新生衔接课 | 从高中到大学,打赢你的内外比赛

学术   2024-09-05 17:00   浙江  

Dear students,

Welcome to the University of Nottingham Ningbo China!

As you begin your journey as a university student, you may already have some understanding of the differences between high school and university. How do you cope with the challenges brought about by this change? This article will offer some advice from a mindset perspective.

In Timothy Gallwey's book, he mentions that everyone is going through two types of games: an outer game and an inner game. In the outer game, we aim to achieve external goals; in the inner game, we strive for self-transcendence.




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For university students, what are some of these external goals?


  • Professional goals: Completing University's courses, acquiring professional skills, and preparing for further studies or employment.

  • Career goals: Engaging in social practice, mastering certain skills for the workplace, and preparing for your career.

  • Independence goals: Acquiring the skills for independent living, managing your time, energy and finances, and transitioning from adolescence to adulthood.

  • Socialization goals: Learning to cooperate with others, mastering communication, goal management, time management, and other skills necessary to meet societal demands.

  • 专业目标:完成大学的专业课程学习,获取专业技能,为深造或就业做好准备

  • 生涯目标:参与社会实践,掌握一定的职场技能,为职业生涯做好准备

  • 独立目标:掌握独立生活的技能,管理自己的精力和金钱,从青少年过渡为成年人

  • 社会化目标:学会与人合作,掌握沟通,目标管理,时间管理等技能,适应社会要求

  • 其他目标等等

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These are all the external goals that university students may need to accomplish. What about the internal goals?


  • Sense of self-responsibility: Transitioning from dependence to independence and gaining a strong sense of self-responsibility.

  • Self-motivation: Engaging in self-exploration, clarifying your passions, strengths, and values to gain an internal drive for personal development.

  • Systematic thinking: Going beyond personal perspectives and learning to think and observe the world from the perspective of others and with a larger context.

  • Inner strength: Cultivating inner qualities such as confidence, tolerance, resilience, and courage.

  • 自我责任感:从依赖走向独立,强化自我负责的意识

  • 自我动力:自我探索,明确自己的热爱,擅长和价值观,获得内在发展的自我动力

  • 系统性思维:超越个人视角,学会从他人视角和更大的格局视角来思考和观察世界

  • 内在力量:培养内在的信心,包容,韧性,勇敢等内在力量

  • 其他目标等等

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You can see that the outer game involves completing studies, mastering necessary skills, and preparing for further education and career development. 

The inner game is about cultivating inner strength, being responsible, stimulating internal motivation, and gaining a broader perspective. 

How can we start from the inner game to help achieve both internal and external goals?

Here is some advice for your reference:




One of our slogans at UNNC reads "Unlock Your Potential." Each person is a vast treasure, full of potential

From learning to speak and walk, to acquiring new skills - all are proof of the manifestation of our potential. Throughout the growth process, you may notice bursts of potential under difficulties that have propelled you to deal with challenges, overcome problems, and take leaps to become a better self.

From a physiological perspective, each of us is born with 100 billion neurons, and we utilize only a small fraction of them. Possessing such a vast number of neurons implies that we have the capacity to learn and develop tremendous abilities. The principle of neuroplasticity enables us to adapt to new environments. It involves growing new connections between neurons, which become stronger through practice, thereby forming our habits and abilities. It can also change established patterns and habits by reducing connections. 

For example, when you start practicing English, the neural connections responsible for language begin to form and become stronger with practice. Similarly, when you want to give up a habit or change a behavior, if you then stop doing it for a long time, the corresponding neural connections begin to weaken until they break.

So, the first piece of advice is to believe that everyone has great potential, have more confidence in yourself, open up, be brave in trying new things, and continue to invest in the pursuit of your goals, allowing your potential to manifest itself as abilities and advantages.

宁诺有一个标语是“Unlock your potential”。每个人都是一个巨大的宝藏,我们都富有潜能。你的成长过程中所完成的每一次挑战,实现的每一次跨越,在困难情境下的每一次爆发都是潜能在支持你的成长。





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Timothy Gallwey proposed an interesting formula: P = P - I (Performance = Potential - Interference). We have tremendous potential, but sometimes we fail to achieve our goals, partly due to interference, and being judgmental is one of sources of interference that can be damaging in this way.

Being judgmental is characterized by a tendency to judge harshly (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). We may have preconceived notions, thus losing our curiosity for exploration. Saying I can't when facing challenges or I'm not good enough when facing failures might be manifestations of being judgmental which can also cause harm to oneself and others.

