
文摘   科学   2023-01-01 00:20   广东  
[1] 淮河以北的黑鳍鳈有着区别于南方种群的侧线鳞数及胸鳍、腹鳍颜色,被确定为一个独立物种:红鳍鳈(Sarcocheilichthys sciistius
Li, X., Sun, Z., Tang, W., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Revalidation and redescription of Sarcocheilichthys sciistius (Abbott, 1901) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from the northern China. Zootaxa, 5141(4), 341–357. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5141.4.3
[2]一种常见于福州海鲜市场的章鱼“小红须”被确定为新种:小红须丽蛸(Callistoctopus xiaohongxu),该种以往被认为是长蛸的幼体
Zheng X, Xu C, Li J (2022) Morphological description and mitochondrial DNA-based phylogenetic placement of a new species of Callistoctopus Taki, 1964 (Cephalopoda, Octopodidae) from the southeast waters of China. ZooKeys 1121: 1–15. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1121.86264
[3]图丽鱼属新种米氏图丽鱼(Astronotus mikoljii),该种与厚鳍图丽鱼(Astronotus crassipinnis)近缘
Perez Lozano A, Lasso-Alcalá OM, Bittencourt PS, Taphorn DC, Perez N, Farias IP (2022) A new species of Astronotus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the Orinoco River and Gulf of Paria basins, northern South America. ZooKeys 1113: 111–152. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1113.81240
米氏图丽鱼(Astronotus mikoljii
厚鳍图丽鱼(Astronotus crassipinnis) 图:nvcweb.n
[4]棕黑腹链蛇一亚种被提升为物种水平,即华西腹链蛇(Hebius maximus
Li M-L, Ren J-L, Huang J-J, Lyu Z-T, Qi S, Jiang K, Wang Y-Y, Li J-T (2022) On the validity of Hebius sauteri maximus (Malnate, 1962) (Squamata, Natricidae), with the redescription of H. maximus comb. nov. and H. sauteri (Boulenger, 1909). Herpetozoa 35: 265-282. https://doi.org/10.3897/herpetozoa.35.e94920
[5] 鲸鲨是地球上最大的杂食性动物
Meekan, M. G., Virtue, P., Marcus, L., Clements, K. D., Nichols, P. D., & Revill, A. T. (2022). The world's largest omnivore is a fish. Ecology, 103(12), e3818. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3818
Chai, J., Lu, C. Q., Yi, M. R., Dai, N. H., Weng, X. D., Di, M. X., Peng, Y., Tang, Y., Shan, Q. H., Wang, K., Liu, H. Z., Zhao, H. P., Jin, J. Q., Cao, R. J., Lu, P., Luo, L. C., Murphy, R. W., Zhang, Y. P., & Che, J. (2022). Discovery of a wild, genetically pure Chinese giant salamander creates new conservation opportunities. Zoological research, 43(3), 469–480. https://doi.org/10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.101
Kohda M, Sogawa S, Jordan AL, Kubo N, Awata S, Satoh S, et al. (2022) Further evidence for the capacity of mirror self-recognition in cleaner fish and the significance of ecologically relevant marks. PLoS Biol 20(2): e3001529. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001529
Bi D R, Wu F X, Wang N et al., 2022. Revisit of Hsianwenia wui (Cyprinidae: Schizothoracinae) from the Pliocene of Qaidam Basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 60(1): 1–28
 [9]南极海域发现南极新拟冰鰧(Neopagetopsis ionah)的巨型繁殖群体,绵延超过240平方公里
Purser, A., Hehemann, L., Boehringer, L., Tippenhauer, S., Wege, M., Bornemann, H., Pineda-Metz, S. E. A., Flintrop, C. M., Koch, F., Hellmer, H. H., Burkhardt-Holm, P., Janout, M., Werner, E., Glemser, B., Balaguer, J., Rogge, A., Holtappels, M., & Wenzhoefer, F. (2022). A vast icefish breeding colony discovered in the Antarctic. Current biology : CB, 32(4), 842–850.e4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.022
[10]朴蝴蝶鱼属两新种:半月朴蝴蝶鱼(Roa semilunaris)、印度朴蝴蝶鱼(R. jayakari
Matsunuma, M., & Motomura, H. (2022). Two new species of the butterflyfish genus Roa (Perciformes: Chaetodontidae). Journal of fish biology, 100(3), 758–774. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14993
