IB Workshop - Making the PYP Happen

汽车   2024-10-22 16:26   上海  

IB Workshop 

 Making the PYP Happen


    On October 11th -12th, 2024 Teachers from our four Victoria Kindergarten campuses in Shanghai, along with Suzhou and Hangzhou Victoria Kindergartens, joined us at Victoria Gumei campus for an official IB PYP Training workshop. ‘Making the PYP Happen’.Problem Solving, Collaborative Thinking and Making the PYP Happen: Teachers Study the Principles and Practices of the PYP. 

2024年10月11日至12日,来自上海四所维多利亚幼儿园以及苏州和杭州维多利亚幼儿园的24名教师齐聚上海闵行区维亚幼儿园,参加IB PYP官方工作坊。

      IB Official Workshop Trainer Mr. Declan Chen.  


  Teachers demonstrated enthusiasm when learning curriculum framework, how we can deliver knowledge through the lens of the IB concepts, how can we increase the value of inquiry instruction with novel implementation methods and practices and ways we can increase our children’s agency.


    Teachers collaborated on learning activities alike with how children learn in the classroom, working in small groups, collaborating on inquiry and problem-solving tasks, increasing their skills alongside deepening their foundation of curriculum knowledge.


     Many thanks to IB Official Workshop Trainer Mr. Declan Chen who provided our teachers with excellent instruction over the two-day course. Our goal at Victoria Kindergarten is to provide top quality educational instruction enabling children to become skillful bilingual, knowledgeable international citizens. Rewarding and informative experiences for teachers bring about rewarding and informative experiences for our kindergarten’s children.

非常感谢IB官方培训师Declan Chen先生在这两天的工作坊中为老师们提供专业的课程引领。维多利亚幼儿园的目标是提供高质量的教育,使孩子们成为具有国际情怀的世界小公民。
