
教育   教育   2023-11-30 00:13   加拿大  




读了《外交事务》Foreign Affairs杂志(2023九、十月号)登载的一篇文章《回到战壕》Back in the trenches, 我觉得比较有趣,摘录点评如下。


一开篇,作者先引述了一些流行观点,它们认为无人机、人工智能、商业技术的快速应用正引发一场军事革命,未来的战争将由无人机来主导。(Drones, artificial intelligence, and rapid adaption of commercial technologies in Ukraine are creating a “genuine military revolution” …the future of war will be dictated and waged by drones.)

对此,作者列举了一系列数字,包括坦克损耗量、人员的伤亡等,来证明上述高科技其实并没改变现代战争的根本格局。以坦克损耗量为例:俄乌双方自战争开始以来的头350天,各自损耗的坦克的比例都在50%以上。(One way to assess the net results of the use of new weapons in Ukraine is to look at the casualties they have inflicted. At the time of the invasion, Russia had about 3400 tanks in active service. But in the first 350 days of the war, it lost somewhere between 1688 and 3253 for a loss rate of somewhere between 50%-96%. Ukraine fielded about 900 tanks at the time of invasion and lost at least 459 in the first 350 days, for a loss rate of at least 50%. 注:我没有把英文部分全部翻译出来,只列举要点,其余部分读者自行阅读)

战前,很多人都预测,像坦克这样笨重的传统武器将会被淘汰,而实战中,俄乌双方都仍旧大量依赖坦克。此外,另一个传统武器—大炮—也被继续使用,而大炮造成对双方造成的伤亡仍旧是最大的。(Today, some believed that 80-90 percent of Ukrainian casualties have been caused by artillery fire…that 85% of Russian casualties are caused by Ukrainian artillery.)


再从人员伤亡看,虽然双方都拥有高科技武器,但是人员的伤亡都很严重。以乌克兰为例,目前的伤亡数,放在历史战争的数据中进行比较,即使不是高得离谱,也依然很高,而美国等国对乌克兰的高科技武装大家都看到了,这并没有降低乌克兰人的伤亡。(Casualty rate in Ukraine have not been unusually high by historical standards…losses are still heavy)。

再说了,高科技武器之所以高,还有一个原因那就是它们也很贵。作者举了一个有意思的例子说,一发高达十万美元的炮弹,虽然无人机准确定位了两个目标,但值得来上这么一发吗?(A $100,000 guided 155-millimeter artillery shell is too expensive to fire at a two-man target even if a drone locates the soldiers’ foxhole perfectly.)

高科技的优势不是一劳永逸的,你拥有了高科技,也别忘了对手的学习能力:美国提供给乌克兰的HIMRS导弹,由GPS精准制导,但俄罗斯人学会了对信号进行干扰,极大地降低了导弹的精准度,千万别小看了对手的反制措施。(The long-range guided HIMARS missile systems the United States provided to Ukraine in June 2022 use GPS signals for guidance; the Russians now routinely jam the signals, which has dramatically reduced the accuracy of the missiles. Technical countermeasures are ubiquitous in war , and they quickly limited the performance of many new weapons.)

反制措施、不断提高的适应能力、灵活多样的战术,仍然是现代战争的主要策略。作者打了一个比喻,100人组成的一个连,出现在200码的开阔地带,敌方一发炮弹打来,基本上就“连灭”了;如果同样这100人,在同样开阔的地带进行分散,那么,人员的死亡率就会降至不到10%,如果再利用地形进行掩护,那么这发炮弹造成的死亡将连5%都不到。(The most important adaptations are often not technological but operational and tactical.  A 100-soldier infantry company massed in the open on a 200-yard front can be wiped out by a single battalion volley from hostile artillery; dispersed over a 100-yard front with a depth of 200 yards the same unit might suffer less than ten percent losses. If the unit has even partially concealed itself and the artillery misses the formation’s center, losses might be reduced to a little as five percent.)这些虽说都是军事常识,但它们都非常有效。美军当年在越南,武器不可谓不先进,但密集的、持续的轰炸,对越南人有多少用?今天,即使是精准打击的武器,在分散、隐藏的目标面前,能造成的损失依旧不大。(Precision weapons that are devastating on the proving ground or against exposed, massed targets yield much lower casualty rates against dispersed, concealed forces.)

最后,作者总结道,俄乌战争依旧是演进式而非革命性的。(The Ukraine war is more evolutionary than revolutionary.)依旧是现代背景下的传统战争的延续,科技因素只是决定战争走向的一个因素,而且不是决定性因素。(The reason technological advances are not more determinative in war is that they are only a part of what shapes outcomes.)重要的还是在于技术和人的关系上面。(Relationships between technology and human adaption.)


