新生衔接课 | 大学职业规划简易指南

学术   2024-09-13 17:00   浙江  

As you embark on your university journey, it’s common to feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty about your future career path. 

To support you in this journey, we have collaborated with the Career and Employability Services (CES) to create this career planning guide. We hope this guide can help you maximize university resources, explore your personal interests more deeply, develop essential professional skills, and lay a solid foundation for your future career.



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In Year 1, your primary task is to adapt to the new learning and living environment and enhance self-awareness

We recommend that you:

  • Take the free career assessment offered by Career and Employability Services (CES) to know your career interests, personalities and values to explore your potential career goals.

  • Change your programme based on your career interests if necessary.



  • 尝试完成一些职业测评,探索你的职业兴趣、性格和价值观等,为职业目标的确立提供科学依据。

  • 利用好转专业的机会,根据个人兴趣及长远职业规划,调整学习方向,了解各专业的未来发展方向,确保每一步都朝着梦想迈进。

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As you gradually gain a deeper understanding of your major, it's time for you in Year 2 to focus on your career goals and start preparing

We recommend that you:


  • Understand application materials of job hunting and further study, and roughly determine the choice of employment or further education after graduation.

  • Draft a professional resume, and make the most use of resume writing resources provided by CES.

  • Use AI Interview Practise Platform offered by CES to get used to the pace of the interview in advance.

  • Have an internship or research experience.



  • 提前了解就业与升学的申请要求及流程,为自己的未来设定清晰的蓝图。

  • 借助学校的简历指导服务,打造一份专业且引人注目的简历,为未来的求职之路添砖加瓦。

  • 利用学校的模拟面试平台,提前感受面试氛围,提升应对能力,确保在关键时刻脱颖而出。

  • 利用寒暑假或课余时间参与实习工作或参加科研项目。

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Your junior year is a crucial period for career preparation, and you need to:


  • Have an internship or research experience which is highly relevant to your career targets.

  • Fully prepare application materials for job hunting or further study, find out about the training materials provided by the school.


  • 积极参与与职业目标高度相关的实习或科研项目,将所学知识转化为实践能力。

  • 充分准备求职或升学的申请材料,同时利用学校提供的培训资源,不断提升自我竞争力。

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As you step into your senior year, you have entered the final sprint towards your professional career. 

At this stage, you should: 


  • Adjust your mindset and apply it through multiple channels.

  • Take full advantage of the job-seeking opportunities provided by the university, such as campus job fairs, to enhance your chances.


  • 调整心态,积极应对挑战,利用多渠道递交申请,争取更多机会。

  • 充分利用学校提供的求职平台,如校园招聘会等,拓宽就业视野。

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Keep in mind that each person's career journey is unique, and the timeline we've offered is only for reference

When mapping out your career, it's crucial to take your own circumstances into account and be open to adjusting as needed. 

Avoid rushing into something you're not passionate about or unsure about; take the time to thoughtfully plan your career path, as you have four years to do so!




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The Careers and Employability Service website (https://careers.nottingham.edu.cn/) provides a wealth of resources for students, including free career assessments, CV Guidance, AI Interview Practise Platform, internship opportunities and career handbook. Students are encouraged to explore these resources independently. If you have any questions, please email careers@nottingham.edu.cn.  

宁诺就业指导办公室的网站https://careers.nottingham.edu.cn为同学们准备了丰富的资源,比如免费职业测评、简历指导、模拟面试平台、实习机会、职业手册 等,同学们可以自行探索。如果有任何疑问,请发送邮件至careers@nottingham.edu.cn

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