新生衔接课 | 探索你的数字能力

学术   2024-09-04 17:01   浙江  

Developing digital competency is an ongoing journey. The digital competencies that you need to develop as a student in higher education fall into a number of different areas such as being able to communicate online effectively and keeping safe online.  

The first step on your journey is to explore your current digital capabilities for learning through a series of reflective questions using the Digital Discovery Tool Jisc. 

You will be asked to reflect on your experiences of a wide range of digital activities in this self-assessment, many of which you may not have encountered yet. Don't Panic! Once you have completed the self-assessment and received your personal report indicating your levels of digital proficiency, you will be directed back to this Digital Student site to develop the digital competencies you need at the University of Nottingham.

We suggest you repeat the self-assessment at intervals throughout your time with us at the University to track how your digital journey develops. 

Your report is completely confidential to you - only you can choose who you share this with.


在全球数字化的大背景下,在你的大学学习及职业生涯中,发展数字能力(digital capability)是一个重要并持续的过程。作为一名大学生,你需要培养的数字能力包括许多不同的领域,例如使用数字化工具、在线学习、线上沟通协作、数字化创新及解决问题等。


学校使用JISC探索工具(JISC Discovery Tool)来帮助学生进行数字能力自我评估,通过一系列反思性问题了解你当前的数字能力水平。在本次自我评估中,请真实地反应你在各种数字化活动中的经历,其中许多你可能还没有经历过。不要担心,这不是测验,只是帮助你找到自己的强弱项。完成自我评估并收到你的个人报告后,系统将会提供你在大学学习中数字能力发展的建议。学校相关部门将根据所有参加评估的学生整体情况开发出相应的提升计划和课程,最终帮助大家提高数字能力。



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Go to the Jisc discovery tool login page:


URL: https://jisc.potential.ly/

Finding your organization 选择学校:

Start typing "University of Nottingham Ningbo China" in the box, then choose your organization from the list and click ‘Continue’.

在搜索框中输入 “The University of Nottingham Ningbo China”,从出现的学校列表中选择并点击Continue”

Setting up your discovery tool account:


When registering for the first time you will need to:

  • Select your role as “Student”, then submit;


In the 'Welcome to Discovery tool' page, please provide below information:

  • Provide your name

  • The level of your course, e.g. HE (Bachelors or Honours)

  • Your main subject area

Once you have done the above, click on ‘Submit’ and you will be taken to your discovery tool dashboard.


  • 你的姓名

  • 选择课程水平,如HE (Bachelors or Honours)

  • 选择主要专业方向


Select “Discovery tool for students” → “Question sets and reports for students” → “New students” to start self-assessment. This may take you 15 to 20 minutes.

选择“Discovery tool for students” → “Question sets and reports for students” → “New students” ,即可开始评估测试。完成测试需要15至20分钟。

Your personalized report


After you finish this assessment, you will receive your personalized report shortly. Your results will be stored in the system so that you can look at them at any time and return to retake the test whenever you want.


If you have any questions or encounter any problems, you may get in touch with the Learning Technologies Team for assistance.

Email: learning-technologies@nottingham.edu.cn

Tel: 0574 - 88180915


请联系我校图书馆教育技术团队(Learning Technologies Team)以获取帮助。






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