专著推荐 | 《语篇分析的定量研究:如何用 作复制研究?》(2024年新书)

学术   2024-10-19 10:02   山东  


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An Introduction to Quantitative Text Analysis for Linguistics:Reproducible Research Using R

主题词:语料库研究;R;复制研究;定量研究;应用语言学; 话语分析





Dr. Jerid Francom is Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Wake Forest University. His research focuses on the use of language corpora from a variety of sources (news, social media, and other internet sources) to better understand the linguistic and cultural similarities and differences between language varieties for both scholarly and pedagogical projects. He has published on topics including the development, annotation, and evaluation of linguistic corpora and analyzed corpora through corpus, psycholinguistic, and computational methodologies. He also has experience working with and teaching statistical programming with R.
杰里德·弗兰科姆(Jerid Francom)博士是维克森林大学西班牙语和语言学副教授。他的研究重点是使用来自各种来源(新闻、社交媒体和其他互联网资源)的语言语料库,以更好地了解学术和教学项目语言变体之间的语言和文化异同。他在语言语料库的开发、注释和评估等主题上发表了文章,并通过语料库、心理语言学和计算方法分析了语料库。他还具有使用 R 进行统计编程和教学的经验。




The goal of this textbook is to provide readers with foundational knowledge and practical skills in quantitative text analysis using the R programming language. It is geared towards advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers looking to expand their methodological toolbox. It assumes no prior knowledge of programming or quantitative methods and prioritizes practical application and intuitive understanding over technical details.
本教科书的目标是为读者提供使用 R 编程语言进行定量文本分析的基础知识和实践技能。它面向希望扩展其方法工具箱的高级本科生、研究生和研究人员。它假设没有编程或定量方法的先验知识,并优先考虑实际应用和直观理解,而不是技术细节。

An Introduction to Quantitative Text Analysis for Linguistics: Reproducible Research Using R is a pragmatic textbook that equips students and researchers with the essential concepts and practical programming skills needed to conduct quantitative text analysis in a reproducible manner. Designed for undergraduate students and those new to the field, this book assumes no prior experience with statistics or programming, making it an accessible resource for anyone embarking on their journey into quantitative text analysis.

Through a pedagogical approach which emphasizes intuitive understanding over technical details, readers will gain data literacy by learning to identify, interpret, and evaluate data analysis procedures and results. They will also develop research skills, enabling them to design, implement, and communicate quantitative text analysis projects effectively. The book places a strong emphasis on programming skills, guiding readers through interactive lessons, tutorials, and lab activities using the R programming language and real-world datasets.
通过强调直观理解而非技术细节的教学方法,读者将通过学习识别、解释和评估数据分析程序和结果来获得数据素养。他们还将发展研究技能,使他们能够有效地设计、实施和交流定量文本分析项目。本书非常强调编程技能,指导读者使用 R 编程语言和真实世界数据集进行交互式课程、教程和实验室活动。

This practical textbook is enriched with features that facilitate learning, including thought and practical exercises, a companion website that includes programming demonstrations to develop and augment readers’ recognition of how programming strategies are implemented, and a GitHub repository that contains both a set of interactive R programming lessons and lab exercises, which guide readers through practical hands-on programming applications. This textbook is an essential companion to any linguist looking to learn how to incorporate quantitative data analysis into their work.
这本实用教科书丰富了促进学习的功能,包括思考和实践练习,一个配套网站,其中包括编程演示,以培养和增强读者对编程策略实施方式的认识,以及一个包含一组交互式 R 编程课程和实验室练习的 GitHub 存储库,指导读者完成实际的动手编程应用程序。对于任何希望学习如何将定量数据分析融入工作的语言学家来说,这本教科书都是必不可少的伴侣。

By the end of this textbook, readers will be able to identify, interpret and evaluate data analysis procedures and results to support research questions within language science. Additionally, readers will gain experience in designing and implementing research projects that involve processing and analyzing textual data employing modern programming strategies. This textbook aims to instill a strong sense of reproducible research practices, which are critical for promoting transparency, verification, and sharing of research findings.



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