大一政策宣讲周【专题4-学术不端】| Academic Misconduct

学术   2024-10-18 17:01   浙江  

CELE Academic Policy Sharing Week

Academic Misconduct 


Academic integrity is essential for a fair and reputable university environment. It entails values and practices that promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Upholding it ensures that student achievements are earned and maintains fairness in evaluations.

感谢同学们不离不弃地追番,今天我们要讲的是一个略微严肃的话题——学术诚信。它包含诚实、信任、公平、尊重、责任等核心价值观,对于任何破坏公平公正的行为,我们都要坚决Say NO!

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Meaning of "Academic Misconduct"


Academic misconduct involves any inappropriate actions by a student that seeks to provide an unfair advantage in assessments, including cheating, collusion, plagiarism, and fabrication amongst others. 

Such behaviors are unacceptable and can lead to serious penalties. It’s crucial for everyone to understand the relevant policies to avoid these issues.



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Examples of Academic Misconduct 


The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of academic misconduct which will be considered under these regulations.


Plagiarism is the action of representing work or ideas of a third party as one’s own

For example, by failing to correctly acknowledge others’ ideas and work as sources of information in a summative assessment. 

Plagiarism is not limited to text-based sources; it also applies to the use of graphical material, images, video/audio, calculations, and many more.

False Authorship

False Authorship occurs when a student submits work they did not solely create, involving unauthorized collaboration with third parties or software tools. 

This includes using generative AI, such as ChatGPT or DALL-E, or other tools to complete assessments. Submitting work generated or improved by such software or over-relying on translation and paraphrasing tools to disguise original sources, is considered an attempt to gain an unpermitted academic advantage.


Collusion is cooperation with other people to gain an unpermitted advantage

This may occur where students have collaborated on a piece of work, in part or whole, and passed it off as their own individual efforts; where one student has authorised another to use their work, in part or whole, and to submit it as their own; or when a student has stolen somebody else’s work. 

A colluding student does not have to gain an unpermitted advantage in their own summative assessment in order for collusion and academic misconduct to have occurred.

Misconduct in exams

Misconduct in examinations includes, for example, when an examination candidate:

Copying from the examination script of another candidate.

  • Obtaining offers of or any other improper assistance from or to another candidate (or any other person unless an approved reader or scribe).

  • Allowing themselves to be impersonated or when any person impersonates another examination candidate.

  • Having with them any unauthorised materials, including mathematical tables, manuscripts or loose papers of any kind, unauthorised electronic devices such as mobile phones or smartwatches, or any source of unauthorised information.

Fabrication or misrepresentation

Fabrication or misrepresentation is the presentation or misrepresentation of fabricated data, results, references, evidence, or other material.






在RWAC这门课里,大家会学到paraphrasing skills(释义,改述),大家要充分运用这个技巧把想要引用的语句消化理解,然后用自己的语言表述出来,这样才能避免学术不端行为。











  • 抄袭其他考生的答案

  • 考试中使用手机电子词典iWatch或未经授权的字典计算器

  • 携带、带小抄或者在字典里记小抄(注意!携带白纸也有可能被认为是作弊)

  • 替考


该类学术不端行为涉及数据造假参考文献造假提供造假证据等等。需要提醒大家注意的是,申请缓考(Extenuating Circumstances)时,如果提供的证据是假的,是会涉嫌学术不端的。

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Possible Penalties


Cases of suspected Academic Misconduct will be referred through the CELE Academic Misconduct Officer and/or respective Module Convener, to the CELE Deputy Directors for a formal hearing at which the student will be invited to argue their case. The hearing panel will then decide on what penalty will be recommended to application to the affected assessment.

Possible Penalties:

  • A written warning

  • A deduction of mark(s) for the piece of coursework/the exam in which the academic misconduct has occurred

  • A mark of zero for the entire piece of coursework/the exam in which the academic misconduct has occurred

  • A mark of zero for the whole module in which the academic misconduct has occurred

  • A referral to the Academic Misconduct Committee



  • 书面警告

  • 相应的考试或作业减分处理

  • 相应的考试或作业零分处理

  • 存在学术不端行为的相应课程零分处理

  • 提交给校学术不端委员会进一步处理

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If you would like to know more about Academic Misconduct, please scan the QR code below.


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