大一政策宣讲周【专题3-缓考政策】| Extenuating Circumstances

学术   2024-10-17 17:33   浙江  

CELE Academic Policy Sharing Week

Extenuating Circumstances 


During your academic journey, you may encounter personal difficulties that could impact your performance in assessments. We understand that unforeseen and uncontrollable events can arise, and this is where Extenuating Circumstances (EC) regulations are important to understand.


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The circumstances applied for EC


To apply for deferred assessment, the circumstances must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be beyond the student's control, meaning that the student could not have prevented them.

  • They must have had a demonstrably negative impact on the student's ability to study or undertake an assessment.

  • The timing of the circumstances must be relevant to the claimed impact on the assessment.


  • 所发生的情况超出个人的可控范围,学生无法阻止这些情况的发生

  • 所发生的情况已经学生的学习能力和考试能力产生了一定的负面影响

  • 情况发生的时间必须与受影响的评估或考试时间相符

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Timeline for submitting a claim


Timeline for submitting a claim:

  • For coursework: Claims must be submitted BEFORE the coursework deadline.

  • For timetabled examinations/assessments: Claims must be submitted prior to, or within 5 working days of the affected examinations.


  • 对于论文或类似形式的作业,学生必须在作业截止日期前提交申请

  • 对于已经公布具体考核时间的考试项目,学生必须在考试日期前或者考试结束的5个工作日内提交缓考申请

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How to submit a claim


Submit your application through the BPM system on the Student Portal along with supporting evidence. 

This evidence can include medical certificates, official documents, or other relevant documentation that explains and verifies your extenuating circumstances.

Acceptable circumstances and evidence:

  • Sickness: If you are applying for EC due to illness, you will need to provide medical evidence from either the University Clinic or a recognized hospital. The medical evidence should include the doctor's diagnosis, suggestions, and any necessary treatment.

    If the original document is in a language other than English, an official English translation from an accredited translation institution should also be provided.

  • Other reasons: If you are applying for EC due to other reasons, please consult with the CPSO for specific details on what evidence is required for your particular situation.

登录Student Portal,在BPM上提交相关的申请并附上有效证据。相关的证据可以是医疗证明、官方文件以及其他能证明情况属实的材料等。


  • 因病申请缓考:需要提供校医务室或者正规医院出具的医疗证明,包括医生的诊断书、书面建议以及其他必需材料等


  • 其他原因申请缓考:可以向CPSO 咨询,了解详细信息。

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Possible Results of EC


The CELE EC panel will initially consider the documentation provided and determine whether it provides sufficient evidence of impact on the ability to study and take assessments and they will decide whether to approve or decline the claim.

An application could be rejected for not meeting the University’s EC regulation or due to insufficient evidence.

Insufficient evidence may include instances where the provided evidence does not cover the relevant period, is not from an approved source, lacks the necessary support to demonstrate the seriousness of impact, or is not submitted within the required timeframe.

The claim will be approved if the evidence students submitted is sufficient. Possible outcomes may include providing the student with another opportunity to sit the exam or extending the submission deadline for coursework.



  • 申请不符合学校缓考规定;

  • 提供的证据不充足(例如:所提供的证据不涵盖考试时间段;证据来自不被认可的机构;证据不足以证明影响的严重性;未在规定时间内提交缓考申请等)


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Important Reminders


If a student's EC claim is approved and they are offered a further assessment opportunity, the timing and format of the assessment will be at the discretion of the School. 

However, if the assessment is not available in the current academic year, the student's progression may be delayed to the next academic year. 

Extenuating Circumstances may also have an impact on students’ Programme Transfer and Degree Selection results

Therefore, students are advised to thoroughly evaluate their situation, considering the potential risks and benefits, before submitting any EC application.





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