大美青海,从三江源走向世界Beautiful Qinghai – From the Origin of the Three Rivers to the World——王毅国务委员兼外长在外交部青海全球推介活动上的致辞– Address by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Event of MFA Presenting Qinghai Province2019年11月26日,外交部蓝厅MFA Lanting, 26 November 2019各位使节,各位来宾:Excellencies,Distinguished Guests,欢迎大家再次做客蓝厅。首先,我们对王建军书记、刘宁省长、各位驻华使节和记者朋友们表示热烈欢迎!Welcome back to Lanting. Let me begin by extending a warm welcome to Secretary Wang Jianjun, Governor Liu Ning, all the diplomatic envoys and friends from the press.今天推介的主角是位于“世界屋脊”上的青海省。这里是世界上距离天空最近的地方之一,是人与自然和谐共生的一片净土,正在演绎出生态文明建设与可持续发展相得益彰的精彩中国故事。Shining in the limelight of our event today is Qinghai, a province located on the “Roof of the World”. It is one of the places closest to the sky, and a pristine land where man and nature co-exist in harmony. A success story is now unfolding in Qinghai about the interactive development between ecological environment and sustainable growth.青海是中国生态资源的宝库。黄河、长江、澜沧江由此发源,滋养了神州大地和一代又一代炎黄子孙。三江源被誉为“中华水塔”。青海湖是中国重要水源涵养地,每年近30万只水鸟在这里栖息繁殖。在青海,人与自然是命运共同体,人们像保护眼晴一样保护生态环境。Qinghai is a treasure trove of China’s ecological resources. The Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River originate from here, nourishing the country and the people for generations. The Origin of the Three Rivers is known as China’s “water tower”. The Qinghai Lake, an important reservoir of water sources, provides habitat for nearly 300,000 water birds every year. Here in Qinghai, man and nature have formed a community of shared future where people protect the eco-environment like protecting their eyes.青海是中国绿色发展的高地。这里建成了中国面积最大的循环经济试验区,可再生能源的装机和发电量居全国首位,清洁能源供电创世界纪录。不久前投入运行的北京大兴国际机场,就用上了来自青海的清洁电力。绿色发展已经使青海人民大踏步走在高质量发展的道路上。Qinghai is a highland of China’s green development. It is home to China’s largest circular economy pilot zone. It boasts the country’s largest capacity of renewable energy installation as well as power generation. Its clean energy supply ranks first around the world. The Beijing Daxing International Airport that recently went into service is powered by clean energy from Qinghai. With a focus on green development, people in Qinghai are making great strides toward high-quality development.青海是丝绸之路经济带的要冲。唐蕃古道、茶马古道在此交汇,联通了我国西南友好邻邦,见证了汉藏友谊源远流长。千百年来汉、藏、蒙、回等各族人民在这里携手相助,多元文化在这里并存融合,共同演绎了各民族团结奋斗的生动历史。当前青海紧密融入共建“一带一路”,中欧班列运营数量不断增加,对外开放与合作的步伐日益加快。Qinghai is an important hub along the Silk Road Economic Belt. A meeting place of the ancient road linking the capital of Tang Dynasty and Tibet and the Tea-Horse Road, Qinghai connects China with its friendly neighbors to the southwest. It has witnessed the long-standing friendship between Han and Tibetan ethnic communities. For hundreds of years, people of Han, Tibetan, Mongol and Hui ethnic groups have come together and learned from each other, creating diverse cultures and a great history of ethnic solidarity and common progress. Today, Qinghai is an active player in the Belt and Road cooperation. More and more China-Europe freight trains are passing through the province. And Qinghai is further expediting opening-up and cooperation with the outside.青海取得的巨大成就是中国发展振兴的一个缩影,是我们推进国家治理现代化的成功写照。世界上有各种治理模式,不同发展道路,中国历来主张各国根据自身国情作出最适合自己的选择。中国特色社会主义已经取得了巨大成功,不管面对什么样的风浪挑战,我们都将沿着这条正确的道路坚定不移地继续走下去,而且一定会越走越稳健,越走越宽广。The great achievement by Qinghai is an epitome of China’s development and rejuvenation, and a telling example of our success in promoting the modernization of governance. There are various models of governance and different paths to development in the world. We always believe that each country should be allowed to choose what suits its national realities best. China has made tremendous progress in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Whatever challenges may lay ahead, we will stay on this path with a strong resolve, which we believe over time will lead to an even more promising future.各位使节,各位来宾,Your Excellencies,Distinguished guests,现在已经临近年终岁末,回望2019,人类面临的全球性挑战更加严峻,各国人民对和平与发展的渴望更加强烈。中国外交,在变局中登高望远,积极践行人类命运共同体理念。在乱局中保持定力,扎实推进建设新型国际关系。在迷局中拨开云雾,主动引领全球治理变革方向。无论风云如何变幻,我们都将继续坚定维护多边主义,坚定反对单边主义。坚定推进合作共赢,发展全球伙伴关系,建设开放型世界经济。抵制一切霸凌主义和强权政治。中国将始终是促进人类发展进步的坚强力量。As 2019 draws to an end, we see a world confronted with challenges more daunting than before as well as ever stronger aspiration for peace, stability and development shared by people around the world. In conducting China’s diplomacy, we have looked beyond the changing landscape and worked actively to foster a community with a shared future for mankind. We have remained steady in a volatile world and taken solid steps toward building a new type of international relations. And we have remained clear-eyed and made proactive efforts to shape the course of global governance reform. No matter how the world evolves, we will stand firmly for multilateralism and against unilateralism, for win-win cooperation, global partnership and an open world economy and against all forms of hegemony and power politics. China will always be an anchor for human progress and development.即将到来的2020年,是中国发展进程中具有里程碑意义的一年。我们将实现第一个百年奋斗目标,在中国数千年历史上彻底消除绝对贫困,全面建成小康社会。3年多来,外交部省区市全球推介活动已经举办了21场。明年,我们将紧紧围绕全面脱贫发展和治理体系建设等中心任务,继续为更多中西部省区市举办推介活动,为国内经济建设提供更强劲动力,为促进各地方同世界的互利合作搭建更广阔平台!The year 2020, which is just around the corner, will be a landmark year for China’s development. We are on track to realize the first centenary goal. Absolute poverty, which has haunted the nation for several thousand years, will soon become a thing of the past. It is also the year when China will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society. Since 2016, the Foreign Ministry has held 21 events to present Chinese provinces, regions and municipalities to the world. Next year, we will present more central and western parts of China with a focus on the central tasks of poverty reduction, all-round development and modernizing governance. With this, we hope to help build an even stronger domestic economy and create greater opportunities for win-win cooperation between these provinces and the world.欢迎各位朋友实地去青海走走看看,亲身体验新时代中国的生态之美、发展之美、和谐之美、幸福之美。Before I conclude, I highly recommend that you all visit Qinghai to see and experience the province in person. I hope you will enjoy the beauty of China’s nature in the new era, its development, harmony, and happy lives of the Chinese people.谢谢大家!Thank you.