As our children learn, we should always celebrate their successes. This term K3 students have been diligently learning about writing how-to books. Our students are using procedural writing to teach the reader how to do a specific task. Let’s take a look at our Publishing Party!
孩子们在学习上的成功,应该值得我们庆祝。本学期 大班孩子们一直在努力学习如何书写自己的故事,成为小作家。孩子们尝试使用各种写作策略完成他们的所思所想,就让我们一起来走进小小出版者的派对吧!
Publishing Our Books
K3 English teachers have been guiding students through this exciting genre of writing this term. They learned about giving detailed instructions, adding warnings/tips, and even how to dedicate their books to someone. At the end of this unit students thought about how they can edit one of their books to publish it.
You're Invited!
Classes took the time to invite Ms. Melanie Ng (Director of English Studies), Principal Lindsea, and Literacy Coach Teacher Amber to join in their celebration. They were each presented with a handmade invitation.
孩子们精心制作了各种富有创意的邀请卡,邀请了集团英文总监 Melanie Ng 女士、园长妈妈和 Amber 老师来参加他们的庆祝活动。
Book Sharing
Published books were put on display and children enthusiastically chose some to read. They were very proud of their work and eager to share their favourite books with friends, teachers, and of course the special invitees.
This was such a fun and valuable experience for our K3 students. You could feel the pride and excitement in the room not only for their own work but also that of their friends. As the literacy coach I would like the applaud the children and teachers for all their dedication and hard work this unit. I am impressed by their progress and looking forward to trying out some of the how-to books!
You are all SUPER WRITERS!