Fan Li, Te-Yu Liao, Jörg Bohlen, Zhi-Xin Shen, Liang-Jie Zhao, Shan Li. Two new species of Tanichthys (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from China. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 71(21067), 21067.1-13
白腹唐鱼 Tanichthys albiventris
黄臀唐鱼 Tanichthys flavianalis
Thomas W.K. Fraser, Tom J. Hansen, Sofie C. Remø, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Triploidy effects growth, life history strategies, and bone health in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), but does not impact cataract incidence, Aquaculture, Volume 547, 2022, 737465, ISSN 0044-8486,
[13]红海发现一种短背鳍的无齿辛氏微体鱼类:无齿辛氏鱼(Schindleria edentata)
 Ahnelt H, Robitzsch V, Abu El-Regal, M (2022) A new species of toothless, short dorsal-fin Schindleria (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea (Egypt). Vertebrate Zoology 72 551–559. https://doi.org/10.3897/vz.72.e79401
[14]拟鲿属一新种:宽额拟鲿(Tachysurus latifrontalis
Shao, WH., Zhang, E. Tachysurus latifrontalis, a new bagrid species from the Jiulong-Jiang basin in Fujian Province, South China (Teleostei: Bagridae). Ichthyol Res (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-022-00867-0
Lin M et al. 2022 Functional extinction of dugongs in China. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9: 211994. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.211994
[16]分布于厦门的“飞海蛾鱼”被确定为新种中华海蛾鱼(Pegasus sinensis
Zhang, Y. Y., Zhang, R. R., Ma, S. B., Liu, S. S., Lin, Q., & Wang, X. (2022). A new seamoth species of Pegasus (Syngnathiformes: Pegasidae) from the East China Sea. Zoological research, 43(4), 675–678. https://doi.org/10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.109
[17]长期流通于市场上的珠母丽鱼类“红头力/塔巴赫斯红头关刀”终于被赋予科学名称:红头珠母丽鱼(Geophagus pyrocephalus
Chuctaya, J., Nitschke, P., Andrade, M. C., Wingert, J., & Malabarba, L. R. (2022). A new species of Geophagus (Teleostei: Cichlidae): Naming a cichlid species widely known in the aquarium hobby as 'Geophagus sp. Tapajos red head'. Journal of fish biology, 101(6), 1388–1404. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15207
[18]杂色脂鲤属两新种:美鳍杂色脂鲤(Poecilocharax callipterus)、根栖杂色脂鲤(Poecilocharax rhizophilus
美鳍杂色脂鲤(Poecilocharax callipterus
根栖杂色脂鲤(Poecilocharax rhizophilus

[19]线粒体基因组系统发育分析重新解析了楔蚌属的系统发育关系,一种来自四川的新种楔蚌与巨首楔蚌被确认属于一个未被描述的新属伪楔蚌属(Pseudocuneopsis),而鱼尾楔蚌(Cuneopsis pisciculus)也成立了新属扭楔蚌属(Tchangsinaia)。
Wu, X.-P., Y.-T. Dai, N. Yin, F.-Y. Shu, Z.-G. Chen et al. 2022. Mitogenomic phylogeny resolves Cuneopsis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) as polyphyletic: The description of two new genera and a new species. Zoologica Scripta 51: 173-184.

四川伪楔蚌(Pseudocuneopsis sichuanensis)。图:shellauction.ne

巨首伪楔蚌(Pseudocuneopsis capitata) 图:MUSSELP

Gomes-Pereira, J. N., Pham, C. K., Miodonski, J., Santos, M. A. R., Dionísio, G., Catarino, D., Nyegaard, M., Sawai, E., Carreira, G. P., & Afonso, P. (2022). The heaviest bony fish in the world: A 2744-kg giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) from the North Atlantic. Journal of fish biology, 10.1111/jfb.15244. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15244
[21]阿根廷海域虎鲸捕食拉河豚(Pontoporia blainvillei的首次记录
Antonella D. Padula, Joaquín C.M. Gana, Gisela V. Giardino et al (2022). First record of orca predation on franciscana dolphins(Pontoporia blainvillei) in Argentina. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals. Vol. 17 No. 1.
