
文摘   2024-09-29 09:08   中国澳门  



A. The financial burden of providing cellphones to students

B. The need for new legislation to ban cellphones nationwide

C. The debate over cellphone restrictions in schools during emergencies

D. The impact of social media on school shootings


A. To call the police and report the incident

B. To record videos of the shooting for evidence

C. To contact their parents and leave potential final messages

D. To share information about the suspect on social media


A. She banned all cellphones from schools permanently.

B. She provided funding for schools to buy containers to store students' phones.

C. She passed a law that allows students to carry phones at all times.

D. She introduced a policy that fines students for using phones during class.


A mass shooting at an American high school has raised questions about policies restricting cellphone use in classrooms. The shooting took place September 4 at Apalachee High School in the southern state of Georgia. The suspect was identified as Colt Gray, a 14-year-old student at the school. The shooting left two students and two teachers dead. Nine others were injured. During the shooting, some students at Apalachee High School used cellphones to call their parents to let them know what was happening. Others made calls to loved ones to leave messages they thought might end up being final goodbyes. Some opponents of cellphone bans in schools have said such situations demonstrate a reason cellphones should not be completely banned from classrooms. They believe phone bans can cut off a possible lifeline for parents to make sure their children are safe during school shootings or other emergencies. But supporters of such restrictions – including many teachers – say the rules are needed. They say cellphones can cause many distractions for students. Nationwide, 77 percent of U.S. schools say they currently ban cellphones for non-school-related work. That number comes from the National Center for Education Statistics. But experts say the number is misleading and does not necessarily mean students are following the bans or that all schools are effectively enforcing them. In the southern state of Arkansas, Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered school districts a state-supported financial assistance program. It helps administrators buy containers to hold students' phones during the school day. In California, Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has urged school districts to restrict cellphone use. He is considering signing legislation that would require schools to enact restrictions. Students in other school shootings have used cellphones to inform school officials or parents about the incidents. During the 2022 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas – which killed 21 people – a fourth-grader called 911 to get help. And during a 2018 shooting at Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, students used their phones to communicate with loved ones and shoot video of the shooting.

Question 1: What is the primary issue discussed in the article regarding cellphone use in schools?

Question 2: What did some students at Apalachee High School use their cellphones for during the shooting?

Question 3: What action has Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders taken regarding cellphone use in schools in Arkansas?


1. restrict: To restrict someone from doing something. 限制某人做某事




Question 1: C

Question 2: C

Question 3: B




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