
文摘   2024-11-02 09:22   中国澳门  



A. Its habitat and lifestyle.

B. The mystery of its head and how it was solved.

C. The comparisons between different species of bugs.

D. The reasons for its extinction.


A. By studying modern-day bugs.

B. By using CT scans of younger bugs' fossils.

C. By examining historical records.

D. By comparing with living arthropods.


A. It had long antennae.

B. It had eyes similar to those of crabs.

C. It was shaped like a triangle.

D. It had a large mouth for eating fish.


The largest bug to ever live was about 2.6 meters long and had many legs. However, the look and shape of its head remained a mystery until now. The fossils of these creatures are often headless shells. When bugs drop their shells, a process called shedding, they move out of the head opening, leaving behind their exoskeleton but very little of the head. Recently, scientists solved that mystery by re-creating the creature's head. They were able to do this after studying complete and well-kept fossils of younger bugs. The huge bug's head was round with two short bell-shaped antennae. It had two eyes that stuck out like crab's eyes. Its mouth was fairly small and made for eating leaves and the outer covering of trees. Its name is Arthropleura. This bug belonged to a group of crabs, spiders and insects called arthropods. But the bug was much, much bigger. It could grow as big as 2.6 meters and weigh as much as 50 kilograms. This large Arthropleura may have been the biggest bug to ever live. Although, not all scientists agree. Some say Arthropleura may be a close second to an extinct giant sea scorpion. Researchers in Europe and North America have been collecting pieces and footprints of the huge bugs since the late 1800s. To produce a model of the head, researchers first used CT scans to study full-body fossils of younger bugs. These fossils were found in a French coal field in the 1980s. The fossils of younger bugs only measured about 6 centimeters. And it is possible they were a kind of Arthropleura that did not grow to a really large size. But still, researchers said they are close enough to the huge Arthropleura to provide a picture of what adults looked like when they were alive 300 million years ago.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: How did researchers re-create the head of Arthropleura?

Question 3: What is one characteristic of the head of Arthropleura?


1. mystery: something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood 神秘的事物,难以理解的事物,谜




Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: B




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