A. They discovered a new type of protein.
B. They developed methods to predict and build proteins using AI.
C. They created a new drug for diseases.
D. They won the Nobel Prize for research on nanomaterials.
A. They could lead to the development of new AI systems.
B. They could help create new drugs and understand antibiotic resistance.
C. They are primarily focused on improving computer games.
D. They have no significant potential for future research.
A. AlphaGo.
B. AlphaFold.
C. AlphaFold2.
D. AlphaDesign.
Three scientists who developed methods to predict the structure of proteins and build new ones have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The winners were American David Baker, a professor at the University of Washington; Briton Demis Hassabis, head of Google's DeepMind research laboratory in London; and American John Jumper, a top researcher at DeepMind. The lab centers on artificial intelligence (AI) methods. Protein is one of the most important substances to life on Earth. Baker succeeded in building new kinds of proteins. Hassabis and Jumper solved a problem that had existed for 50 years. They were finally able to use AI to predict the structure of proteins. The Nobel Committee for Chemistry said the discoveries “hold enormous potential.” For example, committee members said the ability to build new proteins could lead to the discovery of new drugs and vaccines. It could also help scientists develop extremely small materials, called nanomaterials, and small sensors. Heiner Linke is Chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. He said the award honored research that made connections for the first time between amino acid sequences and protein structures. “That was actually a grand challenge in chemistry, and in particular biochemistry” for many years, Linke said. Baker first designed a new protein in 2003. Since then, his research group has produced many different proteins. “It seems that you can almost construct any type of protein now with this technology,” said Professor Johan Aqvist of the Nobel committee. The committee said Hassabis and Jumper created an AI model called AlphaFold2. It has been able to predict the structure of nearly all 200 million proteins researchers have identified. Linke said, “Proteins are the molecules that enable life. Proteins are building blocks that form bones, skin, hair and tissue.” He added, “To understand how life works, we first need to understand the shape of proteins.” Linke said that in 2020, Hassabis and Jumper were able to use AI methods to finally “crack the code.” That made it possible to predict the complex structure of “any known protein in nature.” There are many possible uses for the technology. Researchers should be able to use it to better understand how organisms develop resistance to antibiotics. They might also be able to create images of chemical substances called enzymes that can break down plastic. The committee said Baker had developed “computational tools” that enable scientists to design new proteins with new shapes and functions. DeepMind first gained wide attention by developing an AI system that was able to defeat the human world champion in the Chinese game of Go faster than expected. This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry is worth about $1 million. Half of the prize will go to Baker. Hassabis and Jumper will share the other half.
Question 1: What is the main achievement of the scientists who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?
Question 2: What did the Nobel Committee say about the potential applications of the scientists' discoveries?
Question 3: What significant tool did Hassabis and Jumper create to predict protein structures?
1. potential: someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve, or succeed 潜力,潜能
长沙晚报掌上长沙10月9日讯 据央视新闻客户端消息:当地时间10月9日,瑞典皇家科学院宣布,将2024年诺贝尔化学奖授予大卫·贝克(David Baker)、戴米斯·哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)和约翰·江珀(John M.Jumper)。获奖者将平分1100万瑞典克朗(约合745万元人民币)奖金。(背景知识来自于https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1812430517825370712&wfr=spider&for=pc)
Question 1: B
Question 2: B
Question 3: C
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