Hart, P. B., Arnold, R. J., Alda, F., Kenaley, C. P., Pietsch, T. W., Hutchinson, D., & Chakrabarty, P. (2022). Evolutionary relationships of anglerfishes (Lophiiformes) reconstructed using ultraconserved elements. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 171, 107459. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107459
[23]睛尾弓鳍鱼(Amia ocellicauda)从弓鳍鱼(Amia calva)中独立,使弓鳍鱼目的现生种数目由1个增加为2个。
Wright, J. J., Bruce, S. A., Sinopoli, D. A., Palumbo, J. R., & Stewart, D. J. (2022). Phylogenomic analysis of the bowfin (Amia calva) reveals unrecognized species diversity in a living fossil lineage. Scientific reports, 12(1), 16514. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-20875-4
弓鳍鱼(Amia calva,a、b)与睛尾弓鳍鱼(Amia ocellicauda,c)
During, M. A. D., Smit, J., Voeten, D. F. A. E., Berruyer, C., Tafforeau, P., Sanchez, S., Stein, K. H. W., Verdegaal-Warmerdam, S. J. A., & van der Lubbe, J. H. J. L. (2022). The Mesozoic terminated in boreal spring. Nature, 603(7899), 91–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04446-1
[25]中国鱚属一新种:拟多鳞鱚(Sillago parasihama)
Yu, Z., Guo, T., Xiao, J. et al. Identification and DNA Barcoding of a New Sillago Species in Beihai and Zhanjiang, China, with a Key to Related Species. J. Ocean Univ. China 21, 1334–1342 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-022-4910-9
Andreev, P. S., Sansom, I. J., Li, Q., Zhao, W., Wang, J., Wang, C. C., Peng, L., Jia, L., Qiao, T., & Zhu, M. (2022). Spiny chondrichthyan from the lower Silurian of South China. Nature, 609(7929), 969–974. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05233-8
Andreev, P. S., Sansom, I. J., Li, Q., Zhao, W., Wang, J., Wang, C. C., Peng, L., Jia, L., Qiao, T., & Zhu, M. (2022). The oldest gnathostome teeth. Nature, 609(7929), 964–968. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05166-2
Zhu, Y. A., Li, Q., Lu, J., Chen, Y., Wang, J., Gai, Z., Zhao, W., Wei, G., Yu, Y., Ahlberg, P. E., & Zhu, M. (2022). The oldest complete jawed vertebrates from the early Silurian of China. Nature, 609(7929), 954–958. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05136-8
新宿梵净山鱼(Fanjingshania renovata)生态复原
Jobbins M, Rücklin M, Ferrón HG and Klug C (2022) A new selenosteid placoderm from the Late Devonian of the eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco) with preserved body outline and its ecomorphology. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:969158. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.969158
Lamboj, A., Koblmüller, S. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the cichlid genus Hemichromis (Teleostei, Cichliformes, Cichlidae), with description of a new genus and revalidation of H. angolensis. Hydrobiologia (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-022-05060-y
双斑赭丽鱼(Rubricatochromis bimaculatus) 图:thesprucepets.com
玫瑰赭丽鱼(Rubricatochromis lifalili) 图:fishipedia.fr
土拉卡湖赭丽鱼(Rubricatochromis exsul) 图:aquariumglaser.de
[29]贵州发现的早志留世真盔甲鱼类灵动土家鱼(Tujiaaspis vividus)体侧有连续的鳍褶,揭示了偶鳍的起源
Gai, Z., Li, Q., Ferrón, H. G., Keating, J. N., Wang, J., Donoghue, P. C. J., & Zhu, M. (2022). Galeaspid anatomy and the origin of vertebrate paired appendages. Nature, 609(7929), 959–963. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04897-6
[30]老挝湄公河流域发现条鳅属一新种:可可条鳅(Nemacheilus cacao
Jörg Bohlen, Maurice Kottelat and Vendula Šlechtová. 2022. Nemacheilus cacao, A New Species of Loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from the middle Mekong Basin in Laos. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 70; 511–518.
