
文摘   2024-10-24 20:39   中国澳门  



A. Farmers in India are experimenting with new rice varieties to combat the effects of climate change.

B. The Indian government is investing in natural farming to increase rice production.

C. Unpredictable weather conditions are not affecting farming in Rayanpet.

D. Reddy prefers older rice varieties over newer ones.


A. They require more water than older varieties.

B. They produce more grain with less water.

C. They are less resistant to diseases.

D. They need more land to grow.


A. Increasing access to healthy food.

B. More consistent rainfall patterns.

C. Rising nighttime temperatures.

D. Decreased salt content in groundwater.


Unpredictable rains and increasing heat are making life more difficult for the people of Rayanpet, a village in southern India. The conditions are also damaging the rice crops grown there. P. Ravinder Reddy, a former soldier, started farming on his family's land 16 years ago. He said, "We used to know when it would rain and for how long.” That meant they used to know when to plant. Now, he said, it is not so predictable. Sometimes there is too much rain. Sometimes there is no rain at all. Agricultural research organizations in India have been working for years to engineer rice seeds that can survive in a changing climate. Reddy has been experimenting with new kinds of rice for the past five years. The new rice plants are producing more grain with less water. They are also more disease resistant. Reddy says he has planted them across part of his 10-hectare field. He still grows some of the older kinds because there is a demand for them. But he said, “I think in a few years, we will use only these tougher seeds." India is one of the world's largest producers and consumers of wheat and rice. Research organizations in that country and around the world have worked for years to produce seeds that are better able to handle drought, unseasonal rains, plant diseases and more. Earlier this year, a United Nations report said more than 700 million people suffered from hunger last year. More than one-third of the worldwide population does not have the money to buy healthy foods. India has nearly 120 million farmers. Most have less than two hectares of land. Unpredictable rainfall, rising temperatures and increased pest problems all threaten their ability to grow food. Experts say the dangers to rice include increasing salt content in groundwater, heavy rainfall over short periods, long periods of drought and increasing nighttime temperatures. Some farmers are turning to methods of natural farming to deal with climate change. But that can mean reduced yields. India's federal government is also urging the use of climate-resilient seeds that result in better yields.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: What is one advantage of the new rice plants mentioned in the news report?

Question 3: What is one of the challenges farmers face due to climate change?


1. unpredictable: likely to change suddenly and without reason and therefore not able to be predicted (= expected before it happens) or depended on 变幻莫测的;难以预见的,无法预测的


印度是世界上最大的小麦和大米生产国和消费国之一。与世界各地的研究机构一样,这里的研究机构长期以来一直致力于生产增产、抗旱或抗病的种子。随着气候变化导致越来越多的极端和不可预测的天气,这是一种日益增长的需求。联合国今年早些时候发布的一份报告说,去年有7亿多人挨饿,全球三分之一以上的人口买不起健康的饮食,因此迫切需要能够可靠生产粮食的弹性种子。除印度外,包括美国政府项目和私人资助项目在内的其他项目正在帮助非洲、中美洲和其他亚洲国家开发适应气候变化的作物。由于印度是最容易受到气候影响的国家之一,这些新种子对于确保印度为其人民和出口生产足够的粮食至关重要。应对气候冲击 随着气候变化加剧,印度近1.2亿农民(大部分土地面积不足5英亩)的生计受到不稳定降雨模式、气温上升和虫害增加的威胁。一些人正在采用所谓的自然农业技术,比如使用天然肥料,将作物与树木和其他植物一起种植,这些植物可以保护作物免受风、侵蚀和一些极端天气的影响,以应对气候变化。但这可能意味着产量下降,印度联邦政府也在推广使用不影响产量的气候适应性种子。专家说,地下水含盐量增加、短时强降雨、长期干旱,甚至夜间气温升高都可能影响水稻种子。我们真的需要这些种子来应对全球变暖带来的多重问题,位于新德里的印度农业研究所(Indianagricultural Research Institute)前所长、专门研究植物遗传和育种的科学家Ashok Kumar Singh说。辛格监督了多种水稻品种的成功培育,以抵御害虫和各种植物病害。在联邦农业部的资助下,他的组织在过去十年中已经发布了2000多种适应气候变化的种子品种。今年早些时候,印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪(Narendra Modi)发布了109种具有气候适应性的作物种子,包括谷物、豆类和花生等油籽。印度联邦政府宣布了一项计划,以确保在即将到来的“khari™'或冬季作物季节,该国至少25%的水稻耕地将种植具有气候适应性的种子。位于海德拉巴市的国际半干旱热带作物研究所的Janila Pasupuleti说:我们正在为多种压力源进行育种,包括高温和抗病性。“Pasupuleti说,这种方法不仅稳定了产量,而且提高了作物的营养质量,使农民和消费者都受益。(背景知识来自于http://www.ruzhaiya.com/news/show/148007//


Question 1: A

Question 2: B

Question 3: C


不可预测的降雨和不断升高的气温让印度南部雷恩佩特村的村民生活变得更加困难。这种情况也对当地种植的水稻造成了损害。前士兵P.拉温德·雷迪(P. Ravinder Reddy16年前开始在他家的土地上务农。他说:我们过去知道何时会下雨、雨会下多久。这意味着他们过去知道什么时候该播种。现在,他说,天气已变得不可预测。有时雨水太多,有时根本没有雨。印度的农业研究机构多年来一直致力于培育能够在气候变化中存活的水稻种子。过去五年里,雷迪一直在试验新的水稻品种。新的稻米作物用水量更少却产量更高,同时还更具抗病性。雷迪表示,他已经在10公顷田地的一部分种植了这些新稻米。他仍种植一些老品种,因为市场有需求。但他说:我想,再过几年,我们将只种植这些更强韧的种子。印度是世界上最大的稻米和小麦生产国和消费国之一。该国及全球的研究机构多年来一直在努力培育能更好应对干旱、季节异常降雨、植物病害等挑战的种子。联合国今年早些时候发布的一份报告称,去年有超过7亿人遭受饥饿困扰。全球超过三分之一的人口没有足够的资金购买健康食品。印度拥有近1.2亿农民,其中大多数人的土地不到两公顷。不可预测的降雨、气温升高以及害虫问题加剧,威胁着他们种植粮食的能力。专家指出,稻米面临的威胁包括地下水盐分增加、短时间内的暴雨、长期干旱以及夜间温度升高。一些农民开始转向自然农耕方法以应对气候变化,但这可能会导致产量下降。印度联邦政府也在鼓励使用更具气候适应力的种子,以提高产量。


