
文摘   2024-10-28 09:06   中国澳门  



A. It is primarily used for personal communication.

B. It facilitates large-scale criminal operations by organized crime groups.

C. It has become a popular platform for social media influencers.

D. It is a secure platform for governmental communication.


A. Only the sharing of personal opinions.

B. Trading stolen data and selling cybercrime tools.

C. Legal business transactions.

D. Promotion of legitimate online services.


A. The app would improve its user privacy settings.

B. The app would surrender users' IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities.

C. The app would stop all user registrations.

D. The app would increase content moderation.


Powerful crime groups in Southeast Asia use the messaging app Telegram widely, the United Nations said in a report on Monday. It said the app's use led to major changes in the way such groups carry out large criminal operations. The U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) produced the report. The investigators say stolen data, including credit card information, passwords and browser history, are openly traded on the app. The app has many channels and little content supervision, the report said. Criminals on the app also sell tools used for cybercrime, including so-called deepfake software and data-stealing malware. And, criminal cryptocurrency exchanges carry out business on Telegram also, the report said. "We move 3 million USDT stolen from overseas per day," the report quoted one advertisement as saying in Chinese. There is "strong evidence of underground data markets moving to Telegram and vendors actively looking to target transnational organized crime groups based in Southeast Asia," the report said. Southeast Asia has emerged as a center for a multibillion-dollar online crime industry that targets victims across the world. Many industry members are Chinese criminal groups that operate from large, protected complexes using trafficked workers. The industry makes between $27.4 billion to $36.5 billion yearly, the UNODC said. In August, French police arrested Telegram's leader Pavel Durov in Paris. Officials charged him with permitting criminal activity on the site, including the online spread of sexual images of children. Telegram, which has close to 1 billion users, did not immediately answer a request for comment Following his arrest, Durov said the app would surrender users' IP addresses and phone numbers to French officials making legal requests. He also said the app would remove some tools that have been abused for illegal activity. The report said the huge amount of profit earned by criminal groups in the area led them to change their operating methods. They established new business models and added technologies to their systems, including malware, generative artificial intelligence and deepfakes, officials say. The UNODC said it had identified more than ten deepfake software service providers “targeting criminal groups involved in cyber-enabled fraud in Southeast Asia."

Question 1: What is the main concern highlighted in the UN report regarding the use of Telegram?

Question 2: According to the report, what type of illegal activities are being conducted on Telegram?

Question 3: What significant change did Telegram's leader, Pavel Durov, mention after his arrest?


1. traffic: To deal in or trade something, especially something illegal, such as drugs or people. 指买卖或交易某种东西,特别是指非法交易,如毒品或人口贩卖。




Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: B




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