Curiosity, on the other hand, means the desire to know (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The I don't know in curiosity is actually a neutral and peaceful attitude, allowing us to explore, try, and even fail.

University life and learning will open up a broader field for you - please remember to explore with curiosity, try bravely, practice persistently, and remain curious even in failure, asking what this failure is telling you.

Curiosity will open up a larger world for you.


提摩西·加尔韦提出了一个有趣的公式:P = P - I(Performance = Potential - Interference)。我们拥有巨大的潜能,但有时却未能实现目标,部分原因是受到了干扰,而评判正是干扰中的一种。



大学的生活和学习将向你展开更大的领域,请用好奇去探索吧,勇敢尝试,持续练习,哪怕在失败也去好奇 “这失败在告诉我什么呢?”


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Where our attention goes, our energy follows. 

When we are target-oriented, our focus is on achieving the goal, seeing problems, challenges, and difficulties as part of the process, and even as a source that helps us grow. 

We may think more creatively to solve them and not be overly consumed by the problems in terms of energy

For example, when you need to give a presentation in English but you feel that your English is not good enough, being target-oriented will help you clarify why you need to give this speech and what you hope to convey to the audience. Clarifying the goal may help you practice English with a stronger motivation or use other methods to help you achieve the goals of the presentation, instead of just focusing on the "problem" of not being good enough in English.

Do you remember a time in your life when you were particularly target-oriented? 

  • What were you like then? 

  • How did you deal with difficulties and challenges, and how did you achieve your goals? 

If you still remember that feeling, bring it into your university learning and life. What goals and growth do you want to achieve? You should do all you can to achieve them.





  • 那时的你是什么样的?

  • 你是怎么处理困难和挑战的?

  • 你是怎么完成你的目标的?


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We are accustomed to setting grand goals, but it is often difficult to persist. How can we truly achieve our goals? --- By valuing the power of small steps.

In the book < Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results>, it is recommended that we set small goals that we cannot fail to achieve, and gradually realize them.

If you want to start running, the goal is not to run 3 kilometres every day, but to put on your running shoes and go out. When you put on your running shoes and go out, you may start by walking or jogging a short distance. The habit of running will gradually be established.

As mentioned, the principle of neuroplasticity, the formation of new habits, begins with the establishment of neural connections which are initially very weak. With practice, they gradually strengthen until they eventually become abilities and habits. Therefore, the first step does not need to be grand - start small. Set small and achievable goals for yourself, which is the first step to success.

In university life, you will encounter many new things, unknown challenges, and possible difficulties. When setting goals, first set a small achievable goal, then proceed step by step, patiently invest, and you will find that your completion rate will be more and more successful, and you will be moving closer to achieving your goals, whilst also increasing your confidence and joy.





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We look forward to seeing you unlock your potential at UNNC and becoming a better version of yourself. Continuously refine your skills in the 'outer game' to achieve external goals, and in the 'inner game,' continuously surpass yourself and gain inner strength.

Please enjoy your learning and life at UNNC, and pursue your goals with greater confidence, courage, and resilience.

We wish you success in both the outer and inner games. 



< The Inner Game of Tennis >



Timothy Gallwey


[美] 提摩西·加尔韦

< Mini Habits, Smaller Habits, Bigger Results >



Stephen Guise



Ellen Zhao

Ellen joined the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in 2010 and currently serves as the Senior Manager of the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) Professional Services Office. She is also a certified coach, recognized by the International Coaching Federation, applying coaching skills and concepts to manage my team, empower staff, and support students' personal development. She firmly believes that everyone possesses great potential and is talented. We should all strive to live our lives to the fullest. 

  • Khan, F., Amatya, B., Galea, M. P., Gonzenbach, R., & Kesselring, J. (2017). Neurorehabilitation: applied neuroplasticity. Journal of Neurology, 264(3), 603–615. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-016-8307-9

  • Hawkins, J. A. (2021). Brain plasticity and learning : implications for educational practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Gallwey, W. T. (1997). The Inner Game of Tennis (Subsequent edition). Random House Trade Paperbacks. ISBN-10: 0679778314, ISBN-13: 978-0679778318.

  • Guise, S. (2013). Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results. Selective Entertainment LLC. ISBN: 1494882272.




Ellen Zhao

Helen Li

David Anstey


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