Brownstein, C. D., Yang, L., Friedman, M., & Near, T. J. (2022). Phylogenomics of the Ancient and Species-Depauperate Gars Tracks 150 Million Years of Continental Fragmentation in the Northern Hemisphere. Systematic biology, syac080. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syac080
[32]磨塘鳢属一新种:白尾磨塘鳢(Trimma albicaudatum
Wada, H., Takase, W. & Senou, H. Trimma albicaudatum, a new species of pygmygoby from Sagami Bay, Honshu, Japan (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Gobiinae). Ichthyol Res (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-022-00897-8
[35]拟花鮨属被拆分,其中静拟花鮨(Pseudanthias tuka)、紫红拟花鮨(P. pascalus)、黄尾拟花鮨(P.  evansi)组成重新恢复有效地位的奇唇鱼属(Mirolabrichthys);金拟花鮨(P.  aurulentus)、小吻拟花鮨(P. parvirostris)等9种被归入新属红背花鮨属(Pyronotanthias);香拟花鮨P.  bartlettorum、双色拟花鮨P.  bicolor、刺盖拟花鮨P.  dispar、发光拟花鮨P. ignitus、皇拟花鮨P. regalis)则被移入单型属丝鳍花鮨属(Nemanthias)下。
Gill A. C. (2022). Revised definitions of the anthiadine fish genera Mirolabrichthys Herre and Nemanthias Smith, with description of a new genus (Teleostei: Serranidae). Zootaxa5092(1), 41–66. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5092.1.2
香丝鳍花鮨(Nemanthias bartlettorum) 图:underwaterkwaj.com
金色红背花鮨(Pyronotanthias aurulentus) 图:reefbuilders.com
黄尾奇唇鱼(Mirolabrichthys evansi) 图:i0.wp.com
[36]鲃脂鲤属一新种:科莫多罗鲃脂鲤(Hyphessobrycon comodoro),本种在市面上被称为“宝石绿魔鬼灯”
Dagosta FCP, Seren TJ, Ferreira A, Marinho MMF. The emerald green tetra: a new restricted-range Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes: Characidae) from the upper rio Juruena, Chapada dos Parecis, Brazil. Neotrop Ichthyol. 2022; 20(1):e210119. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-0224-2021-0119
[37]准鼬鲇属一新种:Phenacorhamdia suia
Gabriel S. C. Silva, Luz E. Ochoa and Íthalo S. Castro(2022). New species of Phenacorhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from the Xingu River basin. Neotrop. Ichthyol. vol. 20, no. 2
[38]小噬土丽鲷属一新种:斑尾小噬土丽鲷(Mikrogeophagus maculicauda
Staeck, Wolfgang & Felipe Polivanov Ottoni, Ingo Schindler. 2022. Mikrogeophagus maculicauda, a new dwarf cichlid (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the eastern drainage of the upper Rio Guaporé, Brazil. Fishtaxa. (24):49-58
[40]我国台湾研究人员描述松球鱼属一新种:金钻松球鱼(Monocentris chrysadamas
Yo Su, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Hsuan Ching Ho (2022). A new cryptic species of the pineapple fish genus Monocentris (Family Monocentridae) from the western Pacific Ocean, with redescription of M.japonica (Houttuyn, 1782). Zootaxa 5189 (1): 180–203
de Pinna, MCC & FCP Dagosta, 2022. A taxonomic review of the vampire catfish genus Paracanthopoma Giltay, 1935 (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae), with descriptions of nine new species and a revised diagnosis of the genus. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia 62: e202262072.
蜱副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma carrapata
有害副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma malevola
亚神副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma daemon
凶蛮副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma truculenta
吸血副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma vampyra
撒旦副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma satanica

恼人副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma irritans
魔鬼副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma capeta
恶神副棘盖鲇(Paracanthopoma ahriman
