A. To allow teens to communicate freely with strangers.
B. To enhance parental control and protect young users.
C. To increase the number of Instagram users.
D. To promote advertising to teens.
A. All posts are public by default.
B. Teens can receive direct messages from anyone.
C. Teen accounts will automatically be set to private.
D. Teens can ignore all usage time messages.
A. By changing their teen's age in the settings.
B. By setting up family supervision on their accounts.
C. By blocking all followers from the teen's account.
D. By disabling Instagram entirely for all users.
Meta's Instagram service recently introduced some built-in tools designed to protect young users. The changes also give parents more control over their children's accounts to improve safety and limit the amount of time spent on the social networking app. Instagram says the new tools aim to “reassure parents that teens are having safe experiences.” The main change was the establishment of Teen Accounts, which Meta says was developed “with parents and teens in mind.” Instagram already restricts anyone under 13 from signing up for the service. Now, teen accounts will automatically be set to private. That means they will have to accept or reject requests from new followers. Other users will not be able to see a teen user's posts and videos or communicate with the account. Teens will also face messaging restrictions. They can only receive direct messages from people they are following or who follow them. But they can still send messages to other accounts. Teen Accounts will also restrict certain kinds of material, or content. This will include sensitive subjects such as videos of people fighting or content that pushes methods to improve appearance. In addition, Instagram's anti-bullying tools will be set to the highest level to prevent offensive words and phrases in comments and direct message requests. To restrict usage time, teens will get a message to stop using the app after it has been open for more than an hour. This message can be ignored, however. The new limits will be turned on automatically for all teens. But 16 and 17-year-olds will have the ability to turn them off. Children under 16 will need parental permission to do so. Teens might also seek to lie about their age to get around the restrictions. But Meta has made it more difficult for them to do so. Young users are required to confirm their ages by uploading an identification card or by sending a short video of themselves. Instagram says it will also begin testing artificial intelligence (AI) software early next year that will aim to prevent false birth dates from being accepted. If a parent does not think the limits for their child are strong enough, they can add more protective controls. For example, a parent has the ability to see who their teen has traded messages with within the past seven days. The new tools also provide controls for parents to set daily limits for Instagram use. A parent can also block a teen from using Instagram during specific times of the day and follow subjects they are seeing. To set up additional controls, a parent first needs to set up family supervision on his or her account. On the mobile app, this can be done by going into settings and scrolling to find the family center to activate the tools. Next, the Teen Account will have to invite a parent. This will be in the form of a link the teen can send by text message to the parent. After accepting the invite, the teen user has 48 hours to confirm the parent's response. The restrictive tools will be automatically activated for anyone under 18 who now signs up for Instagram in the U.S., Britain, Canada and Australia. For existing accounts, the restrictions will be put in place by mid-November. The protections will be available for teens in the European Union's 27 countries beginning later this year. And the rest of the world will get Teen Accounts for Instagram in January. Meta says it will also bring the changes to other services like Facebook next year.
Question 1: What is the primary purpose of the new tools introduced by Meta for Instagram's Teen Accounts?
Question 2: Which of the following restrictions is applied to Teen Accounts on Instagram?
Question 3: How can parents further customize controls for their teens on Instagram?
1. automatically: If a machine or device does something automatically, it does it independently, without human control. 自动地
一夜之间,Instagram 上的少男少女们都不见了。 当然,这并不是 Instagram 无差别封杀了未成年人账号。而是这家社交网站巨头在持续多年的监管与诉讼压力下,终于实施了最严格的“青少年用户保护法”。 青少年保护措施全面升级 从本周开始,Instagram 上所有年龄不到 18 岁的用户都会被归类为“青少年用户”,默认设置为私密状态,自动实施诸多防护措施,体验功能受到诸多限制,主要包括以下措施: 第一,互动限制,隔离普通用户和青少年用户。在私密状态下,普通账号无法搜索或者看到青少年账号,也无法向青少年账号发送私信。只有互为好友的青少年用户之间可以发送私信。青少年用户只会看到他们关注用户的“标签”(Tag) 和“提及”(Mention)。 Instagram 实施最严格“青少年用户保护法” 第二,时间限制,限制青少年用户的使用时长。青少年用户每天上网 60 分钟就会收到提醒,告知他们今天使用时长已到,需要退出应用。青少年账号还自动设置了“睡眠模式”,晚上 10 点到次日早上 7 点之间,他们的账号不会收到通知,避免沉迷网络影响睡眠时间。 Instagram 实施最严格“青少年用户保护法” 第三,内容限制,限制青少年用户所接触的内容。Instagram 为青少年用户推出了内容分类过滤,限制青少年看到的图片与视频。举例来说,暴力、整容、减肥等内容就被平台分类为“青少年不宜”,不会出现在青少年用户的信息流中。 第四,算法区别。青少年用户可以通过平台筛选过的兴趣词,自主选择他们希望看到的内容与推荐。但 Instagram 将对成年用户和未成年用户实施两套不同的兴趣推荐,两个用户群看到的内容和信息流也会存在显著差别。 第五,家长监督。上述青少年用户保护功能都是自动默认的。只有 16 岁以上的用户才能自主更改这些设置。16 岁以下的用户,必须得到家长的批准才能进行调整。家长可以设立一个家长监督机制 (Parental Supervision),对自己孩子账户的活动甚至是信息流进行监督。 需要解释的是,在此之前,Instagram 上 13-16 岁用户的账号也是默认私密的,只有他们批准的用户才能看到页面以及私信。而此次防护升级之后,所有 18 岁以下用户的页面都会默认变成私密状态。(背景知识来自于https://www.ithome.com/0/796/727.htm)
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