新生衔接课 | 云游校园

学术   2024-09-11 17:00   浙江  

The Trent Building is a landmark building of the University of Nottingham. It is also referred to AB for short. 

Most of the rooms in the Trent Building are used as offices and conference rooms for various administrative departments and doctoral students. other facilities include a western restaurant, several laboratories and an Arts Centre. This is where your CELE tutors and CPSO staff work.



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YANG Fujia Building is one of the main teaching buildings of the University, which has classrooms, self-study and discussion areas. 

It is located on the west side of the Siyuan Auditorium. It used to be called the Teaching Building (TB). In 2022, it was renamed to YANG Fujia Building to commemorate President Yang Fujia’s outstanding contributions to the founding of UNNC and the internationalisation of higher education in China.

杨福家楼 是学校的主要教学楼之一,位于思源报告厅的西侧,设有教室、自习讨论区等,与学生服务楼呈对称结构。


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Portland Building (PB) is a building that combines both teaching and student service functions. 

It houses multiple classrooms and a student service centre on the ground floor called The Hub, which provides one-stop learning and living-related services to students. 

学生服务楼 是兼顾教学与学生服务智能于一体的建筑,学生服务楼中设有学生服务中心,提供一站式的学习和生活相关的服务,并配有舒适的座椅、打印机等设备供学生学习使用。

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Student Activity and Innovation Centre (SAIC) is located on the underground floor of PB.

It is a comprehensive student activity space. You will often see student organizations/societies holding events here or bands rehearsing here, and of course, it can also be used for self-study.  


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The Sir Peter Mansfield Building (PMB) is one of the main teaching buildings for the Faculty of Science and Engineering. 

Inside the building are classrooms, workshops, and laboratories, all of which are fitted with top-level cutting-edge facilities. This is also where most of the science and engineering tutors' offices are located.

理工楼 是理工科教学楼,其中建有教室、包含顶尖设施的各专业实验室、机房等。这里也是也是大部分理工科老师的办公室所在地。

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Lord Dearing Building (LDB/DB) is also one of the teaching buildings at UNNC. It’s also called the New Teaching Building (NTB). 

For Year One students, you normally will have lectures, Chinese culture courses and examinations in this building. There are also seating areas in the lobby and corridors for self-study.

新教学楼(LDB/DB/NTB) 也是宁诺教学楼之一。对于大一的同学来说,你们通常会在这里听讲座、上中华文化课和参加考试。楼内的大厅和走廊均设有自习座位。

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The library provides comprehensive and integrated space for learning, teaching and researching. 

In addition to its rich collection of books, it also has function rooms, such as editing rooms for audio and video editing, XR studio for VR, AR and XR, research computer lab and Lego Lab. 

图书馆 馆内配备丰富的学术资源、尖端的科学技术和艺人的学习环境,为宁诺师生提供集学习、教学与科研为一体的多用途空间。

除了丰富的藏书外,图书馆也增加了许多功能空间,比如可以剪辑音视频的Editing Room、可以使用VR、AR和MR的XR Studio、机房和Lego Lab。

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The Siyuan auditorium is mainly used for large lecture classes and ceremonies.

思源报告厅 平日主要用于大型的讲座课程和典礼等。

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The D.H Lawrence Auditorium, also called the new auditorium, has 970 seats and is mainly used to host ceremonies and conferences.


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The Sports Centre provides a wide range of sports facilities for students and staff including joint basketball and volleyball courts, table tennis courts, squash courts, a modern fully equipped gym, fitness classrooms and rock climbing walls. 

It also offers a variety of fitness classes and free group sessions throughout the year, such as yoga, Zumba, tai chi, aerobics and more.

If you want to know more about the activities the Sports Centre provides, please follow the WeChat official account "UNNCSport".

体育馆 为学生和教职工提供各种体育设施。馆内设有各类球类场地、现代化健身房、健身教室、攀岩墙等。



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There are 4 canteens on campus. The first (Vino restaurant) and second canteen (UNNC Taste) are in Building 8. The third and fourth canteen are in Building 19.


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