Nature Communication:晶体在等离子体中的作用

文摘   2024-07-11 09:00   广东  

a) Au NC、(b) RD 和 (c) OC 的 ac SEM 图像。(d) Au NCs (e) RDs 和 (f) OCs 的 df HRTEM 和 SAED(插图)图案,插图中的比例尺为 5 1/nm。条纹和相应的金面之间的平均距离用红色标记。钼钼α辐射的FCC相中Au的XRD图谱(红色)、RDs(黄色)、OCs(紫色)和预期的XRD图谱。h 金NCs、RDs和OCs的消光光谱,LSPR峰分别在543 nm、539 nm和542 nm处。源数据以源数据文件的形式提供。

 a Faradaic efficiency (FE) of CO (solid) and H2 (square grid) production on Au NCs (red), RDs (yellow) and OCs (purple) in an electrocatalytic CO2 reduction system. The error bars denote the standard deviation obtained from three independent measurements. b Change in the absolute value of FE for CO and H2 [FElight - FEdark] on Au NPs when illuminated by a 525 nm LED. c Percentage change in partial current density for CO (solid line) and H2 (dotted line) [( jlight-jdark)/jdark × 100%] on Au NPs when illuminated. d Chopped-light chronoamperometry with 525 nm LED at −0.81 VRHE on Au NPs. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

ac Faradaic efficiencies (FE) for CO production at different applied potentials on (a) Au NCs, (b) RDs, and (c) OCs at room temperature (solid), 30 °C (dense slash) and 40 °C (sparse slash). df Hot electron (solid) and hole (dashed) generation rate for each of the (d) Au NCs, (e) RDs, and (f) OCs at different electric field wavelengths. Ne/h(E,ω) indicates the number of hot carriers being generated with energy E upon the light with ω. The Fermi energy is set to zero. gi Absolute electric field profile in (g) Au NCs, (h) RDs, and (i) OCs at the corresponding LSPR frequencies, in reference to the external applied electric field. All simulated nanoparticles have approximately 200,000 atoms. Source data are provided as a Source Data file
