新生衔接课│Outlook 使用指南

学术   2024-08-28 17:03   浙江  

Email is the official communication channel at UNNC, catering to both formal and informal communication needs while also maintaining records for future reference. 

At UNNC, important academic information such as exam timetables and lesson reschedule notifications will be sent to students via email. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to send and check your emails. We strongly recommend that you check your email at least once a day to ensure you don't miss any important notifications or information.

In today’s lesson, we will guide you through some basic functions of the email software used at UNNC - Microsoft Outlook. We hope this guide will be helpful for you!

Microsoft Outlook is an application used to send and receive emails. It also has other functions such as managing your calendar and creating meetings. This article mainly introduces the use of Outlook on Web.



今天的课程我们会为大家介绍在宁诺必备的邮件收发软件 --- Microsoft Outlook。希望这份指南能帮助你们更快上手!

Microsoft Outlook是一个主要用于发送和接收电子邮件的软件。此外,它还有其他功能,如管理你的日历和组建会议。本篇介绍的主要是Outlook网页版的使用方法。

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1. Go to the Outlook website https://outlook.office365.com

首先输入Outlook网址 https://outlook.office365.com

2. Type in your UNNC email address (eg., biyxxxx@nottingham.edu.cn). 

Click ‘Next’, and it will jump to another page. (See below)

先输入自己的邮箱(如 biyxxxx@nottingham.edu.cm),然后点击“下一步”,会跳转到第二个界面。(如下图)

3. Finally, enter your password, you will log into Outlook.


1. Click ‘Inbox’, you will see all the emails you received on the right. See below.


2. Select one email item in the inbox list to view the content. See below.


1. In your message list, choose the message that you want to reply to. 


2. At the top right corner of the message pane, select   Reply or   Reply all.

在消息窗的右上角,选择回复 或回复全部 


"Reply" will send a response only to the sender of the email,

"Reply All" will include everyone on the email in the response.

So be careful of which you choose and think carefully about who you want to receive your reply.





3. Type your response and then click Send.


1. At the top of the page, select New email.


2. On the To line, enter the email address of the person who will receive the message.


On the Add a subject line, enter a brief description of what your message is about.

“添加主题” 栏,简短概述你要表达的内容(即邮件标题)。

Type your message and then select Send.



When writing emails, please be aware of the differences between emails and WeChat/text messages. 

Emails require a clear subject line that summarizes the core content, and the body should elaborate your intention completely and in detail



邮件需有一个明确主题(subject line)以概括邮件的核心内容,且正文应完整详细阐述意图

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1. Click the ‘Calendar’   icon on the left, you will see all your events/meetings on the right.

单击左侧日历 按钮  ,右侧可以看到你所有的事件/会议安排。

2. Click the “New event”  button in the upper left.


3. Fill in the form according to personal needs, then click ‘Save’, it will be either saved to your calendar or sent to other participants. See below.


4. Click "Save" / "Send"点击“保存”/ “发送”

If there are no other participants, the event will be saved to your calendar; if there are other participants, the event will be sent to the relevant participants.


5. After receiving the email, participants can click ‘RSVP’, then select "Yes" to accept or "No" to decline the invitation according to their own schedule. See below. 


If you accept an invitation, the meeting/event will be automatically added to your Outlook Calendar and Outlook will notify the organizer. 

Outlook reminders will pop up over your email or calendar to let you know a scheduled event is about to start.

一旦选择“是”后,Outlook 会自动将会议添加到你的日历中。同时,在打开“向组织者发送电子邮件”后,会议组织者会收到你的接受通知,确保双方信息同步。

若你设置了提醒,Outlook 会在会议开始前提醒你。若会议详情发生变更,你也会收到更新通知。

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Enter a keyword, sender name, or email subject in the search box, and Outlook will automatically filter out matching results (e.g., enter the keyword ‘CELE’ and you will get emails about CELE)



Use rules to automatically perform specific actions on email that arrives in your inbox. For example, you can create rules that will automatically move them to other folders.


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1. Right-click on the email in the email list that you want to create a rule for, hover your mouse over 'Rules', and then select 'Create rule'.


2. Create a folder where you want to move your emails to. 


3. Select the folder just created, then click ‘OK’


4. If the rule is created successfully, a new window will appear as below, click ‘OK’


5. Click the folder you just created, and you will find all emails from that sender in the folder.


The emails marked with a red exclamation mark are of high priority and are often sent by official departments. 

These emails typically contain important notifications such as examination results, course schedules, and examination arrangements. 

It's important to carefully monitor emails from CELE Professional Services Office, Timetabling, Writing Lab, Chinese Culture Course and PE Management during orientation week and the first month.

Student organizations and societies and other student service departments will also send out emails about various events. These emails usually include details such as event times and locations. For instance, if you sign up for an SPDPO activity, you will receive a confirmation email after registration. 


在迎新周和开学一个月期间会有一年级教务办公室(CPSO),排课组(Timetabling),宁诺学术支持中心(Writing Lab),中国文化课(Chinese Culture Course)和体育组(PE Management) 等发送的重要邮件,请注意查收。


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You will find more resources on using Outlook on the Pre-arrival Moodle Page.






Helen Li

David Anstey


UNNC Centre for English Language Education 宁波诺丁汉大学英语语言教学中心公众号