续卷入第二片,期间适当用湿毛巾沾湿巧克力片确保互相粘结牢固,每卷起几片后要在操作台上把底部碾结实,最后把花瓣边缘适当扭曲呈自然花瓣形状。※可以用任何可可含量的纯脂巧克力来制作花瓣面团,数量取决于要制作的玫瑰花大小,此处chef用的是Callebaut 811 Dark Couverture 53.7%。2、冲入到打发至密集泡沫状的蛋白内继续打发为意式蛋白霜。3、将57克果茸加热至80℃,加入吉利丁冻搅拌至完全融化。6、将稀奶油打发至软尖峰(约6成发),加入并轻轻拌匀。 80 克……34%白巧克力(Zéphyr 34%)2、次日,将此樱花奶油加热煮沸,加入吉利丁冻拌融后,过滤到白巧克力上。3、再将另外300克稀奶油加入,用搅拌棒/手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至顺滑。4、将打发的蛋白霜与蛋黄部分混合拌匀,加入过筛的粉类拌匀。436 克……34%白巧克力(Zéphyr 34%)4、用搅拌棒/手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至光亮顺滑,注意不要搅入气泡。1、将室温软化的黄油与细砂糖和柠檬皮屑搅打至顺滑状态。4、用烘焙晾晒网擦成大颗粒,倒入两个圆形直径16CM和14CM的慕斯圈之间并压结实,表面呈不规则自然状态,冷冻。2、将红色乔孔达蛋糕裁切为直径12CM的圆形,将樱桃打发甘纳许打发后均匀挤在蛋糕表面,冷冻。3、再将另一片直径12CM的圆形红色乔孔达蛋糕表面挤一层,冷冻。4、直径14CM的慕斯圈内挤入一层樱桃慕斯,放入冷冻的“步骤2”和“步骤3”,冷冻。6、裁切一片长条形红色乔孔达蛋糕,环绕缠在蛋糕外侧边缘。7、将烤熟冷却的柠檬酥粒表面筛适量糖粉,轻轻套在蛋糕的外围。8、最后,将喷了红色巧克力喷砂的巧克力玫瑰花轻轻放在蛋糕表面。9、或者采用更简约的方式:参考下图2,仅在外围的蛋糕外缠绕一圈巧克力,也是蛮漂亮的。
By Frank Haasnoot
1953 g callebaut 811 Dark Couverture 53.7% 1.Melt the dark chocolate to 55°C. 2.Bring the oil, sugar, water and glucose to the boil. 3.Pour the glucose mixture over the chocolate. 4.Slowly mix together, then pour into a bowl covered with cling film .5.Wrap the cling film over the chocolate and leave in refrigerator overnight.6.Roll out to 2mm. Using a 6cm round cutter, cut out the rose petals, and lay them out in a line in front of you on the table. Flatten the rose petals with a plastic scraper. 7.Pick up the first petal and bend it from the top to make a triangle. Insert the second petal into the first and continue to bend them around each other as demonstrated. Dampen the petals with a moist towel to ensure the petals stick to each other, and continue to add more petals. Firmly press the bottom of the rose to tighten the petals. Gently pull the outer layers away from the inner layers, and give them a slight curve to create the shape of the outer petals. 8.Allow to set for 3-4 hours. 57 g sour cherry purée (1)170 g sour cherry purée (2)1.Cook the sugar with the water to 120℃.2.Whip the egg whites slightly,then slowly pour in the sugar syrup while whipping.3.Heat 57 g of the purée to 80℃ and whisk in the gelatin mass to dissolve. 4.Add then the mixture back to the purée and reduce the temperature to 25℃.5.Mix the purée with the whipped egg whites.6.Whip the cream to soft peaks and fold into the whipped egg white mixture.WHIPPED CHERRY BLOSSOM GANACHE 80 g Zéphyr 34% white chocolate1.Add the cherry blossom tea to 99 g of the cream and leave to infuse in the refrigerator overnight.2.The next day,boil the cream,add the gelatin mass to the cream and strain over the chocolate.3.Add the remaining 3/4 of cream with the help of a hand blender.4.Reserve in the refrigerator for 12 hours and whip it to desired consistency.1.Mix the sugar and the pectin NH together.2.Whisk the mix into the cherry purée and lemon juice.3.Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for 30 seconds.1.Whipe the egg whites with some of the sugar until stiff peakks form.2.Mix the egg yolks with the rest of the sugar.3.Sift the flour together with the starch.4.Mix the whipped egg whites with the whipped egg yolks and fold in the sifted flour.5.Spread to the desired thickness and bake at 190℃.436 g Zéphyr 34% white chocolate1.Bring the milk,cream and glucose to a boil.2.Add this to the gelatin mass and neutral glaçage.3.Melt the chocolate in it.4.Mix with a hand blender,being careful so as not to incorporate too much air.1.Bring the butter to room temperature and cream together with the sugar and lemon zest.2.Sift all the dry ingredients (flour and almond powder).Mix the sifted dry ingredients into the butter and sugar mixture.3.Chill the dough until it hardens.4.Grate with help of a cooling rack and freeze.5.Bake at 160℃ for 20 minutes. 80 g whipped cherry blossom ganache1.Measurements for a 14-cm-piece.