
学术   2024-09-18 17:00   浙江  
  • Any inappropriate activity or behavior linked to unpermitted academic advantage in an assessment.  

  • Academic Misconduct includes: plagiarism;  false authorship;  collusion;  misconduct in examinations; fabrication or misrepresentation.

  • Students need to use WeChat to scan the AMS code in the classroom to sign in and sign out of each class. Remember, all CELE classes are compulsory. You can find the consequences of unauthorized absences in this news: https://portal.nottingham.edu.cn/StudentPortal/share/cms/NewsNotices_details.aspx?key=238303

  • Undergraduates will spend their Preliminary Year at CELE. CELE help students make the transition from high school to university and from their previous learning to an international, all-English learning environment. 

  • CPSO is the first point of contact for questions you may have about your academic studies at CELE.

  • The CELE Education and Student Experience Board (ESEB) was created to address student needs and enhance the educational experience in the preliminary year. It serves as a forum for teaching staff and student representatives to provide feedback, raise issues and proposals for the CELE Management Board, and promote effective teaching and learning practices across the Centre.

  • In the middle of each semester, students will have the chance to voice their opinions about the module they are learning.

  • An essay you need to write by yourself

  • CELE has branded one week during the semester as your Independent Learning Week. No scheduled classes that week and you are encouraged to engage in learning activities that can be carried out both individually and in groups.

  • Some of you may also have mid-term exams falling into this week. Besides, you can set your own learning goals for the week, and set your own pace for subsequent learning.

  • The Learning Community Forum (LCF) is a platform for students and teachers to communicate and discuss any issues related to university life. This can be academic issues such as methods of teaching and assessment, but it can also be issues related to facilities, accommodation or anything else related to the university experience.

  • The Module Convenor (MC) is responsible for managing the entire module. They design and develop the module content, create assessments such as exams and coursework, and establish marking criteria. In terms of teaching, the MC often leads lectures.

  • Some of you may use the MCQ Card during exams. Please remember to bring your eraser and 2B pencil with you.

  • Personal tutorials aim to monitor, support and enhance your:  personal and academic development; well-being; understanding of University practices and standards; employability; and sense of community.

  • As a student at UNNC, you can help ensure that teaching and module design supports your learning by telling us what works and what doesn’t work.

  • By completing the SET and SEM questionnaires, you make your voice heard because CELE will reflect seriously on evaluation results and use your feedback to make changes.

Abbreviations of Preliminary Year Module Names:

Acronyms that represent your degree programme/ subject group:

  • International Business (IB)/Finance, Accounting and Management (FAM)

  • Economics (ECO)/ International Economics and Trade (IET)

  • International Communications Studies (IC)

  • International Studies (IS)

  • English Studies (ES) /English with International Business (EIB)

  • Architecture (Arch)

  • Computer Science (CS);

  • Applied Mathematics & Statistics (MAM)

  • Engineering & Chemistry (EG)

  • Environmental Science (EnS)

UNNC Centre for English Language Education 宁波诺丁汉大学英语语言教学中心公众号