
文摘   2024-11-13 18:18   浙江  

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Themed "exchanges and mutual learning for a new model of human progress", the second Liangzhu Forum will be held in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, from Nov 25 to 27, according to a press conference held on Nov 13.

The press conference of the second Liangzhu Forum was held on Nov 13


The second Liangzhu Forum is structured as "1+3+3", which includes one opening ceremony and main forum, three parallel forums, and three supporting activities. The opening ceremony and main forum will be held in the morning of Nov 25. Three parallel forums are dialogues among writers, archaeologists, musicians from home and abroad, scheduled from Nov 25 to 26. Some supporting activities will also be held during the forum, including exhibitions and academic seminars on Chinese paintings and silk art, and a concert on Liangzhu culture.


The forum has invited about 100 foreign guests from 63 countries and regions, including renowned musicians, writers, and heads of universities and artistic institutions.

“良渚论坛”形象标识(LOGO)——“文明之眼 融汇共生” 
The logo of the Liangzhu Forum

发布会上发布了“良渚论坛”官方标志——“文明之眼 融汇共生”。官方标志核心图形源自良渚文化重要标志——“神人兽面纹”的一部分,是良渚文化、中华文明的重要元素,其状似一双“文明之眼”,见证着过去、现在与未来;形象标识中融入水纹的交汇,细腻勾勒良渚“水乡泽国”的生动特征,彰显中华文明多元一体、源远流长的历史脉络;良渚文化代表性玉器中微雕工艺的精妙再现,蕴含着早期文明交流互鉴的历史印记。
The press conference unveiled the official logo of the Liangzhu Forum. The core graphic of the logo is derived from a part of the important symbol of Liangzhu culture, the "god with animal's face". Resembling a pair of eyes, it bears witness to the past, present, and future of civilization. The water ripples in the logo delicately outlines the vivid characteristics of Liangzhu. The exquisite techniques in jade artifacts of Liangzhu culture contains traces of exchanges and mutual learning among early civilizations.

During the forum, the Liangzhu Museum of "Great Series of Chinese Paintings of the Past Dynasties" will open to the public. The inaugural exhibition features the milestones of "Great Series of Chinese Paintings of the Past Dynasties" project, paintings and important archives from the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

This forum will release a series of industry consensuses and publish relevant research reports, incorporating the viewpoints of experts and scholars. Domestic and foreign writers will also be invited to collaborate on a poetry and prose anthology themed on Liangzhu culture.


Reporter:Cheng Dengyu


Editor: Shao Wenyun


Intern: He Chengkai


Supervisor: Xie Qing

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