
文摘   2024-11-06 08:56   中国澳门  



A. To discover new species of coral.

B. To prevent coral bleaching caused by climate change.

C. To find ways to increase fish populations in coral reefs.

D. To create artificial corals for ocean restoration.


A. Genetic modification.

B. Selective breeding.

C. Environmental monitoring.

D. Chemical treatment.


A. It takes too long to produce results.

B. Coral species are too diverse.

C. Ocean warming is expected to continue intensifying.

D. It can only be applied in controlled environments.


Scientists say they have successfully reproduced corals to improve their resistance to warmer ocean temperatures. The latest effort is one of many that seeks to prevent major coral destruction events known as bleaching. The scientists blame the bleaching on ocean warming caused by climate change. Coral bleaching happens when the small ocean animals react to climate pressures by releasing algae organisms that provide them with energy and give them their color. If the bleaching is severe and long-lasting, corals can get sick and die. Scientists and environmental officials have warned major bleaching events are currently affecting ocean coral collections in many areas across the world. Many researchers link the continued warming of Earth's oceans to climate changes related to human activities. In April, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and International Coral Reef Initiative said at least 53 countries, territories, or local economies reported ongoing bleaching events since February 2023. The latest research aimed to reproduce corals that can become more resistant to warm ocean temperatures. To do this, the researchers used a method known as selective breeding. Scientists have long used this method to produce animals and plants with more desirable characteristics. This process can produce living things that are better able to deal with, or tolerate, different environmental conditions. Selective breeding is now a main method used by scientists to study how the process can prevent ocean warming from killing off corals. Scientists have for years been observing corals that show more heat-resistant qualities. These corals are used as the parents for new corals. The researchers said their experiments showed that breeding heat-tolerant characteristics into different corals could be a useful tool “to improve population resilience.” However, the team noted the method would likely not be enough by itself to effectively protect corals. This is because increasingly intense ocean warming is expected to continue if additional steps are not taken to reduce the worldwide effects of climate change. The scientists noted, therefore, that methods to reproduce heat-resistant corals must be a part of overall efforts that require “urgent climate action.”

Question 1: What is the main goal of the scientists' research on corals?

Question 2: What method are scientists using to improve corals' resistance to warmer ocean temperatures?

Question 3: Why is selective breeding not enough to protect corals?


1. algae: very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots 水藻;藻类


珊瑚白化(coral bleaching)就是珊瑚颜色变白的现象。珊瑚本身是白色的,它的美丽颜色来自于体内的共生海藻,珊瑚依赖体内的微型共生海藻生存,海藻通过光合作用向珊瑚提供能量。如果共生藻离开或死亡,珊瑚就会变白,最终因失去营养供应而死。由于海洋温度不断升高,致使珊瑚所依赖的海藻减少,珊瑚也因此更易受到白化的影响。三十年前,大规模的珊瑚白化现象比较罕见,但近年来却越来越多的出现。这表明,自然环境因为人类已经衰竭。(背景知识来自于百度百科)


Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: C




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