
教育   教育   2023-10-26 23:55   加拿大  



加拿大英文教练,致力于地道英文表达 (原温哥华英文教练)

奥地利经济学家哈耶克是新自由主义的旗手,他撰写的《通往奴役之路》至今在世界上有着广泛的影响。在1938年,也就是二战即将爆发前,他来到英国定居,之后一直在英美两地生活、工作。他的The Road to Serfdom于1944年出版,1990年代,该书的中文版面世;针对社科出版社的中译,评论家恶评如潮,被认为是佛头着粪。看过了原版的部分内容后,我觉得中译水平固然有限,但是哈耶克行行复行行的俄罗斯套娃的结构,也是影响理解和翻译的一个重要因素。下面,我就选取该书的一段来欣赏一下他的文笔。



1.We shall never be successful in our dealings with the Germans till we understand the character and the growth of the ideas which now govern them. 这句不难理解,即如果不了解德国人的性格和指导思想,那是无法理解德国的。

2.The theory which is once again put forth, that the Germans as such are inherently vicious, is hardly tenable and not very creditable to those who hold it. 这一句也不难,句子的主干我已经用下划线标出,即说德国人天性邪恶这是站不住脚的。

3.It dishonours the long series of Englishmen who during the past hundred years have gladly taken over what was best, and not only what was best, in German thought. 承接上一句,如果德国人天性邪恶,那么过去上百年间,为何英国人欣然从德国人那里吸取思想资源呢?这不是打脸吗?

4.It overlooks the fact that when eighty years ago John Stuart Mill was writing his great essay On Liberty he drew his inspiration, more than from any other men, from two Germans, Goethe and Wilhelm von Humboldt, and forgets the fact that two of the most influential intellectual forebears of National Socialism, Thomas Carlyle and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, were a Scot and an Englishman. 进一步打脸:英国人密尔在写作《论自由》的时候,得到了德国人歌德和洪堡的启发,而纳粹德国的思想资源,却有很大部分来自一个苏格兰人和一个英格兰人。这一句比较难,解锁的关键在于要看出这是一个复合句,即It overlooks…and (its) forgets

5.In its cruder forms this view is a disgrace to those who by maintaining it adopt the worst features of German racial theories. 点出实质,即,持句子2中的观点,只看到德国思想中那些最坏的部分。

6.The problem is not why the Germans as such are vicious, which congenitally they are probably no more than other peoples, but to determine the circumstances which during the last seventy years have made possible the progressive growth and the ultimate victory of a particular set of ideas, and why in the end this victory has brought the most vicious elements among them to the top. 进一步点出,德国人本质上不比其他种族更坏,问题在于要确定是什么样的环境在过去70年间,让一套思想得以出现,并占了主导,并最终把德国人中最坏的部分推到前台。本句比较难,难在the circumstances后面递进出现的两个并列因素,即which…and why,这是一个复杂句中套复合句的结构。

7.Mere hatred of everything German, instead of the particular ideas which now dominate the Germans is, moreover, very dangerous, because it blinds those who indulge in it against a real threat. 单单恨德国人,而不去找出德国人身上的那种主导思想,是危险的。

8.It is to be feared that this attitude is frequently merely a kind of escapism, caused by an unwillingness to recognise tendencies which are not confined to Germany, and by reluctance to re-examine, and if necessary to discard, beliefs which we have taken over from the Germans and by which we are still as much deluded as the Germans were. 承接上一句,这种行为是在逃避,实质是不愿承认德国人有的那种思想不仅限于德国人。这一句也是复杂句(It is to be feared that…)套复合句(…a kind of escapism…and by reluctance to…and by which…),这套中的三个复合句,显示出哈耶克论辩的精准、严密。你说他学术腔也好,说他学究气也罢,但不得不承认他措辞丝丝入扣(coherent)。

9.It is doubly dangerous because the contention that only the peculiar wickedness of the Germans has produced the Nazi system is likely to become the excuse for forcing on us the very institutions which have produced that wickedness. 更危险的是,如果争论仅仅停留在找出产生纳粹的system上,那就是在找借口,迫使我们也去找类似的institutions。(而实际上,这种主导的社会思潮,不仅仅存在于某些机构之中。括号中的内容是我加上去的。)



